What you know about me?

Hello everyone!
My name is Brady Simmons, and this is my first blog! Not my first blog ever but my first one for this blog, the clarification was necessary. I am almost positive that some of you reading this will remember me from over the summer if not from having me as your Orientation Leader but from Tim Brown shouting out “BRODY!” 
Now, I am going to tell you a little bit about a man I know, a man much like myself, a man that is myself. I am a sophomore here at UMass Lowell and I am currently studying Chemical Engineering. My two main affiliations on campus go to the Orientation program where I was an Orientation Leader over the summer and also to Residence Life who employs me as a Resident Advisor at the ICC. Oh and I am also an Orientation Ambassador. 
A little more about who I really am besides my affiliations. I will play any sport for fun but the only sport that I can spectate and have it keep my attention is Football. I like to play video games from time to time. I mainly play first person shooters and am most likely better than you at them but that is just a fact of life much like how I am more Gucci than Tim Brown. I play other games than just FPS I also play lane games like DOTA 2. I also like to go to the hockey games at the Tsongas Center, first one is Friday October 12 at 7PM be sure to go! 
Some things I like
Favorite Movies: Pulp Fiction and Fight Club
Favorite Food: Big Kahuna Burgers, Sushi, and Hot Dogs
Favorite Band: I’ve been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. I also like Biggie Smalls and 2 Chainz. 
Favorite Sports Teams: New England Patriots and the UMass Lowell Riverhawks
Things I have learned, if you argue correctly you are never wrong. 
I seem to have gotten off track with my introduction and can’t bring myself back, but that point is probably moot. I have to return some videotapes.

A Little Bit About Me…

Hello Everyone!
My name is Timothy Brown and I am one of the awesome squad of people commonly referred to as Umass Lowell’s Orientation Ambassadors. I also have several other common nicknames including but not limited to: Tim Gucci, T Breezy, Tbone, Tim BROwn, Ken, Awesome, Grandpa Tim, and many, many, more. Whatever you feel more comfortable referring to me is fine with me. I am a mix between serious, competitive, hardworking, reflective, silly, hilarious, and indifferent… kind of like a shepherd’s pie mixed with whatever your favorite food is, a sprinkle of awesome, mashed up in a blender and served hot enough to burn your tongue.
Besides working, I do a plethora of things on and off campus. Here we go:
Major: Political Science & Philosophy
Student Government Senator
Vice President of Phi Kappa Sigma International Fraternity
Secretary of Political Science Club
Mock Trial Team
Pre-Law Society
Greek Council Judicial Delegate
And of course in the summer I have the fantastic priviledge of being an Orientation Leader
Basically, I am a little bit busy but the sky’s the limit. I share a common approach to life with the great philosopher Lil Wayne in that we both have “No Ceiling’s.” Besides quoting rappers, I have a fantastic family, a cat named Ralph, a dog named Charlie… oh yeah, and two sisters whom I love from the bottom of my heart (not being sarcastic). I like rap, alternative rock, reggae, techno and dubstep, and much more. Fun fact: I actually used to DJ until I spilled a drink all over my macbook last fall and destroyed it! So I don’t have a computer anymore… but I do well on campus still so it is certainly possible to do great things without the same priveledges others have. Sorry in advance if I periodically give out life lessons, I tend to do that, that is how I got the nickname Grandpa Tim. Before I keep going on forever, I am going to leave you with two of my favorite quotes. The first is a political one and the latter a philosophical one. Enjoy!
“A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works”-Bill Vaughn
“Ideas, religion, and science are the blind mans cane.” -Howard Bloom
Well, I hope you all find me mildly entertaining and I look forward to keeping you updated in the future about many things.
Talk to you all soon!
P.S. Hi Mom!!!


Hola Everyone!
My name is Giselle Colon and I am your new Orientation Ambassador this year! Are you excited? Because I AM! This summer I was also one of your Orientation Leaders!
On a more academic view, I was a transfer student from Bunker Hill Community College and I am currently a senior with a major in Criminal Justice, and minors in Sociology and Spanish. I have interned with the UMASS Lowell Police Department and worked a whole year at United Teen Equality Center (UTEC) in downtown Lowell. They work to serve the youth around Lowell and help them get off the streets and become more involved, educated and successful. Isn’t that awesome? THIS IS MY PASSION! I have been involved in a few organizations on campus like Sisters of integrity Striving Towards Empowerment, Respect, and Success (S.I.S.T.E.R.S.) and Latin American Student Association (LASA). This year I hope to continue in with them and hopefully add a few more to my list! =)
Enough about that! If you want to know more feel free to ask, but for now I’ll give you a little snippet of the fun side of me! Ready? Okay…..
So if you think of Giselle you immediately think of SMILING, I looove smiling! So if you ever see me around campus I want to see a Colgate smile! =D I am super approachable, outgoing and verrry friendly! I love SING and DANCE and meeting new people. OH THE JOY! Oh Oh did I mention my favorite color is PINK?!! No? Well now you know! It’s an awesome color. I also love dolphins and TRAVELING! One day I hope to travel THE WHOLE WORLD! One way to get that started is STUDYING ABROAD, super easy to do, DO NOT miss the chance! I did it (Costa Rica) and thought it was the best experience EVER!
Well that’s all folks! I really hope you enjoy our blog, and again feel free to always ask us ANYTHING! If you need to ask more personal question, I am your gal, you can just email me at Giselle_Colon@student.uml.edu
XOXO enjoy the ride
<3 Giselle  

Meeting Your Orientation Ambassadors!-Craig

Hi Everyone!

My name is Craig Reid and I’m an Orientation Ambassador this year. I am currently a senior Criminal Justice Major with a minor in Psychology. I am a Resident Advisor in Bourgeois Hall this year, I was an orientation leader over the summer as well. I have been involved in Student Government, Criminal Justice Society, and I have represented the student body on a number of faculty committees ranging from General Education to my college’s advisory board.

Some fun facts about me, my favorite color is green, I was born two days after St. Patricks day (now you all know my birthday!), and I want to get a doctorate degree here at UMass Lowell!

If you have any questions feel free to ask me,

Craig Reid

Coffee, you should get some

So as I sit here talking to Alanna about how much we have to do this week we realized the only way we are gonna get through it is with lots of coffee and energy drinks, since there is little time to sleep. Which isn’t exactly a great thing but you gotta do whatcha gotta do in order to get through this week. Energy drinks are not good for you due to excess amount of sugar in them. If you get sugar free energy drinks, think of all the artificial flavorings they use to compensate for not using sugar. And they leave you feeling more tired than before drinking them. But coffee is a magical thing since it’s delicious and has a bunch of health benefits.

Health Benefits of Coffee:
1. Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease.
2. Prevents brain damage
3. Drinking 4+ cups of decaffeinated coffee can help regulate blood sugar
4. Drinking 1-3 cups a day can reduce your risk of stroke since it can lessen the damage done by inflammation in the arteries.
5. Reduced risk of liver cancer and cirrhosis
6. Curbs appetite

But these benefits only applied to those drinking under 5 cups of coffee a day. Drinking more than that can put you at risk for jitters, high cholesterol, restless sleep, and withdrawal symptoms when you do not consume coffee (Coffee is a legitimate addiction).

So feel free to load up on the coffee to prepare for finals but lay off the Jo next week so your body can re-cooperate. Summer is right around the corner. It’s the home stretch, this is the last sprint to the finish line and I know you will make it. Good luck on your exams, papers, and presentations!



Yep it’s here. Finals week. Possibly the worst week of the year. Agreed? No one likes sitting the library till 2 am studying for Physics, Art History, Calculus, or Chemistry. But that’s just part of college and since you all survived Fall Semester’s finals week, I have faith that you can do it again. Just remember to take a 5 minute break fro every 90 minutes of studying. Or else your brain is going to feel fried and you’ll stop retaining new information. Also eating foods rich in iron and protein will help get you through the long nights of studying. Avoid sugary foods and drinks because they will a quick rush of energy then leave you more tired than before you ate your snack. One of the best snacks to have while studying is trail mix. The almonds, peanuts, and walnuts will fill you up while the raisins and M&Ms satisfy your sweet tooth.

Since it’s well known that this is the hardest week of the semester, the University and Residence Halls are putting on de-stressing programs all week.

Tonight (May 7th)
Late night breakfast in Bouge!

Tomorrow (Tuesday May 8th):
11am: South Campus Scavenger Hunt: TONS of prizes will be given out.
1pm – 4pm:  There will be a huge block party on South Campus with free food and a moon bounce (and many more activities)
3pm-7pm: Health Services’ Stress Relief Day: Go and take a couple hours to relax. There will be mini-massages, ice cream sundaes, and art&crafts projects. Oh ya and it’s all FREE!!

Wednesday May 9th:
8pm: Smoothie Party at the ICC. Take a quick break with your friends for a yummy fruit smoothie. Or grab one on the go to bring to the library with you.

Throughout the rest of the week, the residence halls will be putting on programs for everyone to enjoy. So keep your eyes open for the signs that will be up this week.

Best tip I can give you for surviving this week is sleep right, eat right, and exercise. Yea we have all heard it a thousand times but its the truth. Schedule these things in so you do not forget to do them. Even just biking for 30 minutes and swapping that bag of chip for a yogurt can do wonders on your grades and studying endurance. My favorite thing to do to keep me interested in studying is using color paper and pens. White paper is going to get bored after a couple hours, while red, yellow, or orange paper will keep you awake and focused.

Good Luck!

Ever watch the show Double Dare on Nickelodeon? I was OBSESSED when I was little. My brother and I would set up a game show board with questions in our kitchen. Then set up physical challenges around the rest of the house. In the living room we played ‘Floor’s Lava’, the Dining Room was an obstacle course, and my dad’s office was a race do something (like stacking blocks). And now that I am all grown up (or sort of grown up) I still have playing Floor’s Lava and doing other physical challenges. But what kind of physical challenges are around since we can’t be on a game show pulling prizes out of a giant plastics nose? Well there are different races such as Tough Mudder, Half Marathon, and the Warrior Dash. What are these about?!?
Tough Mudder: a 12 mile marathon that includes obstacles mud, fire, ice-water, and 10,000 volts of electricity. You are put through a series of challenges and obstacles designed by the British Special Forces to test your stamina, endurance, and determination. Check out their site to sign up: http://toughmudder.com/
Half Marathons: I have always wanted to do one. These races are for those who want to test their determination in running without doing a full marathon. The 13.1-mile race takes place all across the Boston area throughout the year. Here is a schedule of when they are: http://www.halfmarathons.net/race_calendar_massachusetts.html
Warrior Dash is a 5K race that involves 12 obstacles. At the start of the race all participants are given a free shirt and fuzzy helmet, although you do not need to wear them during the race since costumes are HIGHLY suggested (there is even an award that goes to the best costume). Post-race there is a feast of food and tons of entertainment including music, axe throwing contests and fireworks. Check out: www.warriordash.com for more details.
 I decided that I am going to sign up (hopefully this summer) for one of these crazy physical challenges and live out my dream of being on my favorite childhood show.

Hey Baby What’s Your Sign

Yes I know, that is easily the cheesiest pick up line around but I still think it’s hilarious. So lately I have been totally into looking at my horoscope every morning and seeing what is in store for my day. And 9 times out of 10, it is dead on. Which lead me to find out cool facts about being a Gemini and all the other Zodiac Signs.

Taurus (April 20- May 20) 
Known for their good sense of humor and their ability to laugh at the strangest things
Grounded and devoted person, but that should never be construed as boring
Virgo (August 23- September 22)
Emotionally strong person who can handle anything thrown their way
Typically mature and meticulous enough to ensure their personal plans become a reality

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Small symmetrical features, dimples, gentle eyes, outrageous designer outfits
Supremely logical about everyone else’s problems, but their own are more difficult

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)    
Very loyal to those they care about
Love with their complete hearts, but they have no tolerance for unfaithfulness

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
When it comes to love, you tend to lose yourself in the idea of being in love
Fabulous at nurturing and have wonderful people skills

Gemini (May 21- June 20)
Excellent communicators, eloquent and clever with words
A Gemini woman will not waste her time on people, places, or things that are not mentally challenging to her

Leo  (July 23- August 22)  
Want to bring out the best in everyone by showing off the best in yourself
Love freely, openly and naturally and enjoy expressing it in as many ways as possible

Sagittarius  (November 22-December 21)  
The type of person who is not afraid to practice what they preach
Brutally honesty and have an amazing sense of humor

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)   
When it comes to love you like to know where you stand and prefer boundaries
Detest vulnerability and they will always be protective of those they love

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
An Aquarius woman loves relationships with people who can lift her mind beyond the limits of ordinary time and space
The type of people that turn on the TV or radio when they’re home alone because they don’t like it being too quiet

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
A Pisces woman is a true romantic and you will be extremely blessed if she allows you to enter her realm of sexual fantasy.
Their special genius comes in the form of their creativity and intuition
Aries (March 21-April 19)     
Superpower is fearlessness
Always forgive and forget, very rarely hold a grudge

So are any of these characteristics right? As always, mine is correct. hehehe and I hope you learned something fun about yourself.

Happy weekend!!

Lions, Tigers, and Bears oh my!

Okay so when we think of animals, most people think of their cute and cuddly dog or cat they have a home. Some people might even think of jungle animals like a zebra, monkey, or elephant. But I highly doubt anyone would think of the Blobfish or the Aye-aye or even the Axolotl. These are some of the weirdest looking animals I have ever seen. So I figured I’d introduce you to some of my new favorite creatures:
Kiwi isn’t just a tasty fruit that is often paired with strawberries. It’s an adorable little bird who has a memorable call that is heard across New Zealand. Although flightless, the brown bird has flown into my heart. 

Ever imagine what would happen if a Zebra and a Horse had a baby? Well it would look exactly like an Okapi! This interesting looking creature from Africa is a cousin of the Giraffe.

Who’s watched the movie Madagascar? Well those funny looking creatures are actually based off of animals found in that country. One being the Aye-Aye. This cuddly character from the movie isn’t so cute in person. It is known for the freakish looks that are a combination of a rodent and a monkey. The Aye-Aye is also known for it’s extra long middle finger.

Axolotl is a slimy salamander found in Mexico. They are used widely as medical lab rats because they can rapidly regenerate any body part.

The Baiji from China is now considered extinct because humans hunted them to eat. These fun loving animals were also called the ‘River Dolphin’.

Now for the most hideous and ugliest creature I have ever seen: The Bolbfish. This sea creature is only found where the pressure is very high. Bolbfish don’t even swim! They just hover over the sea floor slurping up whatever food they can.

Have a good weekend!

Bikini Season is that you?

It seems like bikini season could be sneaking up on us a lot faster than normal or maybe not! It is only 30 degrees today even though it was 80 last week. Our crazy New England weather is hard to plan for and even harder to predict. The best plan is to be prepared for whatever is thrown our way and just roll with it. So here is a list of fun activities that you can try if your planned beach day turns out to be a rainy 40 degree day.

If it’s raining (Sad face):

Roller Skating: Yea I know it sounds child-ish and it will remind you of elementary school birthday parties BUT it’s so fun! Embrace your inner little kid. http://rollerkingdom.drupalgardens.com/

Trapeze! I bet most people have never done it and it’s so adventurous to try something new. So head down to Jordan’s Furniture in Burlington to test it out! And if trapeze is not your thing, they have a delicious ice cream place right there so you can get a snack while you watch your friends fly through the air.

Plaster Fun Time: Again it may sound child-ish and kinda dorky but who doesn’t love making their own creation and then showing it off? I went a couple weeks ago and I can’t wait to go back. Best part? There is one right down the street on Drumhill!

If it’s gorgeous:

Kimball’s Farm: Batting cages, mini golf, driving range, bumper boats and the best ice cream around.. need I say more? http://www.kimballfarm.com/westford.shtml

Crane’s Beach! One of my favorite beaches, located in the small town of Ipswich, MA. What makes it even better is the amazing crab shacks in the area. Food Networks’ Diner, Drive-Ins, and Dives has featured them multiple times!

Check out our Riverhawk Baseball and Softball teams in their 2012 Season. Here is their schedules:

Boston! Easily my favorite thing to do on Saturday when it’s beautiful! Take the train into the city and spend the day walking around. You can walk past Fenway Stadium or The TD Garden. But make sure to get some Mike’s Pastries in the North End, they are absolutely amazing! My favorite is the Espresso Cannolli YUM!!

Tell us what your favorite thing to do is. And enjoy all your Springtime Adventures!
