2018 DifferenceMaker® Demo Day

On Tuesday, July 10, the 2018 winning DifferenceMaker® Idea Challenge teams gathered in the Saab Center, Perry Atrium, on UMass Lowell’s North Campus to pitch their new and improved ideas to alumni, faculty, staff and interested mentors/advisors. These student teams participated in a 4-week Summer Boot Camp where they conducted customer discovery, discovered who their competitors were, and developed their business models utilizing the canvas. This was all done in preparation for Demo Day!

Demo Day allowed gave each team the opportunity to showcase their new and improved solutions to the audience of over 100 participants!  In their pitches, they explained their business plans and potential customers and discussed the impact they wanted to make with their solutions. They also described the qualities, skills, and expertise they needed in a mentor, in order to get to the next step.

The goal of Demo Day is always to advance teams’ progress with the help and guidance of mentors. The teams had the opportunity to mentor with the crowd, answer questions, and receive insightful feedback.

Thank you to all attendees and mentors that make this possible!

If you are interested in learning more, please click the following links:

DifferenceMaker Program

2018 Idea Challenge Winning Teams

Mentor Program

Support DifferenceMaker or a Specific Student Team

Facebook Photo Album of Demo Day


Over 100 attendees!!!

Networking with the Manning School of Business Dean, Sandra Richtermeyer

Team ETRALock networking with UMass Lowell’s Provost Michael Vayda

Mass Heartbeat pitching there idea to save lives