Anger, learn to let go

We have all gotten angry at someone or something at some point, but what really causes our anger? Is it our fault? Is it the other factor’s fault? How can we address anger to reduce it from our lives?

Just a few questions I’m sure we have all pondered and now we can take a journey together on how to fight fire with water!

First i’d like to state that anger is a normal human emotion that is usually healthy to express, it is only when it gets out of control and becomes destructive do we have to address and intervene. When this happens anger can effect almost everything in your life from work, relationships, classes and even how you treat yourself.

The three main strategies for controlling anger are to; express, suppress, and calming. 

1) Express: Express your anger in an assertive non-aggressive manner. Learn how to make clear what you need and plan out how to get it, without hurting others. Being assertive does not mean pushing everyone else out of your way to achieve something but to be respectful of others as well as yourself.

2) Suppress: Anger can be suppressed and converted or redirected. This happens by holding in your anger, stop thinking about it and focus on something positive. Inhibit your anger and convert it to positive, constructive behavior. The last thing you want is for your anger to turn inwards, to yourself, this can lead to; hypertension, high blood pressure, or depression.

3) Calming: calming means not just controlling your outward behavior but also controlling your internal responses. Take steps to lower your heart rate, calm yourself down and let the feelings subside.

Some people may feel that letting their aggression out is the best method all the time, but this is not the case. Since anger builds on anger the more you lash out at everyone and everything the more your anger will become uncontrollable and you will need to seek outside help to help yourself.

Relaxation is a key step in reducing anger. Some tips you can try are: Breath deeply and slowly. slowly repeat a calming word over and over, repeat it to yourself until you’re calm.  Use imagery, picture a relaxing experience and hold on to it, either from memory or imagination! Yoga has also been shown to help relax not only you but your muscle as well.

Another tip is to use what experts call: Cognitive Restructuring, which is a fancy phrase for change how you think about something in a positive way. Turn something you hate into something you love by changing your thought process about it. Try something you think you hate, don’t knock it till you tried it!

A couple other strategies are problem solving, better communication, and humor.

For a better idea of where you are at you can take this anger quiz:

Be safe, be smart, make good decisions,


Jeepers Creepers

As most of you hopefully know it is currently October. Do you know what the best part of October is? Halloween. What is the best part of Halloween? Having an excuse to watch an unreasonable amount of scary movies for an entire month. Oh and the candy, the candy is definitely a plus. 

I’m not here to tell you that you should be watching scary movies instead of doing your school work because you should definitely do your school work but if you ever have any free time and want to watch a scary movie because it is October or if you want to be too scared to go to sleep so you can finish your homework here are some suggestions from me. 
Suggestion number 1:
The Thing
When I say to watch “The Thing” I am talking about the good version made in 1982 by John Carpenter that was a rip off from a movie made in the 50’s. You know The Thing with Kurt Russell and Wilford Brimley. This movie is easily one of the scariest movies I have ever seen because not only does it feature a shape shifting alien that could take the form of your best friend then try to kill you but because the first reaction by Kurt Russell when he finally realizes that there is a shape shifting alien taking the form of his friends and killing everyone is to kill it with fire.  
Kurt Russell’s beard was neither harmed or singed in the making of this film

I know that most of you reading this are thinking one of two things, one being “Wow I value Brady’s opinion so much!” others might not be sharing the same sentiment so if you don’t wish to believe me The Boston Globe ranks The Thing as the number one scariest movie of all time. 
Those of you who are not thinking about how much you value my opinion are thinking, “Wow this movie has Wilford Brimley, surely that can’t be the very Wilford Brimley from those diabetes commercials!” I should have you know that it is that very Wilford Brimley. 
Suggestion number 2:
Nightmare on Elm Street
Nightmare on Elm Street features a lot of the same elements of a traditional slasher film except that this one stars Johnny Depp. Wes Craven created probably one of the most vile looking villains of all time when he envisioned Freddy Krueger. Krueger was killed with fire and is now exacting his revenge by killing his victims through invading their dreams and cutting them with a bladed glove, so if you wish to eliminate the desire to go to sleep for the next week I suggest watching this movie. Freddy Krueger’s weakness besides not being afraid of him is energy drinks. 
All he really wanted was some skin cream, that stuff is hard to get in the dream world. 

This movie also spawned a song by none other than the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and his trusted DJ side-kick Jazzy Jeff. 
Suggestion number 3
I know that having Halloween be on this list is a bit of a cliche but the movie is quite scary and really deserves a lot of credit for what it did. Granted the movie used a lot of elements from Hitchcock’s Psycho but Halloween because the poster child for low budget slasher films in the 80’s and 90’s. If John Carpenter did not make the movie Halloween then there would be no Friday the 13th or A Nightmare on Elm Street and I would have had to choose other movie for suggestions two and three. Halloween features a psychotic murder who escapes captivity and wreaks havoc on his hometown. The antagonists name is named Michael Myers, not the Mike Myers who is quite groovy. 
Deranged serial killer
International Man of Mystery
I didn’t want to make this excruciatingly long but I feel like I might have. Regardless here are some other movies you should check out if you are ever in the mood for a good scare; Friday the 13th, Psycho, and Troll 2. Maybe Troll 2 isn’t scary but it is worth the watch. Who can deny this as the best line ever uttered in a film?
How he didn’t swat the fly off his head still eludes me


Fall Festival!!!

Hello everyone, happy October!

It’s that time of year again when we celebrate Fall Festival. Now some of you may be saying, YAYYY Fall Festival! Others may be saying, “What is Fall Festival”? Well I’m writing this to both get you excited for it as well as educate you on what Fall Festival is all about. Most of the Fall Festival Events are geared towards showing off all of what Umass Lowell has to offer, connecting with Alumni as well as families of current students! For Students these three days are full of events that both educate you about Umass Lowell as well as have some fun, especially Family Day (Saturday October 13th, Back Lawn of Tsongas Center).

Fall Festival runs from October 11th-13th, Thursday through Saturday. Here are a few exciting events happening during Fall Festival this year:

Thursday October 11th: 1) Emerging Technologies and Innovation Center Ribbon Cutting/Luncheon

2) Health and Social Sciences Building Tour 3) Advisory Board Meetings

Friday October 12th: 1)  Campus Recreation Center 10th Anniversary Alumni Reception 2) Soaring River Hawks Alumni Rally 3) Hockey East Home Opener: UMass Lowell River Hawks vs. University of Vermont Catamounts.

Saturday October 13th: 1) 14th Annual Jennifer’s 5K Run/Walk 2) Alumni Softball and Baseball Games. 2) Family Day! 3) UMass Lowell Parent Dessert Reception 4) Campus Tours 5) Golden Alumni Luncheon 6) Umass Lowell Field Hockey vs. Bellarmine (1pm). Kid’s Day at Field Hockey game- presented by Moe’s Southwest Grill. 7) UMass Lowell Baseball vs. Northern Essex (1pm, LeLacheur Park). 8) Soccer Alumni Rally (Noon, Cushing Complex). 9) UMass Lowell’s Men’s Soccer vs. Saint Anselm (1PM Cushing Complex). 10) Student Leadership/Greek Life/Athletic Reunions. 

Now that you have an idea of all the events going on, you should go to them! You can register for Fall Festival Events here: 

Remember to explore everything Fall Festival has to offer and go to our first Hockey Game Friday October 12th at 7PM it is free for all Umass Lowell students! No excuses! I’ll see you at the Tsongas!

If you have any further questions about Fall Festival or an Alumni question, the Alumni office can be reached at:

Alumni Relations Office
Southwick 250
One University Avenue
Lowell, MA 01854
That’s it for now,

Buenos Dias!
STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!! The word that is constantly on our minds, a word we wish DID NOT exist!!! BUT it does, and STUDYING is your BEST FRIEND if you want good grades! =)
Did you get tangled up in socializing the first few weeks and now you heard your professor mention in class, mid-term next week!? Yes, you did not think mid-terms would be so early in the semester right? And now you look like this:
DON’T WORRY!!! Take a deep breath and get yourself in ORGANIZED!
Especially if you are freshmen you will come to see that there are many differences in studying for college courses versus how you may have studied in high school. Regular worksheets are replaced by many midterms and exams which require knowledge about concepts rather than simple memorization of facts. You will find it easier if you adapt their study habits to the college setting. Here are some tips for getting started:
  • Find the right place to study
  • Get a buddy
  • Use daylight hours 
  • Study in chunks
  • Study actively
  • Rank your classes
Finding the right place: it is essential to find the right place to study; it is always good to find a nice quiet area to get all your thoughts organized and away from distraction.
Get a Buddy: I know many people like to study alone because they feel a buddy would be a distraction, which in great part could be true, BUT if you find a buddy from your same class it could be VERY helpful to study with them. Your buddy might have written down some notes that you missed but needed. There you! The buddy saved you! Or you can even save your buddy! Always good to help as well as receive help =)
Use daylight hours: many night owls (like me) wait until the very last minute, at night, to study, but it is shown not to be such a good way of doing it. Studying while it is still light out gives you a clear mind to soak up all the knowledge! LET’S GET INTO THIS HABIT! That way you have the rest of the evening/night to do whatever you want. Doesn’t it sound awesome?
Study in chunks & Study Actively: you don’t have to over study, you just have to select a large part of your reading, go to the library after class read for an hour or two and then go home, attend your club meetings, or meet up with some friends, you can do that because you did your studying early, YEY YOU!
Rank your classes: This is very helpful, keep checking your syllabus, or maybe write down in your agenda every test or assignment that is due, look through those and then rank your classes weekly. For example the top three classes that have something due soon, those are the ones you study for. It becomes less stressful than trying to read every day a little from each class.
Day to Day
·         Take good notes
·         Be involved in your classes
·         Review your notes everyday
·         Keep up on your reading
If  you follow all these tips, in NO TIME you will be looking more like this:
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! im suuuuuureeeee you will do well =D
<3 Giselle

Coping with Stress

Happy October 1st Everyone. 
Well, its the tenth month of the lovely year of 2012. The ups, the downs, sometimes life can feel like a rollercoaster. I sure do feel that way sometimes. 

This time of the year can get stressful quick. Your first grades are coming back, perhaps your first big projects are due pretty soon for all of your classes all in the same week, maybe you are just homesick, or maybe you just made some pretty poor choices this September. 

Everyone has their own issues that contribute to their own personal levels of stress, nervousness, and anxiety. 

I am going to give you some tips on how we can all overcome stress and relax. 

1) Sleep! Sleeping is probably up there with eating, drinking, and breathing on the scale of vitally important attributes that a healthy, happy, and successful human being needs. Sleeping and napping is like therapy! Do it more often; I know it isn’t always as exciting as staying up and watching television, but it is so terribly important.

2) Exercise! This helps so much, going to the gym or playing frisbee or football or anything promoting physical movement is invaluable to the body’s health. Sometimes I feel like college students are too focused on exercising their minds in classes and in the library doing homework. Yes that’s important, but your brain isn’t the only thing that needs to be used in your body. Sometimes your muscles get jealous of your brain and they need to be used too. If you exercise you will also have a much easier time sleeping. 

3) Complaining is often one of the easiest things to do when you feel stressed out. A little bit of complaining isn’t a bad thing and can help sometimes. However, when someone complains constantly, it’s a little bit like being stuck in the mud. By complaining, the focus is on the issues that are making the individual feel insecure and anxious. Try focusing on how to get over you’re worries than focusing on them. It really does work I promise. This is a hard tip to follow all the time, I know. I love to complain and I often feel like it hurts more than it helps. 

4) Try to indulge in the little moments of the day when you can relax. Whether this is on the shuttle or if you have an hour in between classes. Put your headphones on and listen to your favorite songs. It will help you focus on something besides your problems and can help you recover and be more confident. 

5) Keep your chin up! Too often it feels like we just want to stare at the pavement and ignore everyone because of our insecurities and inhibitions. This is not the way to go about your day. You might not be able to choose what happens to you everyday of your life, but you can choose your attitude, and no one can take that away from you. If something happens this week that upsets you, don’t let that problem get the best of you. Keep your chin high and your confidence even higher. If you feel confident then you’ll feel comfortable and if you feel confident and comfortable then you can take on the world. 

6) Don’t say no to challenges. Every human being is equal. No one is better than anyone else and everyone can be great. It’s not easy and it’s certainly hard. Anyone can be the next Mother Theresa, or President Obama, or the next nobel prize winner. It’s only when you say “no, I can’t” and back away from the challenge that you disqualify yourself. If you want to grow up and have monuments built after you, then you can. Never say no and never give up.  

7) Have patience. Frustrating things happen all the time and it can get upsetting. That’s inevitable. I wish I could grant everyone the patience to accept those things in which they cannot control. Unfortunately patience starts with the individual. This is probably the hardest tip on here but perhaps the most important. Patience is a virtue. 

I hope that helped you feel a little better. I know it made me feel better. Let’s lighten up and smile. Here are a couple funny memes to maybe put a smile back on your face. 
I hope you all have a great October. Remember: pumpkins are for carving and eating… not for smashing. 



Well It’s Friday. We we we so excited because….

(Sorry but that needed to be done.)

It’s Tim’s blog of the week. This week i’ll be talking about:


Alrighty, I’m in a really good mood this Friday because I just got out of class and it’s the weekend! To quote Rebecca, “Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday. Today it is Friday, Friday, we, we, we, so excited. We so excited. We gonna have a ball today!” 

Seriously, I need to stop talking about Rebecca Black. Let’s shift our discussion to intramurals. 
So as some of you may be aware, intramurals technically already started… But your one wish is about to come true, because this is your moment. The second quarter of intramurals is incoming. The deadline is October 18th, So you still have some time to sign up. 

Your probably like, “But Timothy, I’m not sure what intramurals there are, help please?”

I would be glad to help because I’m sweet like that. They have a plethora of options. Including: 

5v5 Indoor Soccer
5v5 Open Basketball
5v5 Women’s Basketball

Alright, well those are the three intramurals for the second quarter. However, we also have tournaments! Here are the three tournaments and dates:

Racketball – November 7

Street Hockey – November 12

Squash – December 5

Don’t be confused though,If you want to sign up for the tournaments you still need to sign up by the deadline of October 18th. 

You can also find a ton of more information on the UML Intramural page located at:
I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday and weekend. Be safe and have fun! I’m outta here.

Milling around Lowell

I remember the first semester at UMass Lowell I didn’t really leave campus much. I was new to the area and didn’t know what the city had to offer me. Using the deductive reasoning skills I gained from watching countless episodes of Columbo I am going to assume most of you are in the same boat as I was. For those of you who don’t know what Columbo is it is a TV show that is kind of like the movie Toy Story 3 except completely different. What I am going to tell you all about is some fun things to do around Lowell that are off campus that I wish I knew about sooner.

This is Columbo not Buzz Lightyear

Fun Place #1: Showcase Cinemas Lowell
Location: 32 Reiss Avenue, Lowell, MA 01853

What is not only relaxing but also exciting? Seeing a movie! Showcase Cinemas Lowell is probably the closest and easiest movie theater to get to in Lowell. It is right off of exit three on the Lowell connector and when you get to the rotary take the second exit then you’re at the theater. There are also two restaurants right next to the theater which makes it a primo convenient date night extravaganza location. You have your choice between Chili’s and the Outback Steakhouse. I prefer the Outback strictly for their Bloomin’ Onions and the delicious Chicken Caesar Salad. If you want to hear about how delicious the Chicken Caesar Salad is email Tim, he is a Chicken Caesar Salad aficionado of sorts and can tell you all of the best locations around Lowell for Chicken Caesar Salads. The big thing about Showcase Cinemas Lowell is that on Tuesday nights they have this thing called “bargain Tuesdays” where admission is $7 and for IMAX and 3D it is $9, yeah boom. The Cinema also offers a good variety of food such as the standard theater popcorn that is delicious, freshly-baked cookies that are delicious, pretzels and pretzel nuggets, hot dogs but you already know those are delicious because they are hot dogs, nachos, ICEE’s, and much more!  Unfortunately Showcase Cinemas Lowell does not accept UCash, I should know I am a Tim Brown appointed genius of UCash.

Fun Fact about Showcase Cinemas Lowell: This is where Tim and I saw the English Patient, it is a great movie to watch if you have ten hours to spare and an attention span far greater than mine. Something special happened when Tim and I were approaching the 25th hour of the movie and the credits started to roll. Tim looked at me and said Brady, when I go to the movie theater, I want to be hit on every level I can. I want to laugh, I want to cry, and I want to think. This movie just hit me in the deepest way possible, it made me cry. This movie made me realize what I really want in life and that is to love another with all my heart and soul.” Tim realized at that moment that he was just a common man with common thoughts and that there are no monuments dedicated to him. That was when I realized that Tim is like an onion except when you start peeling away at the many layers of Tim Brown the center of him isn’t a super oniony center it is the nexus of everything cute. A little sugar, spice, and everything nice. I like to picture it as a giant ball of kittens snuggling up on each other.

Maybe he was the one that loved another with all his heart and soul stuff…

Fun Place #2: Brunswick Zone
Location: 647 Pawtucket Boulevard Lowell, MA 01854
Phone: 978-454-0476

So you’ve been at school for a month and all you’ve done is go to class and play Wii Bowling. You think you’re pretty good huh? That don’t impress me much. Take your skills to the alley and prove it. Looking for a place to bowl? Look no further than the Brunswick Zone! Located on the same side of the river as North Campus the Brunswick Zone offers you a place to bowl and play arcade games. They offer a different deal every day of the week! On Monday nights from 9PM – 11PM bowling and shoe rental is $1.50 each and the hotdogs are $1. On Wednesday nights they have this thing called Bowlapalooza which is kind of like an all you can eat buffet except for bowling. You pay $11.99 and can bowl as much as you want from the hours of 9PM -11PM. If you want to find out about the other deals that the Brunswick zone offers you can find them here, there are just too many to list.

Fun Fact: Tim and I went bowling here one time. I bowled a strike but stepped over the line and Tim wasn’t going to count it despite my pleas. Eventually he was able to convince me to not count it by saying this “Brody, this is not ‘Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.”I stopped fighting him on it because he was right; we weren’t in Vietnam, we were in the Brunswick Zone.  

This is the face Tim gave me when I wanted that strike to count…

Fun Place #3: Pheasant Lane Mall
Location: Nashua, NH

Let’s go to the mall, today! While not in Lowell the Pheasant Lane Mall offers a nearby showing megaplex for student at UMass Lowell. Just over the border into tax-free New Hampshire lies the Pheasant Lane Mall with a food court that features three or four different Asian food options and a mall that has over 130 specialty shops. There are also restaurants near the mall such as Red Robin, Smokey Bones, Bahama Breeze, and a KFC. The strip that the mall resides on also offers much more shopping options such as Best Buy and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. For those of you who may not be excited to go to the mall here is a video to help make that not be a thing anymore, you should always be excited for the mall. 

While only a twenty minute drive I felt that giving you Google’s directions rather than mine would be much more helpful and beneficial to you in your quest for finding the Pheasant Lane Mall

Fun Fact: If you go to the Payless outside there is an assortment of stationary vehicles that you can ride for a few quarters. My friend and I rode the taxi together. When you finally make your way from the food court to the other side of the mall be sure to check it out and marvel in the fact that we both fit in it. Also the blue airplane ate three of my quarters, don’t trust it.
Hope this helps with you if you are looking for a place to hang out that is off campus.


Something none of us can live without…SLEEP

Hey everyone,

Today I’d like to talk about sleep. As a senior in college I have had my days were going to bed seemed down right unproductive. However, I have learned my lesson about how important sleep is time and time again. The chart below is a good representation of what most college students do.

But in reality, you can have all three if you learn to balance your college life and get enough SLEEP!

First lets start off with some basic facts about sleep:
1) Getting enough sleep in the first place!
—-The goal here is about 8-10 hours of sleep, so plan accordingly. The longer you are a sleep for the more REM sleep you get, which is the best kind, and our deepest state of sleep.
2) Creating a sleep schedule and sticking to it!
—-Getting the right amount of sleep is important but it can be not as effective unless you go to bed and wake up at about the same time every day. People who get the same amount of sleep everyday not only perform better in college but feel better overall!
3) Manage your time better.
—-Everyone has assignments in college, group projects, and papers that are larger than our dreams! These can take a lot of time and often times we put them off to the night before and stay up until 2:00AM to finish them. Simply put, try and do these before the night before! If the assignment takes a long time generally the professor will give you ample time to finish it. Even though I am a senior I have never pulled an all nighter for any project or assignment because I planned ahead.
4) Do NOT sleep in!
—-I know, you love sleep, and staying in bed till noon; I do too. But this can negatively effect your sleep schedule and make you more tired when you do roll out of bed.

So your homework for tonight is to set your alarm and get some sleep!



Om nom nom nom

Sooooooo…. Who’s Hungry????

I don’t know about everyone… but I typically eat 3 times a day. Because I love food more than many other things. So today I am going to talk about where you can buy food with your Umass Lowell “U-cash.” Not meal plans, not points, but UCASH. They are very different things… let me emphasize.

Quick Breakdown:
UCash is a very different thing than other forms of payment on campus. UCash can be used everywhere on campus! Both residents and commuters can add Ucash by visiting:

Now, you only have Ucash on your card if you visit that page and add Ucash, so don’t get confused. If you do get confused, email Brady.  He is a Ucash, meal plan, point, commuter block meal, genius. He knows all.

Now back to the food… I’M HUNGRY!

Alright, so I am going to go over a couple of the delicious and delectable places located OFF campus that you can spend your Ucash at. I’m from Lowell and the food here is great, so trust me on this one. 😉

Food Destination #1: Eggroll Cafe
Location: 110 University Ave, Lowell MA 01854
Phone: 978-970-3411

Alright, this little dime is quite easy to get to. I am sure if any of you have been to North campus you have seen it. If not! Then it is located right next to Suppas on University Ave. It’s really hard to get lost getting here. 

The food here is delicious and is one of my favorite in-between class spots to grab a quick snack. Definitely try it out, they have delicious bubble tea’s as well among much more. I would call this place a very americanized asian local restaraunt. Also, its a cute date place, easy on the wallet too gentlemen 😉

Fun Fact: I actually visited this place for the first time  my junior year of high school and have been in love with it ever since. 

Tim’s favorite item on the menu: Gotta be the buffalo chicken eggrolls. No question. Strawberry bubble tea is a close second though. 

Food Destination #2: Southwick Cafe
Location: Basement of Southwich Hall, North Campus
Phone: (978) 934-5759
Website: n/a
Southwick Hall...dining is nearby
(this is Southwick Hall for those who do not know)

Alright, technically this isn’t off campus but I feel like this is a hidden gem on campus that few freshmen and transfers are aware of. I didn’t even eat here til last spring, and I was missing out. 

Pretty easy to find, just go to southwick hall basement and it is all the way in the corner. You’ll see it. 

The food here is wicked good. Delicious cafe sandwiches, soup, burritos, quesadillas, grilled food, fries, pretty much everything. I don’t think you could go here and not find something you would like. Don’t forget you can spend cash, credit, POINTS, and Ucash here. No meal plan swipes though. 

Fun Fact: I’ve ate here about 2 or more times a week or so times this semester, however, since I spent nearly all my points so far I doubt I’ll be spoiled enough to eat here that much anymore.  

Tim’s favorite item on the menu: Ranchero for lifeeeeee

Food Destination #3: The Bite
Location: 500 Pawtucket St, Lowell 01854
Phone: 978-441-9661

This little cafe is a cute little place located by SOUTH CAMPUS, located by the river on pawtucket street about 500 feet from campus. It is ran and operated by Orchard Hill Ice Cream and is located right next to them. 

Although I haven’t ate here too often, my friend Georgia raves about it. They have all sorts of typical cafe type goods, sandwiches, soups, baked goods, ice cream, and even pizza. They accept cash, credit, and UCash. 

Fun Fact: I actually went here once to sell my dayglow ticket to a friend. 

Tim’s favorite item on the menu: I LOVE SOUPPPP!!!!

Food Destination #4: The Athenian Corner
Location: 207 Market Street, Lowell 01852
Phone: 978-458-7052

This sit-down restaurant is located downtown on the corner of Shattuck Street and Market Street in downtown Lowell. Although this place is a little bit further off campus. It is still walking distance from East Campus and If you enjoy Greek food, this place will not disappoint. 

They accept cash, credit, and Ucash. It’s a little bit more expensive than the other restaurants listed previously, however, its not terribly expensive and they do have excellent lunch specials. 

Fun Fact: There is parking! (surprisingly) So you shouldn’t have to pay the meter if you go here. 

Tim’s favorite food: Octapodi… It’s octopus. And it’s delicious. 

Food Destination#5: Feng Shui
Location:  285 Chelmsford St, Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone: 978-250-8888

Alright, so this is definitely the most expensive restaurant listed. HOWEVER, it is easily my favorite.
Also, it is probably the hardest one to get to, it’s not walking distance, and I won’t even try to give directions to it. So here are google’s directions from fox hall. They will be much clearer than mine. I promise, here they are:,+University+of+Massachusetts,+Lowell,+MA+01854&daddr=Feng+Shui,+Chelmsford+Street,+Town+of+Chelmsford,+MA&hl=en&geocode=FTjRigId7Lu_-ynX-2NxRaTjiTFHE5zm8hu44w%3BFTc0igIdUou_-yF2HPhxyy-OhCnZkvpxnqPjiTF2HPhxyy-OhA&aq=1&oq=Feng+sh&sll=42.63699,-71.29509&sspn=0.20357,0.445976&vpsrc=0&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&t=m&z=14&layer=c&ei=qKlcUNDJObGxxAGJ3IC4BQ&pw=2

WOW that was a much larger URL than I thought. But anyways there ya go.

Yea, so this restaurant is AMAZING. Easily my favorite sushi place outside Boston. The Chinese food here is also wicked extremely good if sushi isn’t your thing. They also have lunch buffets that are amazing and a special Sunday lunch buffet with higher quality food for a little extra $. If hibachi is your thing also they have that upstairs, however, I’ve personally never ate the hibachi there but my friends all tell me its great.

Also, they have a really good dine-in lunch sushi menu that is very affordable, check that out. My sister and I frequent lunch there every so often and usually pick from that.

Fun fact: After my Lowell High School graduation ceremony, my family rented a private room and all of us stuffed our faces with so much food, it was so good, my mouth is watering thinking about it. I haven’t ate sushi in over a month and it’s my favorite food :*****(

They accept cash, credit, and UCash.

Tim’s favorite item on the menu: Besides everything, my favorite is the Sushi Sashimi Boat. But I usually don’t get that too often because its a little pricey. My parents just spoil me but its ok because I am going to buy them a beach house when I am rich and famous.

Well, that’s all folks. I’m really hungry now…
-Tim “The Best” Brown

(p.s. you can find all the other places you can spend your lovely Ucash dollars at here: )

Whats next?…..

Hey Folks!
I hope the semester is going well! I know that it is for me! =)
This past Wednesday to kick off the Latin Heritage Month I attended an event called Cafe con Leche presented by UML’s very own LASA (Latin American Student Association). It was a fun night of talent with performances from a band, UML students with poetry and song, as well as a special guest form New York who also joined us last year and he did such an amazing job that we invited him back this year, Advocate of Wordz. You can find him on Facebook under that name, if you love poetry, realism, depth and comedy, then you will LOVE Advocate of Wordz!
If you are looking for more wonderful events like this one, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! There are flyers everywhere on what’s happening next. We have such a variety of clubs/organizations that put on AMAZING events. For example the next LASA and OMA (Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs) event will be this Tuesday September 25th in Alumni Hall (North Campus) at 8pm. It will be a continuation to Latin Heritage Month; it is called a Journey in His Shoes. It will be a special guest, Multi-Award winning filmmaker and speaker Jesus Nebot. He will be coming to share with us his immigration story and hear any ideas you may have. Isn’t that awesome?
If you want to join in all the fun, come check us out every Wednesday at 6pm in the CRC (east campus) conference room for our weekly meetings. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Or if you want to go in another direction, no worries JUST GET INVOLVED! It’s as easy as checking out this link:

<3 Giselle