Stuff On Campus

So I’m pretty sick of people saying that there is “nothing to do” on campus. You’re all a bunch of whine-y liars!! There is basically something to do on campus almost EVERY DAY! 

Let’s get you educated and
aware of your awesome school events. 

* This FRIDAY is FRESH FRIDAY! Go to Fox Common at 10pm and BUST A MOVE. Who doesn’t love a dance party? Head on over and have some Friday night fun!

* RENT – This amazing show will be put on by your lovely UML Off Broadway Players.  Rent is an awesome rock musical that can be fun for any college student.  The show airs SEVEN…count ’em..SEVEN different times. The show plays from March 31 – April 10th, so go to the SIC to get your $5 student tickets.

* BEAT THE SYSTEM – This even is geared for any current student who is planning one living on campus next year!! This is your way to “BEAT” the Res Life “SYSTEM.” We will be having a lottery drawing for the first 20 spots in housing. What does that mean? If you get a winning spot, you get the first picks of housing on campus that are open!! Yea, I know, it’s crazy. There will also be a TON of cool things, so get on it. Oh & it’s FREE!

* CAMPUS CLUBS – Campus clubs advertise weekly meetings all the time!! Not sure if you’re interested? Just head to a general meeting and get the feel for the environment. There is a club for almost every interest, so get involved and stop complaining that there’s nothing to do! (Why not join the Glee Club?, all welcome!!!)

* Intramural sports! The second half of the spring semester intramurals are starting, so join up with your friends and head to watch a game or join in on the fun!

* Campus Moviefest Premiere!! — TOMORROW — Thursday — Go to Cumnock and watch the premiere of all of the great movies students made!! Vote for Viewers Choice! 7pm!

The Intramural Sports Department will be hosting our annual March Madness Tournament tomorrow Thurday March 24th starting at 5pm. The events are as follows: 3 on 3 tournament, 3 point contest, 3 point knockout and the Dunk Contest. If you would like to sign up for this event please pick up a form at the crc welcome desk or fill out a form online: Here is the link to register a team:

 Here is the link to sign up as a free agent or for individual tournaments: 

OK, for reals…I’m not going to list down EVERYTHING there is to do on campus because that is an INSANE amount of writing!!! Get out there and have some fun!!!


A Must See: RENT! Put on By Our Very Own OBP!

The Umass Lowell Off-Broadway Players Proudly Present:

Come see the Off-Broadway Players Annual spring musical, RENT! RENT is a story of love, loss, living with aids, and living life as if there were “No Day But Today”. RENT is loosely based on Puccini’s famous opera “La Boheme”, and takes place in the East Village of New York City in the mid 1990’s, during which there was a large AIDS scare amongst the bohemians and artists. Book, Music, and Lyrics by, Jonathan Larson

Directed by: Mary Plant-Thomas
Musical Direction: Emily Roos
Choreography: Rose Abramoff


March 31st: 7:30pm, doors at 7:00pm (STUDENT TICKETS ONLY ONE DOLLAR ON OPENING NIGHT!!!)
April 1st: 7:30pm, doors at 7:00pm
April 2nd: 7:30pm, doors at 7:00pm
April 3rd: 2:00pm (Matinee), doors at 1:30pm
April 8th: 7:30pm, doors at 7:00pm
April 9th, 7:30pm, doors at 7:00pm
April 10th, 2:00pm (Matinee), doors at 1:30pm.

Tickets can also be purchased day of show at the box office in the lobby of the Comley-Lane Theatre, Mahoney Hall, South Campus.


Mark Cohen- Ben Nguyen
Roger Davis- Alex B
Mimi Marquez- Stephanie Bates
Tom Collins – Shawn Marengo
Angel Dumott Shunard – Dano Knobel
Maureen Johnson – Olivia Stiling
Joanne Jefferson – Ashley Tello
Benjamin Coffin III – Jacob Hajja

Big Jazz Night!

March 29th at 7:30 is a big night for all of you Jazz lovers out there. In your very own DURGIN HALL will be a night full of jazz, and performing will be not only your fellow UML music majors, but professional jazz musicians as well. The best about all of this is that it is 100% FREE. So come on down, listen to some really good live music, and lets fill the house!

~James (don’t mean a thing if you aint got that swing)

Housing Contracts!

As you might have noticed, for those of you live in the Residence Halls, that you received a handy dandy packet when you returned to your room. It’s that time of the year where students must let Residence Life know whether or not they are planning on living on campus next year. Let’s talk about how this works, shall we?

The packet does a pretty good job of explaining how the whole process works. It’s similar to the way you first applied to live in housing. There is a contract and a two hundred dollar deposit. The contract asks you for basic information like your name, address, etc. Then it proceeds to ask if you are a current resident or a list of other things. If you don’t know the answer to that question, then don’t worry. Just ask! There is no such thing as a stupid question. Then it will ask if you’ve been convicted of a felony and how many credits you have. These are ALL important questions, so don’t skip one. They can decide whether or not you’re given a room. There are few terms of agreement that you SHOULD look at before signing your John Hancock! It’s a contract, don’t forget. The words aren’t there just for decoration. Make sure to give them a good look over. If you’re under 18 then it also asks for your parents signature.

When you’re done with THAT all you have to do is pay the deposit. You can pay this with cash, check, or credit card.

Now here’s the super important part, so i’m going to write it in big red letters.


That’s pretty much all about the housing contract. Once you’re done with that, you can go on the Online Housing Gateway and choose where you want to live. It’s easy as ABC.

Feel free to shoot us any questions you might have, we’re always willing to help!


* Author is willing to retract this statement if the information is wrong. But she’s pretty sure it’s not…so there.

P.S. Here’s a copy of the Housing Contract if you DIDN’T receive it, but want it. 

P.P.S Check out the new virtual tour videos of the different Residence Halls the University has to offer! 

I’m done now…I swear.

Okay, maybe ONE more thing. It’s Monday, Monday. Hanging with Voldemort on Monday! Kind of irrelevant but…we all need a bit of a laugh on this snowy day.

SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey All,

How was your spring break? Did you do anything fun? Did you go anywhere tropical? OR were you a couch potatoe like me 🙂 My break was amazing, it consisted of me sleeping, cooking, eating, and the oh so dreadful homework (tried to avoid it but couldn’t). Over spring break I took my FIRST EVER cooking class, which was extremely exciting. I know how to cook but it was nice to see someone else do it and have the hands on expereince. Instead of watching the food network and just watching it. Do any of your know how to cook? Easy Mac, ramen, and pasta don’t count. Sorry guys 🙁 Heres some daily cartoons about stuff

Let me know how your spring break was, Remember only 43 days left of the semester, and advising starts NEXT week!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOO sign up early so there it isn’t a hold on your account!!


P.S what do you think of this song??? This is the BEST song ever!!!!!!!!!! and yes she is better then Justin Bieber Friday!

Exciting news

Hey All,

If you haven’t noticed or did notice and wondering why fences are being put up around south by the bus stop……WELLL South is getting a BRAND NEW academic building!!!!!!! It will be home to psychology, criminal justice and nursing!!!! So beat that NORTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though the building won’t be finished until 2013 the construction will be starting in April!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Women’s History Month

S.I.S.T.E.R.S is celebrating Women’s History Month on campus. 
**Check out this link for a TON of great information about Women’s History Month!!!**
Events that you can attend include:
March 8th – International Women’s Day
Where? Cumnock Hall
When?  6:00pm – 8:00pm
 — S.I.S.T.E.R.S and Multicultural Affairs are celebrating great women in history with a lovely dinner.
 March 10th – Rock Red Pumps
When? All day!
 — Rock your fave red shoes to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS in women and girls.
March 22nd – Bead Party!
Where?  Alumni Hall
When? 6:30pm – 8:00pm
— Come make awesome jewelry with beads made and sold by African women. 100% of the proceeds go to ease the poverty for these Ugandan Women.
March 28th – 2nd Annual Women’s Appreciation Dinner
Where? Cumnock Hall
When? 5:00pm – 7:00pm
–M.A.L.E.S is holding their 2nd Annual Women’s Appreciation Dinner to women on campus and their achievements while being here!


So in case you haven’t noticed..this semester is FLYING BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here’s a little time line for you so you know where you’re at and don’t lose track of the semester!!
March 11 – Residence Halls close for SPRING BREAK
March 20 – Residence Halls OPEN at NOON
March 21 – Classes resume
*About a month away!
April 4 – (BASED ON ENROLLMENT APPTS.) Students begin enrolling for FALL 2011!!!
****Make sure you meet with your advisor prior to your enrollment date!!!****
*A little over a month away!
****If you’re really struggling with a course, talk to your professor and see what the best course of action for you to take is!****
April 18 – Monday – PATRIOT’S DAY – University Closed!!
May 10 – READING DAY!!!!!
May 11 – May 19 –   ***FINALS WEEK!***
May 19 – Residence Halls close at 6:00pm! (YOU MUST LEAVE 24 HOURS AFTER YOUR LAST FINAL)
I know, I know…it seems so OVERWHELMING!!!!! It will be OK!!!! Just keep track and manage your time and you’ll make it until the sun finally comes out for summer break!!!!!!!!!


I love singing but the thing is.. I’m horrible! It has gotten to the point where if I start signing, my family begs me to stop. But music is awesome and it’s the one of the few things that everyone loves. It doesn’t matter weather you like classical, rap, or pop because all music is great. I might be bad a singing but a thing I am good at it, dancing! It is another thing that everyone loves (even if they don’t admit it)! Dancing can be ballet or even that crazy jump you do when you get an A on a really hard test. Dance and music are two things that connect everyone because they are universal in all cultures and languages. Singing and dancing symbolize happiness and fun!

Now if only there was a show that combined these two… oh wait, there is! And this awesome show is called GLEE! And that is why we now have a UMass Lowell Glee Club. A ton of UMass Lowell student LOVE Glee and got a club started for all of you to join! Its exciting because it’s a chance for all you Glee lovers and Gleeks together and do what you love. But Glee isn’t just about singing and dancing. The Glee Club needs actors/actresses, choreographers, band members, and an assistant music director. There are so many thing you can do to be a part of this great club.

Questions, Comments, Concerns, Conumdrums?! Check out the club page:!/home.php?sk=group_165792160122048 or email them at!

And for all of you who have never seen a Glee episode: check it out! Here are some clip of the Show:
Hey Soul Sister
Forget you

Future Gleek,