I’m contemplating things that begin with the letter M…

For those of you who know where that quote is from, Congratulations. For those of you who don’t, go watch Alice in Wonderland in theaters now. It’s an awesome movie and totally worth the amount it will cost to go see it in IMAX. But seriously, i have been thinking about movies recently, but that’s because i was recently in one of the five minute movies for campus movie fests. Some of you might not know what that is, but there were posters everywhere!
Basically, if you wanted to make a movie, you grabbed equipment from the people running the program and had to use whatever was in the bag to make a movie. There was a camera, a Mac book, a cellphone, and a few other nifty things. Alot of people worked hard and there were over 30 movies made! That’s crazy. They’re all on Youtube now for your viewing pleasure, but if you want to go to a premiere party, it’s this Thursday in Cumnock hall. There, you the viewers can vote on whichever movie you want for the categories listed. I believe there is best drama, best comedy, and fan favourites. The winners of this competition will end up having their movies sent to New York for another vote and then maybe to Nationals! How awesome is that? Well, go support your classmates and see their awesome movies. See you Thursday!



Hey Dudes and Dudettes,

It’s Jeff here to smack you all with valuable information as well as talk about myself for a little bit…just kidding…but what have I been doing you ask?!?!?!

WELL, I have been busy studyin’ for a week full of exams coming up, working all around campus, preparing for the Big Jazz Night concert on Thursday, and most of all waiting for Orientation 20X to already happen!  I hope all of you are doing well in your classes and if you are struggling, that you are using all of the resources you have available to you here…fo free!!!

Now that you have had your weekly dose of “whats Jeff been doin'”, it is time to wash it down with “What the heck is going on?!?”.  

First thing is Dancing with the UML Stars.  It is a little over a month away but it is definitely something that you all should attend!  It is put on by the UML Ballroom Club and the night will be filled with Dancing with the Stars-esque performances and it is always really entertaining.  Look out for the flyers all around campus about official times and competitors!

The premier for the Campus Movie Fest is this Thursday at 7:30 in Cumnock Hall on North Campus!  Come and support your fellow movie directors and see some funny, sad, and thrilling 5 minute shorts!

Who loves Gospel music?!?!  Who doesn’t know if they love Gospel music?!?!  Well, this Saturday, March 27 at 2PM there will be the first annual Gospel concert put on by ASAO.  The concert is free and open to all and will have some of New England’s best Gospel groups performing so it should be a pretty neato concert!

Also, this Thursday the Big Jazz Night concert is happening at 7:30 in the Durgin Concert Hall.   The concert will have the Universities own Studio Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Rock Big Band performing along with the nationally acclaimed Compaq Big Band.  The concert is free to all and recital will be given to all of you music majors out there.  So come and enjoy some crazy music!

That should do it from me so ya’ll have a good remainder of your weeks and remember to come to us with any questions or concerns you may have!

Alrighty I’m Done,

Summer and Beyond Career Fair!

Hello Bloggers,

Looking for a summer job?
Are you thinking about an internship?

Every spring semester, Career Services has the Summer and Beyond Career Fair. This year the date is April 14 from 1-4pm @ the Campus Rec Center. It may seem a ways away but your resume should be updated and you should learn how to dress and act appropriately at a career fair.

The services that Career Services offers to prepare you include resume/cover letter drop-in hours, (which vary daily, so make sure you check out their website) interviewing skills, and the ever popular program, “Dine and Dress for Success.” However, the date for this event has already passed. If you continue to be interested make sure to stop by their office and ask plenty of questions. Remember, THEY ARE HERE FOR US!!

Check out their website! http://www.uml.edu/student-services/Career_Services/default.html

Everything about the Career Fair is at the top right hand column. Make sure you check out what companies/employers will be there so you can map out a gameplan to make the most of your time.

Stay dry and have a great Tuesday! =)

registration for fall classes!

Hey everybody, just dropping by to give you a quick look ahead at when you can begin registering for classes this upcoming fall semester. April 14 is the day that the enrolling/advising period begins. Most of you probably have had advising before, but for those of you who haven’t, it is a time when you meet with your advisor to discuss what classes you will take the following semester.
After you have your advising meeting, check your ISIS account for your enrollment appointment to see when you can begin registering for classes on ISIS.
Keep a lookout for upcoming news about the upcoming fall semester!

Back from break!

Steven Colbert knows how you feel.
Hey guys!
It’s Monday, and we’re back from our Spring Break! Hope everyone had a good one!
I’m sure that you’re all exhausted and tired, due to staying up late and sleeping in all week. Now that we’re back in school, it’s best to get yourself back into a regular sleeping schedule, and staying focused for the last half of the semester.
It’s very tempting to slack off now that midterms are over, but this period of the semester is crucial for maintaining good grades. Finals week will be here before you know it, and the 2009-2010 school year will be over!

To help get yourself back in a routine, try to go to sleep at the same time every night. Also, make sure you allot time every night for studying/homework, and be sure to leave time for fun too!

Hope you all have a good Monday! <3

Want to travel?! Study Abroad!!

With the Spring weather starting up, everyone’s eyes are set on vacation. Whether it’s talking about going away for Spring break or trips they are planning for the summer, students want to travel!

If you’re paying for a vacation, it can get pricey pretty fast…even for just a week of fun in the sun! So why not use your semester’s pay for a semester long “vacation”? You can travel AND earn credits all at the same time!

A students’ trip to Morrocco!
Not sure where you want to go? That’s cool, UMass Lowell students have studied in more than 23 countries..so you’re options are pretty open!

Not sure when you’d wanna go? You can apply for a Study Abroad program that works for you in either the fall, spring, summer, OR winter sessions!

When should you start planning? NOW! The sooner you start planning your trip the easy it will be to accomplish your goals!
The Study Abroad Advisor is Kristen Rhyner – she has all of the information you could want about studying abroad!

Office: Centers for Learning, Southwick 308

E-mail: Kristen_Rhyner@uml.edu

Phone: 978-934-2920

Three students in Europe!


Planning for Spring Carnie

Hey everybody!

I (Audrey) am a big procrastinator, and have learned that most of the time, when you plan things rather than waiting until the last minute, they come out better.
That being said, I wanted to take this time to inform you that even though Spring Carnival is still over a month away, planning for it now is a smart idea.
During this glorious day, UML celebrates by having all clubs and organizations set up booths (usually on the softball field on South campus) that go along with the year’s theme. Last year, the theme was Greece, so clubs did Greek-related booths, like tye-dying togas and selling Grecian cuisine. Some clubs sell items such as food or shirts, while others like to do free crafts. Bigger clubs often get fun inflatables students can enjoy.
This year, the theme (so far that we know) is Boardwalk, a Jersey Shore-based one. So if you are in a club or organization, start planing your booth now! Or, if you have any ideas for a great booth, let us know! Your lovely Ambassadors are all involved in some organization or another so we would appreciate the input!

What’s Goin On!?!?!?!

Holler Peeps,

It’s Jeff here ready to fill your heads with unbelievable knowledge that you cannot avoid nor deny…

As far as how I am doing, I’m great!  Thank you for asking!   It has been a busy two weeks but Spring Break is right around the corner and I could not be more excited!

Now for “What’s Goin On?!?!?!”  I will start with this Friday!  There is a concert series provided by MEISA/VPAC in the Fox Hall Common at 8:00PM.  It will be a free concert for students featuring campus bands and local Boston area acts so come and check it out before you head home for Spring Break!

As far as Spring Break goes, move out is going to be Friday by 6:00PM.  The halls will be closed all over Spring Break and you will NOT have access into the halls so make sure you bring everything home that you will need!  Also, your RA’s should have handed out some form of paperwork informing you what should be done before you move out like locking your windows, unplugging stuff, feeding the monkey under your bed, that kind of stuff.

There are a few concerts coming up in Durgin Concert Hall as well.  Sunday, March 21st there is a faculty recital at 7:30PM.  The recital will feature The Ariel Quintet and should be a nice way to relax after moving back into after Spring Break.

Also, on Thursday, March 25 at 7:30PM there is a free concert that I am putting on with the help of another student called The Big Jazz Night.  Recital credit will be given to Music Majors as well so why the heck not right?!?!  It will feature the Universities own Jazz Rock Big Band and Studio Jazz Orchestra directed by Prof. Dan Lutz and Walter Platt.  Also performing will be the internatioanlly acclaimed Compaq Big Band who has done a big band tour in Great Britain as well as opened for the Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band in both 2007 and 2008.  It should be a great concert and you can all come and see my toot my horn!  Here is a link to the event page on Facebook…


I think that will be it from me so everyone have a safe Spring Break we will be seeing you when you all get back!

Alright I’m Done,

Career Services update!

Bonjour Bloggers,

Mary here and hoping to bring you some news about Career Services. Has anyone utilized Career Services yet? If not, in the next few years you’ll find that you’ll really be needing them to help you, from fixing a resume to practicing a job interview, Career Services is here for US, the students! Everyday they have drop-in hours for resume and cover letters. The hours change daily, so for an updated list visit their website.


Career Services has also a feature that’s called eRecruiting. Every student has an account already, you just need to login and fill out some information. At this site, you can upload your resume/cover letter, look up job openings through CareerSearch, and employers can also log in and look you up! If you want more information about this, please go visit the office which is located on North Campus, 200 Southwick Hall (it’s above the Southwick cafe)

*** Also as a side note. Keep a look out for the Summer and Beyond Career Fair, which is taking place April 14. Make sure to have an updated resume by then! To see who will be there, check out the Career Services website.***

I hope this is helpful to all of you. Please utilize this office as much as you can. They are absolutely amazing people who want to help students succeed. (Even after graduation!)

Jersy Shore Mix-Up

Hey guys, Cynthia here.
Much of the Spring Carnival buzz has been about the two HUGE events going on at night: Drake and Pauly D. Two HUGE celebrities coming here to UMass Lowell. Almost too good to be true.
Unfortunately the news about Pauly D spinning on April 30th actually turned out too good to be true. CAPA has just recieved breaking news that Pauly D has canceled on Spring Carnival. Upsetting, I know.
This is the time when the rumors start flying. Will Student Activites and CAPA get someone to replace Pauly D? Will they just cancel the dance he was supposed to DJ all together? The best advice I can give you is to wait until CAPA and Student Activites makes a statement. Until they tell us what’s going on, no one will know the full story.
For more spring carnival news, follow us on twitter and add us as a friend on facebook!