Back At It Again

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Welcome back Riverhawks! We hope you had a good break!
In case you aren’t feeling fully refreshed or are feeling antsy back on campus, here are some ideas you can use to get back in the swing of things!

  • Clean and rearrange your room. Sometimes the best thing to do is change your scenery, so collab with your roommate and do something new! 
  • Go somewhere new! The commuter train to Boston runs pretty frequently and is very easy to use. And it’s only $10! 
  • Treat Yourself! Explore downtown and treat yourself to something yummy! We recommend Brew’d Awakening or Wings Over Lowell!

    We apologize for this blog not coming out last week like it was supposed to!

Living on Campus Next Year?

Whether you live on campus or a commuter that wants to live on campus, you may already be wondering about the housing process for next year.Well fret no more! Hopefully we can tackle some of the questions you may have with the information that follows:

Housing Contracts
If you have already filled out a contract, wonderful! But for those of you that haven’t and want to live on campus next year, make sure that you fill that out soon! The deadline to get the contract in is March 31st. You also have to send in a $200 deposit with your contract for it to count as being completed. If you have sent in your contract but have not sent the deposit, then your contract does not count as completed yet!
Housing Selection
Once your contract has been submitted, you will receive a “lottery number” in early April that will determine when you will participate in the housing selection process. Seniors are prioritized with the numbers, followed by Juniors, etc. When the day comes for the housing selection, you simply have to log on to the housing gateway at your assigned time and choose “room selection.”  and you’ll be good to choose from what is available!
Other Notes:
  • If you want a specific roommate(s) to live with you next year, you can “pull them in” to whatever room you select. It is important that the person with the highest lottery number (closest to 1) pulls in the roommates, so be prepared with the roommates’ names and student ID numbers.
  • You can only participate in the housing selection process if you are a current resident and submitted your contract on time, so current commuters will be able to choose housing after the process is complete.
  • Attend the Beat the System event on March 7th for a chance to win one of the top ten lottery numbers! This allows you to be one of the first to pick your room and potentially pull in roommates. There are also fun and games to help brighten your day!
Unsure about Living on Campus?
You may be unsure about whether or not you want to live on campus next year, and that is totally okay! The biggest thing you can do is weigh the pros and cons about living on campus for you. Any concerns you have can always be directed to the office of Residence life. 
Also, an important thing to note, is that if you decide that you no longer want to live on campus but you already submitted the contract or participated in the selection process, as long as you cancel your contract by July 15th, you do not get charged for any room and board, and if you cancel by the first day of Fall classes, you get charged 50% of Fall fees but no Spring charges. So you always have time to figure it out!

Meddlesome Midterms

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Guess what time it is??
Midterm time!
Most of you probably have big exams coming soon to a lecture hall  near you. Don’t fret! Most of you made it through just fine last semester, and for those of you just joining us, we have all the faith in you! Let’s go over some of your tools to crush these tests.
  • Your professors!! Remember, they want you to succeed! Make sure to make the most of their office hours (times when they are just sitting there waiting for students to help!) 
  • The Centers for Learning (CLASS)! They are also there for your benefit. Remember, their tutors have all passed the SAME COURSE with flying colors.
  • Your classmates! You might have a really good grasp of Chapter 3 and the person who sits next to you might really know 5. Use that to your advantage! Set up study groups with your peers and share the knowledge.

10 Best Study Spots 
 Speaking of studying, here are our ten favorite spots to study at! (Not in any order) Check them out and find the ones that work best for you!
  • 4th Floor of O’Leary Library (South) -this one is perfect for no distraction quiet study 
  • M Floor of O’Leary Library (South) -many tables for group or private
  • 1st Floor of Lydon Library (North)
  • 2nd and 3rd Floor of McGauvran (South) -good for study surrounded by people, good for group study
  • Weed Hall (South) -good for semi-quiet study, good for group study
  • Club Hub of University Crossing -good for use of electronics, good for group study (Remember you can “dibs” private rooms online!)
  • Computer Labs in Olsen or Perry (North) -depending on your major, good for projects
  • Common Rooms of the Res Halls – your own building probably has plenty of nooks and crannies for you to use!
  •  Southwick Dining (North) -good for munching while you study (Treat Yo’self)
  • Centers For Learning Southwick (North) -good for quiet study
 Good luck and happy studying! 

Going Greek

Hello Riverhawks! This week we will be tackling the topic of what is Greek life?

You may have heard a little, a lot, or maybe nothing about Greek life. Heck, you might not even know what it means to “be Greek.” Well to put it simply, Greek Life consists of many organizations across the nation that work towards building a strong bond and connections amongst its members. Many organizations also have philanthropies that they work with and dedicate a number of volunteer hours towards. While a lot of the modern day media likes to portray Greek organizations as existing to just drink and party, this could not be further from the truth. These organizations truly works towards making a difference in the life of students and beyond.

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 There are fraternities for males and sororities for females. UMass Lowell currently has the following on campus:

Image may contain: 7 people, people smilingSororities:

  1. Alpha Omega
  2. Alpha Sigma Tau
  3. Kappa Delta Phi NAS Kappa Upsilon Chapter
  4. Phi Sigma Rho


  1. Delta Kappa Phi
  2. Omicron Pi
  3. Phi Kappa Sigma
  4. Sigma Beta Rho
  5. Sigma Phi Omicron
  6. Sigma Tau Gamma

Why should I consider joining Greek life?

If you have been curious and possibly considered joining Greek life, definitely check out the organizations in detail online at Collegiate Link ( and get in contact with them as you please. As you get to know a more specific organization, you can learn about the process of how to join. But overall, the benefits to joining are endless
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  1. Make lifelong bonds with your fellow brothers/sisters
  2. Can grow your leadership skills by allowing you to become more involved as many organizations are quite involved in on-campus events
  3. Gain a whole new perspective by surrounding yourself with a diverse group of individuals, and grow through what they have to show you

One final reminder, feel free to always reach out to any organization if you are at all curious. As many people may say, going out of your comfort zone to try something new, can truly reap many benefits.

Let’s Talk Love

Hello Riverhawks! As you may know, Valentine’s Day is coming up (this coming Tuesday to be exact)! College is where you really start to experience different kinds of relationships: friendships, professional relationships, dating relationships, and peer relationships!
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Of course, because you’re being exposed to so many people in college, you’re going to have your fair share of relationships that aren’t quite healthy. Here’s how to recognize some of these red flags: (I’m going to say “your partner” but that could mean your significant other, your friend, your boss, etc.)
  •  Your partner doesn’t respect your answer when you say “no”
  • Your partner doesn’t seem interested in your success or degrades your success
  • Your partner is dismissive in your interests and projects
  • Your partner constantly pushes your limits and boundaries
  • You catch your partner lying repeatedly
  • When you argue, it escalates into ultimatums
  • You or your partner cheats
  • Your partner makes you feel lonely
  • You feel the relationship is “one-sided”
  • You are happier away from them than with them
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On the flip side, you’re going to experience some very rewarding relationships. Here are the signs of a healthy relationship:
  • You enjoy and look forward to spending time with them
  •  They encourage you in your endeavors
  • They are emotionally supportive
  • You and your partner have good, open communication
  • You and your partner overcome obstacles by discussing instead of fighting
  •  They confide in you and you feel you can confide in them
  • You feel secure in your relationship 


Remember, you get to decide which relationships you have in your life! Be safe and enjoy Valentine’s Day 

Winter Weather Wisdom

Heeeeelllooooooooo River Hawks! This week we will be touching upon an important subject, winter weather! I am sure that there are a good amount of you guys that got very excited yesterday over the delayed opening that we had and started wondering “when will we have a true snow day?” Well… I don’t have the answer to that, but I do have wisdom to part

Dreadful Conditions
So in the event that “the weather outside is frightful” and classes aren’t canceled, there are a few of very important things to keep in mind. You may already know these things but it doesn’t hurt to emphasize them:
  1. You should still go to class! While you may be disappointed that classes weren’t canceled, that is not an excuse to skip class. At the end of the day, you are still here for an education, and going to class, maximizes your likelihood of success!
  2. Bundle up! This is self-explanatory but you must always ensure that you are dressed properly for the weather because the last thing you want to do is let your health take a hit! (But do not forget that Health Services is always there if you need them!)
  3. Plan ahead! This applies to commuter students. You should always be checking the weather the night before, and making deductions as to whether or not to leave early. Remember, when the weather conditions are bad, so is the traffic, so this helps you avoid being late.

Snow Day Fun
Whenever there actually is a snow, I know that many people get excited. “Yay, no class!” “Yay, I can sleep!” Well, while some of the things that you may say are true, there are also a couple of things to keep in mind in this scenario:
  1. Be safe! If classes are ever canceled, that means that the university is taking action in the interest of STUDENT SAFETY. So what this means is that during this weather, you should try to stay indoors if you are able to and only go out if you need to. Safety first!
  2. Be productive! While you do not have to worry about attending a class that day, that is never an excuse to avoid any assignments that you have actively due. Having a snow day gives you extra time that you didn’t previously have, so why not work on some assignments?

Welcome Back!

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 We hope you enjoyed your break! Now it’s time to get back to work and ace all your classes this semester!
Here’s a few things you might have forgotten during your winter slumber:

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We’re guessing you probably slept a lot during break, as well as ate a lot of junk. We know we did! Now it’s time to get back into good sleeping habits so that you can wake up on time for your classes. And making sure you take care of yourself to prevent sickness is important too. Attending class is your first step to success!
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Just in case you forgot, let’s go over some of the things you can do academically to succeed this semester.
  • Practice good study habits in an environment that works for you!
  • Be aggressive in staying ahead of your work so that you don’t fall behind!
  • Go to class, go to class, go to class!
  • Don’t forget to make use of your professor or the Centers For Learning. They are there to help you!
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   And just to remind you, here’s a list of your resources when you have questions:
  • The Solution Center (1st floor UCrossing) with any questions regarding the registrar or financial aid 
  • Reslife (1st floor UCrossing) for any questions about your residence hall or living on campus next semester 
  • Your professors, TAs, Centers for Learing, and your advisor for any questions or concerns regarding your courses
  • Your friendly neighborhood Enrollment Ambassadors for anything else!  ( and (
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P.S. Don’t forget to check out all of the events happening this week!  

Finally Finals

Okay Riverhawks, it’s time to finish strong!
Here are the best ways to tackle finals week:
Plan your week around studying
Figure out your exact exam schedule and then plan exactly when you’re going to study for each subject. Even plan your breaks and time to eat! The more efficiently you use your time, the more prepared you will be and preparation is your best weapon against test anxiety.
Create a good study environment
Pick the place that works best for you (check out our last post for some ideas!) and move in for the week. Bring headphones, even if you don’t listen to music, to keep people from bothering you. Bring healthy snacks to munch on – food is brain fuel!
Do not neglect your health this week. Fitting in even a small amount of exercise a day (such as taking a walk with some friends) is good for you. It will give your brain a break and will also be a good form of stress relief.
 Get plenty of sleep
I cannot stress this one enough. Study hard during the day and then cement the material at night during a good night’s sleep. By getting enough sleep, you will also feel more alert and less spacey when you actually sit down to the exam.
You got this Riverhawks! And congratulations on completing your first semester here!
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Do you see the finish line?

Procrastination? No! DETERMINATION!
With the last week of classes beginning next week, this is the time when you really need to push through! Procrastination may be getting worse by the minute but you need to remember that these grades now are just as important as the grades that you received at the beginning of the semester!
Your GPA is precious so if you start to slack now, an A can turn into an A-, a B into a B-, and so on. If you have a major exam or project this week or next week, turning in something of poor quality could turn your B into a C! Definitely be wary and do not procrastinate. There are many techniques that you can use to ward off procrastination, one technique is to actually exercise! Some individuals actually feel more motivated and focused after they have finished exercising, so definitely give it a shot!
Study Spots
Since we are talking about the end of the semester, one thing that you may want to consider is the perfect study spot. While the residence halls will have 24 hour quiet hours during finals week, it is important to know what works best for you when it comes to studying. Some people have too many distractions in their rooms so they choose not to study there. Some people also rather study alone rather than in a group. So definitely try to brainstorm what will work best for you and you will definitely reap the rewards. Some study spots include but are not limited to:

  • Libraries
  • Common room
  • Computer labs
  • UCrossing
  • Southwick dining
  • McGauvran Meeting rooms
  • Tutoring centers
Riverhawks, you can do this! Push down on the pedal and you can finish off a semester to be proud of. And definitely remember to study, those finals are important!

Shopping on Cyber Monday!

Happy Thanksgiving all!

For some, Thanksgiving means getting stuffed with food and a lack of sleep for those Black Friday adventures! However, if you’re anything like me, Black Friday sounds way too chaotic. Why wait in long lines when you have Cyber Monday? If shopping from the comfort of your own home is for you, then I have some great ideas.

After searching the web, I came across and noticed that their top 10 recommended Cyber Monday sales list sounded awesome!

Here are a few that I thought really stood out:

1.                                     Image result for travelocity

Winter break is coming up and you might want a well-deserved vacation. Travelocity is known to have great discounts when booking a trip on Cyber Monday!

2.                                                    Image result for Levis

Jeans can SURELY be expensive. However, take advantage of Levi’s jeans as they are known to add an additional discount to their Black Friday sales on Cyber Monday. I could surely use some!

3.                                      Image result for Deal genius

Stressed out from the thought of Christmas Shopping this year? Same! As a college student on a budget, I’d definitely check out Deal Genius for awesome, but affordable Christmas presents during Cyber Monday.

To check out other recommended places to shop at on Cyber Monday click here!

Good luck shopping and hope you’re all in the Holiday spirit!


“If you’re taking notes from class on your laptop, make sure to save it on Google Docs or a USB, just in case your laptop crashes like mine did right before my finals last semester!”

– Amara S. (Nursing Student)