
Hi, I’m Liz, and I’m the person behind this blog.

I’m new to working in higher ed, and I just started a position in UMass Lowell’s marketing department.

If you’re like 99% of the world, you probably didn’t realize that universities had marketing departments. Fun fact: They do. Colleges and universities even take it one step further and have marketers who just focus on reaching prospective students. That’s what I do, and I am part of a team that’s sole job is to market to people interested in applying to the university. We work closely with the university’s admissions counselors.

It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that this type of marketing was a thing. It’s still a relatively new idea to me, and this blog is probably going to end up being a super unpolished look at life at UMass Lowell. So, please, look the other way if I sound like an idiot—this is as new to me as it is to you. 

Stick around, and you’ll get a behind the scenes look at UMass Lowell. You’ll get an inside look as I attend campus events, eat food in downtown Lowell and interact with the students who go here.

TL;DR: This is me figuring out what UMass Lowell is all about, exploring the Lowell community and giving you a peek behind the curtain at the admissions process.