Snoop Doggy Dogg

Guess who is coming to UMass Lowell??


yes, you heard right, CAPA was able to obtain the multi-platinum hit artist Snoop Dogg on January 28th.  Tickets go on sale 11/29 at 10 AM.  That is just in 10 days!!  Tickets cost $25 for students with a valid school ID and $40 for the general public.  They can be bought at the Tsongas Box Center!

Save the date!

-Jess :]

GLEE?!!? WHAT?!?!?! AT UML!?!?!

Yes. That is right! A Glee Club is starting up HERE at the lovely UML!!!

Do you like singing?
Do you like dancing?
Do you play an instrument?

If you said ‘yes’ to any of the above, then JOIN!!!
To join contact Ashley Tello – 
The UML Glee Club is currently under construction and will be an official club once there are 10 signatures of committed members, a constitution written, and SGA approves the club! And they already have an advisor, the CD of South Campus, Marshall Greenleaf!!

So….how do you start a club of your own?!
Step 1. Find something you’re interested in! It can be basically anything….(that is obviously legal…)
Step 2. Find 9 other people that want to join your club!! (10 including you!!)
Step 3. Find a full-time faculty member to be your adviser!
Step 4. Stop by SGA (In McGauvran) and pick up a “How to Form a New Undergraduate Student Club” form and fill it out!!
Step 5. Use said form to get those students from Step 2 and get them to sign your Form!!
Step 6. Write a constitution, a template is in the form!
Step 7. Send in your form to SGA and wait for approval!!!
It’s that easy!!!
So…great take aways from this amazing blog.
– If their isn’t a club already for your interest, MAKE YOUR OWN!!!


Notable UML Alumni

You might be wondering as you sit in your Exploring the Universe lecture โ€œWhat am I going to do with a degree from UMass Lowell?โ€
Well Iโ€™m here to answer that question and give you a few names of people who have used that degree to go above and beyond. You might even recognize a few of these names. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Jerry Bergonzi, jazz saxophonist and is the founder of Not Fat Records.
  • Michael Casey, poet. His first collection, Obscenities, was chosen by Stanley Kunitz for the Yale Series of Younger Poets. Other collections include Millrat (Adastra Press), The Million Dollar Hole (Orchises Press), Raiding a Whorehouse (Adastra), Permanent Party (March Street Press), Cindi’s Fur Coat (The Chuckwagon), and The Bopper (Kendra Steiner Editions).
  • Craig Charron, Professional Ice Hockey Player
  • Roger W. Cressey Former U.S. National Security Council Staff, President of Good Harbor Consulting Group
  • Edson deCastro, President and Founder, Data General Corporation
  • Brian S. Dempsey, (B.A.), member of the Mass. House of Representatives (served 1990 – present)
  • Mark Eshbaugh, Artist, Author, Musician and former professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Christopher G. Fallon, (M.S. 1978), member of the Mass. House of Representatives (served 1996 – present)
  • Sean Garballey, (B.A.), member of the Mass. House of Representatives (served 2008 – present)
  • Colleen M. Garry, (B.S.), member of the Mass. House of Representatives (served 1995 – present)
  • Thomas A. Golden, Jr., (B.S.) and (MBA), member of the Mass. House of Representatives (served 1995 – present)
  • Ron Hainsey, A professional ice hockey defenseman and an alternate captain of the Atlanta Thrashers of the National Hockey League.
  • Craig MacTavish, Played  centre for 19 NHL seasons with the Boston Bruins, Edmonton Oilers, New York Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers and St. Louis Blues. MacTavish later coached the Oilers from 2000 to 2009.
  • Marty Meehan, Congressman (served 1993 – 2007) and current chancellor
  • John Pinette, Comedian
  • Dwayne Roloson, Professional Ice Hockey Player currently playing for the New York Islanders in the NHL.
  • Robert Silvers, Photo mosaic artist whose art portrays familiar images throughout history and contemporary culture, either portraits of well-known personalities, world currency or fascinating renditions of masterpiece paintings.
  • Thelma Todd, movie actress who appeared in about 120 pictures between 1926 and 1935.
  • John Traphagan, Former Director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Texas at Austin and professor of Religious Studies
  • Boris Hirmas Rubio, noted Latin American entrepreneur, past Vice Chairman of Lan Chile
So many people with just one thing in common; they all have degrees from UMass Lowell! So work hard for that degree, itโ€™s a BIG deal. Maybe one day youโ€™ll end up on this list.


There are about 16 days left of school but don’t let that stress you out! If you prepare yourself by studying and staying on top of things you will be fine. But I know that school can get very stressful and when it is combined with other things it can get out of hand! How do you deal with stress?

Stress can be dealt with in many ways including but not limited to the following:



However you deal with stress just make sure to keep it under control and don’t sweat the small stuff! If you ever feel that your stress is too much to handle head over to counseling services and talk to someone about it.


SubUrbia on Campus!!

Hello there fellow students!! Well, it’s almost Turkey time!!! While you’re getting ready for Thanksgiving break, why not see a show with some of your friends?? What show you ask? Well…..
“SubUrbia” by Eric Bogosian, opens in just TWO DAYS for UML’s Off Broadway Players!!

  “SubUrbia is a brutally honest play about America’s youth post-high school, and the lives of people stuck in America’s suburbia, where the push to live the American Dream reigns supreme. From the life of a rock star to the life of a drunken war veteran, Bogosian examines the American Dream and how it affects the way we act. A drama, this play is both comedic and powerful, hitting every emotional nerve, while remaining very real and raw.” — Off Broadway Players

The show contains mature language, nudity, violence, and drug use and is intended for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY.

“SubUrbia” by Eric Bogosian
Directed by Andrea Southwick

Thursday, November 18 @ 7:30pm
Friday, November 19 @ 7:30pm
Saturday, November 20 @ 2:00pm & 7:30pm
Sunday, November 21 @ 2:00pm

Performances are at the Comley-Lane Theater (UML South Campus), 870 Broadway Street, Lowell, MA.

TICKETS are $5 for Students/Seniors & $10 for Adults and are available at the door. The box office opens one hour prior to each performance.

Support the arts, your fellow students, and OBP by heading over to SubUrbia this weekend! 

Cough Cough Cough

Do you feel like people around you are getting sick? Can’t afford to take time off from school? Let alone work?? They are giving students an oppurtunity to get a flu shot Tuesday November 16th, 2010 3rd floor McGauvran for $15 dollars. Prevent the flu get a flu shot… If your sick don’t cough on people even if you don’t like them.

Stay healthy ~ Stef

It’s That Time of the Year!

Hey guys! 

As most of you know, it’s that time of the year to sign up for classes and to meet with your advisors (which I’m hoping most of you did already)! Here are a few tips to help you get into the classes you should be in!

1. Check your advising report on ISIS. Just sign into ISIS and click self service then student center. Then in the big box in the middle of the screen on the bottom left hand corner it will say “advisement report.” Just click that and it will show you the classes you need to take. If you notice any mistakes just let your advisor know!

2. If you’re not sure about a class, talk with your advisor about it. Shoot them a quick email and ask them when you can come in to talk about it. Or if you’re around just drop by their office and see if they have some time. 

3. Have your classes all picked out the week before, or at least the night before. You can search for them and put them in your shopping cart until the morning of. So you can just wake up and click proceed! 

4. Some classes go quickly so make sure you get up early in the morning and register. Which will only take two seconds if you do Tip #3! Aside from classes getting filled up quickly, sometime ISIS is a little slow because so many people are signing on! So the earlier you try it, the more of a chance you will have of actually getting on quickly! 

5. Double check your classes! If you want to sign up for a class make sure you have all of you pre-requisites and co-requisites met, otherwise you won’t be able to get into the class! 

6. Finally, don’t sign up for a class just because you heard the professor or class was easy. They may have been easy to that particular person for a number of reasons: they liked the material, they understood the professors style of teaching, it was easier compared to their other classes, etc. Everyone learns differently and has different ideas on what “difficult or challenging” means. So pick the classes that work well with your schedule, not because you heard it was easy! 

If you have ANY questions, you can email any one of the ambassadors at our student emails. All of our emails are setup as follows:

Good Luck with your registration. I hope you all get into the classes that you want! 

Cait ๐Ÿ™‚

Penguins are my FAVORITE! ๐Ÿ™‚
I love cute animals pictures!
Baby Seal!(I think..)
This is THE cutest dog EVER, hands down!
Ahhh! It is so adorable! 


As you may or may not have noticed it is November 9 2010 which means we have about 20 class days left to the semester! Frightening? Yes. Exciting? Yes! 

What does this mean for you? It means that finals are a mere 20 class days away and now is the time to start preparing yourself at least mentally for what’s to come…one thing you should never do (but the even the best of us do it) is PROCRASTINATE!!!! 

I know it’s really easy to get caught up in all the fun things college has to offer: no curfew and good friends to name a few, but at some point you need to take a break from it and work on some…work. That being said, don’t put your cellphones down just yet (and know you probably haven’t), but just schedule your time wisely. 

How do you do it? Section out a large chunk of time to do your homework everyday and even work ahead on homework if you’re feeling saucy. Or if you can’t focus in your room, go to the library and work there (personally, I work better in the library because I am easily distracted). Just make sure you don’t procrastinate! Because in the end you’ll be thankful you didn’t when you are hanging out with your friends! 


WOAH! It’s almost OVER?!

Hey there!!! 

So in case you haven’t noticed THIS SEMESTER FLEW BY!!! Every semester does, but it can seem really overwhelming once you notice there are finals, packing, holidays, and a TON of other stuff going on!

Here are some tips to stay calm, cool, and collected!

1. Start preparing for your finals!!! Figure out your final schedule! Find out what you need to do for each class, whether it’s a final project or a final exam. If you have final papers or projects due, get a head start so your not cramming in and studying for exams after that. Start making study guides and study groups for your exams so you’re ready!

2. If you have to start packing for winter break, pack in small bunches and take trips home if you can. It’s easier to start with the clothes and things that you won’t need or use until then so by the day you need to move back home, you’re just taking your essentials with you.

3. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah are all fast approaching! If you plan on buying gifts or need some extra dough, start saving up now so you’re not struggling or worried by the holidays.

Well, let us know if you feel overwhelmed and we’ll help as best we can!!
