During my move-in day at UMass Lowell, I couldn’t imagine that I’d be writing blog posts offering prospective students my experiences just a few weeks later. However, that’s just the opportunity UMass Lowell was able to offer me in less than a month living on campus!
Hey, my name is Kevin, and as an Enrollment Marketing Intern this year at UMass Lowell, I will be periodically posting about some of the cool things going on at UML. Here is a quick Q & A about me and my life at UMass Lowell so far!
Where are you from?
Uxbridge, Mass.
What year are you at UML?
I’m a sophomore, but this is my first year on campus.
What’s your major?
Business administration with a double concentration in finance and marketing.
Where do you live on campus?
Fox Hall Floor 11. Once I saw the dining hall was on floor 3, it was an easy decision 🙂
What’s your favorite thing about being on campus so far?
I’ve really enjoyed building relationships with so many new people. Whether it’s my roommate, neighbors, professors or random people I run into all over campus, everyone is so open and welcoming.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I really enjoy playing/watching sports, particularly baseball.
How would you describe your time at UML in one word?