
Power or no power?! That seems to be the golden question. Well, if you are reading this that means you have power where you are so WAHOO! Cause it would be horrible to be out of power and miss this lovely blog that I am writing. I luckily live on campus where there are generators so I was only withour power for 30 seconds (: Which was just long enough to laugh that the power went out due to a snow storm in October and to get scared of being alone in the dark (I don’t like big storms). And on the bright side, we were not the worst hit area! My sister’s colleg in Conneticut got evacuated for the whole week!! But thankfully all the power is suppose to be back on soon!

It’s that time of the year when all we want to do is wrap up in a blanket, drink hot chocolate with marshmellows, and watch a movie. There is no more motivation to get outside, be active, or eat healthy. But those three things aren’t just good for your mind, body, and health; they can also improve your grades! I bet you never knew that!

High cardio workouts create new brain cells which means studying right after a run will help you retain how to do that Physics homework or that Anatomy reading. Working out has a bad rep saying it tires you out but in reality, working out releases chemicals and hormones that keeps you awake and feeling ready to do anything! Working out is the best in the morning because it wakes you up, gets your body moving, keeps you focused and makes to brain cells to be filled with information in class.

Eating healthy also can have a huge impact on how you do in class. Certain foods can keep you focused in class so your mind isn’t wondering. Try almonds, raisins, tuna or any fish with high omega-3 levels, sunflower seeds, watermelon, peanut butter, and dark chocolate (there are a ton more too!). Try eating a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack so you aren’t thinking about food in class. And eating snacks helps you avoid over eating at other meals. In your main meals of the day try to have a large portion of a vegetable or fruit, a medium size portion of protein, and a small amount of fat or carbs. This balanced meal will keep you feeling full longer. Avoid drinking to much coffee, although it can help you get through that 8am Physics Lecture or an all night study session, when consumed in large amounts it can leave you jittery and unfocused. Another helpful tip is drink lots of water! I know you hear is all the time but not having enough water can lead to dehyrdration, drowsiness, and lack of concentration. Try getting an eco-friendly reusable water bottle and taking it every where so you can refill it everytime you want something to drink.

Have an exam coming up?! Try my Exam Get Ready Routine! The day before hit the gym for 35 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of weights. Follow it with a protein packed snack (Balance Bars are my favorite) and a trip to the library. The morning of the exam, eat breakfast! It’s scientificly proven those who eat before an exam do better. I always have an apple with peanut butter before every single exam I take, it’s kind of my good luck charm.

I hope this helps you have successful and health semester!

How to spend some free time…

I’ve talked a lot about getting your work done so that you have time for other things.. but what exactly are those other things? The answer is simple: WHATEVER YOU WANT. Once you completed your objective (your objective being homework), you can  do whatever you like without anyone telling you no! (within reason). Might I suggest going to the RCC and get your sweat on, and while you’re there play some pick up basketball? Or perhaps attend one of the several concerts that happen in Durgin Hall through out the year? OR PERHAPS PLAYING ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF COD ON YOUR XBOX AND LAUGHING MANIACALLY AS YOU DESTROY YOUR OPPONENTS? Maybe. But the world is your oyster, do go catch it… or eat it… well you can’t really eat it until you catch it. So good luck, and get extra butter.


~James (The Gordon Fisherman)

OcToBeR: The time of Scary Movies!

Have you seen any scary movies yet this month?? Me either. Do you have a weird opinion of the fact that Scary Movie parodied the parody Scream? Me too. Super excited to see a scream queen sit down to watch a scary movie for herself, put some popcorn on the stove and realize that she isn’t quite alone in her house as she runs through the most incovenient path through stairs and out of doors only to eventually succumb to the blade of a psychopath’s blade? You know I am.

If you are looking for the opportunity to watch a fan favorite, but don’t want to watch it alone, go to Donahue Hall’s lobby this Friday to watch Hocus Pocus and get some free candy!

Not a Hocus Pocus fan? Buy some delicious snacks and invite some friends over and rent one of these thrillers. They aren’t going to watch themselves you realize …

Happy October!



Did I scare you? Totally did didn’t I? (Nailed it!) So we are in the scariest part of the year… OcToBeR. You know what that means! Foggy nights, colder weather, sweatshirts and jackets are a must, and of course.. HALLOWEEN! Have you come up with your costume idea yet? Are you going to still go trick-or-treating? Maybe have a scary party back home with some friends you haven’t seen in months? Maybe watching the nightmare before Christmas a bazzilion times?? Maybe going to the Halloween fair from the 24th-26th and carve some pumpkins, or go see the psychic show?

There are a lot of things to do in this month! Keep your eyes open so you don’t miss out!

~James (Mr. Jack-o-lantern)

Did someone do a No-Rain dance?

Hello Everyone!

It’s not raining today! I’m pretty excited about it.

You should do something fun today.

Like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbxwsgn94yM&feature=related

Or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZkBfp_ybCI

Want to do something seasonal? Do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-6eH4RCjxs

Or be extreme like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0fKnVjVuVMO

When it starts raining again, you can always do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMKKwcq96NM

Happy Wednesday!!


Hey guys and guyettes!

I’m not sure if anyone has yet run in to this problem (you probably have..) but college can be very stressful at times, and it seems like you have to sacrifice things in order to do well in school.

Now, although this picture can be SURPRISINGLY CORRECT, (all jokes aside) I think that if you balance and manage your time well, you should be able to have all of these things and not just choose two! One thing that you really can’t let go of is enough sleep . Getting enough sleep is an incredibly important thing these days. One of my professors jokingly said one class that you don’t need to sleep, you only need to eat and drink some water and you can function daily. He was obviously trying to be funny, but it made me wonder if that was actually the case or not. After my first all-nighter at college, I realized THIS IS NOT THE CASE WHAT-SO-EVER. I was shaking due to the four monsters I had consumed, I could not pay attention in class all day, and I had this odd feeling of wanting to pass out in the middle of the hallway, but all the caffeine I had consumed would not allow me to blink let alone shut my eyes for a few. This also lead to a lack of appetite, some head aches, and over-all grumpiness. Sure, all of my work was done for the day, but I pretty much was an empty shell in a desk for the day during all of my classes. When I finally went to bed, it wasn’t a very good feeling either. For some reason falling asleep before your head hits the pillow comes off as a BAD thing.

Now that you have heard my story, here is how you can avoid a similar situation:

                       8-10 hours is the goal!
                       Studies show that people who go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time feel more refreshed each day because they got more REM sleep than those who didn’t
                       If you didn’t put off the project to the night before, then there would be no need for an all-nighter. Try and space out the work as much as you can.
                       I know, I know.. there is no better feeling than waking up at noon right? WRONG. Oversleeping can be just as bad as not getting enough sleep and can totally throw your body off for sleep the next day!

So tonight set your alarms, and get to bed around 11 or midnight. Your video games and movies won’t go anywhere (I promise).

~James (Mr. Sandman)

Fall Fest

Hi everyone!!

I hope you are all having an amazing Wednesday!

I actually just wanted to post some more information on a couple of Fall Fest events that are going on this weekend because they are going to be unreal.

To kick off the weekend, CAPA presents Girl Talk at the CRC at 9:00pm, doors open at 8pm on Friday September 30th. The show is 18+ and you must bring your ID. You can still purchase tickets ahead of time through the Tsongas Center Box Office for the student rate of $15 with your college ID or $20 without one ahead of time. Tickets will be sold at the door for $20 with a college ID and $25 to the public.

Are you still wondering what Girl Talk is?

Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77KQ11TZYE8&feature=youtu.be

In summary, the show is going to be bananas.

In great need of some fun Wild West style? Go to Family Day at UML: Saddle up for Rowdy’s Roundup also presented by CAPA. The event is taking place on Saturday October 1st from 10:30am – 2:00pm at the Tsongas Center Back Lawn. Now you may be thinking that there is nothing there for you. You’re silly. There will be live music, food, novelties, a petting zoo, the UMass Lowell Marching band, family-friendly activities, and Fundraising booths by over 80 student organizations, otherwise known as something for everyone!

Have a great weekend! (You will.)


Participate in a research study and you could WIN one of 40- $50.00 bookstore gift certificates!

Hey everyone!

If you are an incoming freshman at UML, this letter is directed towards you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Dear UMass Lowell Student:

The University of Massachusetts Lowell and Inflexxion, Inc. are conducting a research study to assess the health education program, MyStudentBody.

You are being asked to participate in this research study because you are an incoming freshmen enrolled at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Every incoming freshman will be asked to participate, but enrollment in the research study is voluntary. If you decide not to participate you will be required to take the MyStudentBody program at a later time, but not as part of a study.

If you agree to participate you will be asked to complete all testing online. you will be asked to either complete some questionnaires on the MyStudentBody site or a different online program called Vovici.

Upon completion of all study tasks you will be entered into a lottery to win a prize. All participants have the opportunity to win one of the 40 – $50.00 bookstore gift certificates.

If you are interested please click on the link to learn more:

Have a great Monday!

New introduction and Research Study Information

Hello everyone!
My name is Alanna Gaffny, and this is my first blog! I’m an Art History/History major and in my senior year.  On campus, I am trying to get the Art History club going again, was an Orientation Leader this past summer and am an Orientation Ambassador. My future plans are a little uncertain, but I know that I want to travel.
Favorite Movies: Pulp Fiction and The Princess Bride
Favorite Food: Mashed potatoes
Favorite Band: No Doubt, The Killers and Radiohead
Favorite Sports Teams: Boston Bruins and the Red Sox
Favorite On Campus thing to do: I personally love the opening week activities that the school offers. So far I have been to cookouts, the outdoors movie, Six Flags and I’m going to the Red Sox Game tonight! Woohoo!
Fun Fact: I didn’t start drinking coffee until my junior year of college.
Also like Meg and James, if you have any issues please contact me! That’s what I am here for and I would love to help!
In other news …
You could win one of 40-$50.00 Bookstore gift certificates!
Dear UMASS Lowell Student:
The University of Massachusetts Lowell and Inflexxion, Inc. are conducting a research study to assess the health education program, MyStudentBody.
You are being asked to participate in this research study because you are an incoming freshmen enrolled at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Every incoming freshman will be asked to participate, but enrollment in the research study is voluntary. If you decide not to participate you will be required to take the MyStudentBody program at a later time, but not as part of a study.
If you agree to participate you will be asked to complete all testing online. You will be asked to either complete some questionnaires on the MyStudentBody site or a different online Program called Vovici.
Upon completion of all study tasks you will be entered into a lottery to win a prize. All participants have the opportunity to win one of 40 – $50.00 bookstore gift certificates.
If you are interested please click on the link to learn more: www.inflexxion.com/researchstudies
Have a great weekend everyone!


Hello there all you guys and guyettes!

My name is James Ham, and this is my introductory blog! THIS IS MY DEBUT, MY TIME TO SHINE, MY TIME TO LIVE IN THE MOMENT. MY TIME TO… BLOG. And I mean who doesn’t like to talk about themselves? Come on…. you all know you love to do it!

Who am I you ask? Well I’m James as previously mentioned. I’m a music education major and I’m also a senior. I was a transfer student from MCC (Middlesex Community College), I transfered here to UML spring semester of my freshman year… and been here ever since! (and loving it by the way!). I like to play COD a lot.. I’ve recently got into ZOMBIES, and I have been dominating. I made an A Cappella group: HAWKAPELLA, and I won’t let anyone forget it. I love singing. It is the greatest thing in this world. Everyone has a voice, remember that. I am also an orientation leader. I give great hugs.

I would like to piggy pack off of what Meg said earlier. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t be shy! ASK AWAY! Especially music questions! I know a bunch about everything music here. I pride myself in knowing it… SO ASK! And non music questions too! Legit, I can help! I’ve been around long enough 🙂


FAVORITE CAKE: BOSTON CREAM PIE (its not a pie.. mind blown right?)

That’s me in a nutshell!

~James (Zombie Slayer) Ham