Healthy Patterns

Hello everyone.  Ben here!

So, as a resident advisor here at the school, I see a lot of students in their respective residence halls.  However, as of late, I’ve noticed that a lot of students have been staying up into the wee hours of the night either studying or doing nothing. 

By the way, this is a bad idea especially if you have finals coming up. 

A healthy sleeping pattern is  an important part of having a healthy mindset to study or take exams.  Fortify the sleep with heathy food choices and you will be golden.

Make good choices and good luck/ break a leg on your exams!



Hey everyone it’s Cynthia. You’ve  probably noticed that the blog has been lacking posts in the last couple of weeks. I know I’ve been super busy preparing for finals and finishing last minute projects. Talk about CRAMMING (not a good idea).

This semester I have five finals spread out on five days. Not too bad in my opinion. But one thing I’ve learned from previous finals is that now is the most important time to be organized and on top of time management. I know the calendar on my iPod has helped me sort out my time a lot.

Now more than ever it is super important to organize your time. Make sure you spend enough time studying, but don’t over-work yourself. You need to balance your time so you dont stress yourself out. To relieve stress, try going to the gym. It helps you focus more when you return to studying, and it relieves stress. If physical activity isn’t your thing try something else.

You can try playing a board game or a video game with your friends. DON’T OVER DO IT THOUGH! If you let your stress-relief take over the time you spend studying you won’t do as well on the exam.

Good Luck!

De-Stress Week brought to you by Res-Life

Brighten up your finals week with some Destressing Holiday Cheer!

On this glorious Reading Day, we give thanks for all of the good times this semester, and we share our triumphs and our sorrows during this time of closure and family.

What better way to let off some steam or share some infectious energy by attening one of the De-Stress Week Programs hosted by your RA’s? If you want to find out what’s being offered by your RA’s or maybe just what’s going on around campus at other Residence Halls, look for the flyers or talk to your RA.

This week in Fox, we’ve already had a buffalo wings eating competition and a ladderball tournament, and more is coming with holiday decoration creations and movie nights.


Time to start wrapping things up…

Hey Guys!!

It’s Ashley! I haven’t been able to write a decent blog in quite some time, sorry about that! I’ve been soooo busy the last few weeks! With the semester winding down, make sure you take some time to relax yourself so you can get what you gotta get done, done.

I just finished writing up my focus paper for my psychology of developmental disabilities class, and boy was it a doozy (spelling by jeff sawyer.) I had to write about 2,200 words on a focus topic of a developmental disability and area of my choice. I had to choose 4 primary sources that had to be all journal articles, no text books or anything.

It was really hard to do, but I finally plugged through it and finished with just over the amount of words I needed.

I also had a huge presentation for my short story class, and put it on youtube for class.

I had a lot of things to do for classes, but now all I have left is to focus on my finals.

Start studying now so you don’t get overwhelmed!

Xoxo- Ashley

Monday Morning And It Is Cold!

Good morning and good day to all of you readers out there! It couldn’t get any more wintery than this…except, of course for a Nor’ Easter which we should be getting sometime this week.

The low for today: 25.2
The high for today: 30.3

I wore a sweatshirt and a wintercoat to class and in class and I was still cold. I was amazed by the site of a girl wearing a skirt with leggings on my way over to the office. I think that’s just pure insanity.

Speaking of pure insanity, why am I awake? It’s monday, it’s cold, finals are coming, papers are due, why do we even have class? I’ll tell you why: this is college. Instead of working at ten dollars an hour, you’re working at ten dollars with a purpose of bettering yourself and upping your chances at a more successful work venue.

So get out there, get to class, and enjoy this winter weather because it’s only going to be here until late April/ early May…


The Worst Christmas Ever…By Dad

With finals week fast approaching and the winter break alongside, I thought it fitting to pay tribute to one of our many orientation leaders we respectfully call dad…

In honor of the Christmas Season and to light up the dreary weather before finals I give you Chris Christmas Adoretti…

It’s Dad! singing the Worst Christmas Song Recorded
Well, maybe it isn’t Chris, but you have to admit that guy totally looks like him…