11/20/09 – New Time Reporting Policy for Salaried Employees

The Human Resource office has revised the policy regarding the reporting of time.Henceforth, salaried employees are only required to report exceptions to their scheduled time for each pay period. Time does not need to be recorded every week.

An employee who has no exceptions in a pay period does not need to do any HR Direct data entry. In fact, you do not need to login unless you have exceptions to report.

Exceptions include vacation, sick, personal, bereavement, jury duty, and a few others.

A Holiday is an unscheduled day and therefore not an exception –no data entry is required.

Employees should be accurately reporting their time by the established deadlines for each pay period. The normal system deadline is the Sunday prior to Pay Day at 5:00 p.m..Accuratereporting of timeis a responsiblity of both the employee and manager.

10/2/09 – HR Direct Green Initatives

UMass Lowell is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and thinking about new ways to conduct business in a more environmentally friendly manner. There are a few significant ‘Green Initiatives’ that are being introduced as part of the continued rollout of the upgraded Human Resource system, called HR Direct. While these are ‘Green Initiatives’, they are also changes which benefit employees and improve the efficiency of our operations.

Green Initiative #1 – You Don’t Need Our Advice to Go Green!:

HR Direct allows employees to view their pay advice online and is also available a day earlier than the printed advice. Employees are encouraged to voluntarily opt out of receiving a printed pay advice. To turn your pay advice GREEN please send an email to hr@uml.edu stating you’d like to stop receiving a printed pay advice.

Green Initiative #2 – Direct Deposit of Travel Reimbursements & Advances:

Beginning with the October 16th payroll, employees will now receive travel reimbursements & advances directly in your bi-weekly pay check. This will have a positive environmental impact as UMass will eliminate multiple cycles of printing and distribution of reimbursement checks. Employees get the benefit of having a single process to receive paychecks and reimbursements from the University.

Green Initiative #3 ‘ Self-Service Time Reporting:

Almost 500 employees are currently reporting their time via HR Direct self service and no longer are completing paper timesheets. This significant reduction in paperwork will save users and departments from printing, authorizing, and storing all this paper. This alone will reduce our campus consumption of paper by an estimated 100,000 sheets per year. The Human Resource Office expects to roll this out to all departments by the end of the year.

10/2/09 – Update on HR Direct Self-Service

We continue to introduce new departments into HR Direct for self-service time reporting.The goal is to complete the rollout to administrative offices by the end of November. No definitive planhas been set as toif/how/when faculty will be added totime and labor self service. We also have not confirmed when we will add student employees into HR Direct as we continue to haveissues with getting their logon securityfully established.

The conservative rollout strategy has been necessary to to allow the Human Resource office sufficient time to work with end users and make necessary adjustments to their employee data.As this is the first time we’ve built in a workflow approval there is a lot work which goes into establishing the employee reporting lines within the HR system.

Here are some numbers as of the first of October.

  • 739 employees have logged into HR Direct
  • 70% of employees who are using HR Direct have logged in at least once during the last 2 weeks (one pay period)
  • 374 employees are reporting their own time via HR Direct self-service
  • 96 managers are approving time via HR Direct

A couple new initiatives ongoing include:

  1. Employee Expenses will soon be included within a paycheck. There will no longer be separate checks.
  2. Pay Advice statements are now posted online the Thursday before pay day – i.e. one day earlier
  3. Employee can voluntarily suppress their pay advice. To do so, just email HR@uml.edu
  4. The time reporting schedule is still being evaluated. There is increased pressure on the HR office to fix errors on the critical Tuesday. Ideally something can change to give them more time to fix these and ensure employees get paid correctly.
  5. We are in the process of developinga survey to assess the usability and functionality of HR Direct. In the mean time if you have feedback please post here or send an email to Richard_Conley@uml.edu

Summer Update

We have now been using the HR Direct 9.0 application for the last few months. There continue to be ongoing changes and updates to improve operations and reporting.

Basic Self Service
The number of people who have logged into HR Direct is a bit disappointing, but I also understand that there is no real reason people currently have to log-in. The functionality of self-service is still very basic with the most tangible feature being the viewing of paycheck advice messages. So far about 29% of campusemployees have accessed the system at least once. Students do not yet have access and we’ve had to delay when access will be provided until the fall. By delaying to the fall we will be able to have students login using their campus student email accounts rather than issuing them new user id’s which was our initial plan.

Time and Labor Self Service
We have been piloting time reporting and approving using the new HR Direct and the general feedback has been positive. There are some enhancements that we are requesting (not sure if they will get made), but nothing too significant. Therefore, we are beginning a full campus rollout of this functionality. As there is a lot of setup required for each person, this won’t be done all at once. Instead there will be a couple departments added each payperiod and hopefully by the end of the year we will have everyone using this instead of paper timesheets.

Go Green — Get Advice Online
We will be launching a campaign to allow employees to stop receiving a printed pay advice. These pay advices are all available online and hence we can reduce the paper and distribution costs. If you would like to have your printed pay advice stopped, please just send me an email with your employee ID, name, and request to stop advice.

Closing FY09
Clearly the reports and integration with finance at the end of the fiscal year was disappointing, but hopefully those issues are resolved as we begin FY2010. I can attest to the fact that the consultants and President’s Office staff worked extensively on these issues, but in the end were just not able to make things work exactly the way we wanted. Much thanks to the campusdeparmentsfor their adaptability to this payroll encumbrancechallenge. In particular,kudos to theBudget Office for assuming added responsibility to evaluate true budget balances and make overrides as appropriate.

New Administrative Systems Integration website
We now have a new campus web page for the Administrative Systems Integration office. (who? — read more). We will be soon seeking input from all users on their experience using HR Direct and other systems. You are strongly encouraged to voice your opinion and help shape the future direction of these administrative technology tools.

Important Notice Regarding Payroll Encumbrance

UPDATE (Thursday, June 25th):

We received the following update from our software support group in Shrewsbury. This information replaces any of our previous communications regarding payroll encumbrance:

Per the questions that were brought up at the CPM Meeting today on nightly encumbrances, I have found out the following:

  1. Nightly Encumbrances have not been run successfully since 6/10/09.
  2. The HR team has been working on correcting the program and were willing to run them tonight, but the GL team this afternoon decided to not run them tonight since we hadn’t had time to test the changes and it is getting late in year and some campuses have closed off when they will accept anymore POs. It was a question of all campuses running or none.
  3. The 2 week liquidation of encumbrances will run tonight, Wednesday June 24th.
  4. We don’t have any plans of running the nightly encumbrances again until Thursday July 9th. We always stop the nightly encumbrance on the Thursday after the last full payroll in the current year and then restart it after the full encumbrance gets run for the new fiscal year. That happens on the Wednesday of close week and this year it will be on July 8th.

Some questions that came about based on not running the nightly encumbrance and how it impacts current year and the new year:

1. If nightly encumbrances are not run for the current year then any account changes, commitment changes, etc will not get picked up for FY2009.

2. Since they won’t get picked up then the liquidations that occur every two weeks will be done against their prior chart string.

3. When we hit FY2010 the account changes that were made, but not brought over to finance, will get picked up when we run the full year encumbrance for FY2010. Any commitment changes (for FY2009) that were made since June 10th (the last time nightly encumbrances ran) will not get picked up in FY2010 since they were specific to FY2009.

UPDATE (Saturday June 20th): UITS is still working to complete the process needed to liquidate encumbrances. This has taken longer than expected and we hope to have it resolved on Monday – June 22nd).

To: Campus Department Managers

Finance System Users


From: Steven O’Riordan, Associate Vice Chancellor Financial Services

John Giarusso, Executive Director of Human Resources

Date: June 17, 2009

Subject: Payroll Encumbrance for FY2009

There are significant technical issues with the payroll encumbrance process. A number of UMass Lowell departments have reported issues with payroll encumbrances and the adverse impact on their ability to spend remaining funds this fiscal year. This problem is affecting all UMass campuses and we are working with our colleagues at UITS and on the other campuses to determine appropriate corrective actions.

In reviewing the options presented to us, our goal is a solution that would promptly free up available budget for departments to use at year end. Therefore, we have opted to stop encumbering payroll within the e*mpac Finance system through the end of FY2009. Effective later this week, you will no longer have any payroll encumbrances impacting your budget.

Departments remain responsible for applicable payroll expenses. Departments must still account for payroll spending and not exceed the allotted budget for the fiscal year. Even though there isn’t an encumbrance posted, the payroll expenditures will still apply to your account as they are processed.

For planning purposes, you should be aware that the remaining payroll expenditures to be posted against this fiscal year are as follows:

  • A full pay period ending 6/20/09 (6/7/09 ‘ 6/20/09)
  • The week of 6/27/09 (6/21/09-6/27/09)
  • 3/7th of a week for the week of July 4th (6/28/09-6/30/09)

New reports will be produced and available via the report distribution tool ‘ we will notify you again once this process has occurred and these reports are available. The primary impacted Finance reports include UMGM7079, UMGL7079, UMGL7045, UMGM7047 and also the online budget overview. As previously communicated, all purchasing activities must be fully processed by June 24th for this fiscal year.

We believe this solution provides the department with the needed access to budgets. We will continue to work with UITS to resolve this critical issue so that payroll can be encumbered to start fiscal year 2010.

On the Human Resources side, the HR Direct application will still provide payroll encumbrance data on reports such as UMCA801 (Payroll Commitment – Student) and UMPAY718 (Non-Student Payroll Commitment). These reports can be of assistance as you manually manage expected payroll expenditures against your budget. These payroll encumbrances do not stop a person from getting paid nor is it loading the encumbrance data into Finance for FY2009.

If you have questions regarding your available budget please contact the Budget Office at budgetoffice@uml.edu or x3510.

Month One Complete

Update on the HR Direct Go-Live ‘ June 5, 2009

We are now at the end of the third payroll cycle and ithas been one month sincewe went live with HR Direct. The number of self-service users is lower than we hoped, so if you haven’t logged-in yet we do encourage you to do so. All you need is your email address and password!

Overall, the grand majority of processes are working well and employees are getting paid correctly. The following are a couple issues and current status updates:

Financial Integration

As part of the HR Direct implementation the method by which payroll encumbrance and detailed financial data integrates with the PeopleSoft Financials system has changed significantly. Since go-live there have been issues identified and the majority of them have been resolved, but there could still be errors with payroll encumbrance data. Offices are urged to use caution when reviewing financial reports as they could be overstating balances. The campus Budget Office is actively working with UITS to review fixes to the data and has been communicating with Finance System users about this issue.

Payroll Commitment Report

As a result of the new financial integration process, there are also downstream reporting issues which have prevented UITS from successfully delivering the Payroll Commitment Report (UMCA801). This report is heavily used by Lowell departments to help manage the remaining hours/dollars on a person’s contract. Offices are still responsible for managing their employees and are accountable for all authorized hours. Please note that employees will continue to get paid for any hours you authorize regardless of budget available on the contract as long as there is money in the account. UITS informed us this morning that they are hoping to have these run later today or by ‘Monday at the latest’.

Leave Accrual Print Error

On last weeks pay check advice some employees saw an inflated leave accrual balance due to a processing error. This primarily impacted employees who have worked at other UMass campuses or are currently an hourly employee after previously being a benefited employee (e.g. Retirees who have returned as hourly). This is a printing error only and true balances are in the PeopleSoft system. UITS is actively working to correct the paycheck print process for next week’s payroll. As the self-service PDF paychecks are exact copies of the printed advices, those too have the incorrect values.

Time and Labor Pilot

The pilot is going well and we are learning a lot about the challenges of changing business processes. We currently have 37 employees participating and 5 managers. We will expand a bit over the next month and then will evaluate the process. We have received some feedback and will be making some requests for enhancements to this functionality and will be updating our training job aids and the UPK.

If you have questions or issues pleaselet us know.

Updates from First Payroll

Today employees received their first pay check from the upgraded HR Direct application. In addition to the printed advice employees can also view their own information via employee self service. To login, all you need is your UML email account and password.

While most observations are very positive, there are new things we are learning. Here are a couple topics and updates:

FLSA (Fair Labor and Standards Agreement)

With the implementation of HR Direct, we are now applying federal FLSA regulations into our payroll calculations. For employees who work shifts and overtime,it is possible that you will see a slight increase in the calculation of yoursalary. If FLSA was applied to your payroll, there will be a message onyoupay advice indicating this. Unfortunately the printis a little messed upon this first pay advice, but it will be fixed for the May 29th pay advice. If you have FLSA earnings, you will note that the Rate *Hours maynot equal the Earnings.Please contactPayroll if you have questions.

Lowell had 41 employeeswhohad additional earnings with their FLSA this pay period.

Pay Checks

You may notice there are some new deductions shown on your pay advice. Please review the
Pay Advice Fact Sheet.

Some employees reported problems cashing their 5/15/2009 pay check, particularly at Bank of America branches. This problem was caused by an incorrect (old) account number on the printed checks. The UMass Treasurer alerted the bank once the problem was identified, and UMass has received assurances from Bank of America that the checks will be cashed. The problem hasbeencorrected for future payrolls. This problemdid not impact direct deposit in any way. All employees are encourged to have direct deposit — visit http://www.uml.edu/hr/forms.html to get a form for direct deposit.

Leave Accruals

Theleave accrual displayed on the05/01/2009 self-service advice, may have incorrrect leave balances — the values printedon that pay advice were correct. The values on today’s pay advice (05/15/2009) should be correct –contact usif you have questions.

Eight employees had extra Personal Leave mistakenly awarded to them this pay period and all have been notified. Adjustments will be made to correct for the May 29th advice.

Additional Pay (Compensation for additional tasks)

Some employees are enjoying extra money in this weeks pay check due to some errors in payroll processing. The Payroll Office will be making necessary adjustments and these errors will be corrected for the 05/29/09 pay advice. If you are impacted, you will receive direct communicatiton from the Payroll Office.

HR Direct 9.0 is now Live

We are very pleased to report that the HR Direct application went liveon Mondaymorning (5/4/09). The Human Resource staff was the first to enter the new system and spent Monday validating and updating data as needed.Beginning Tuesday (May 5) employees who perform timekeeping can begin using the new HR Direct 9.0 application. Employee Self-Service will be rolled out after the first payroll and will become available on Friday, May 15th.

With any new system, we do suspect there will be some issues and we are prepared to address those issueswith a multiple tier support process. This includes a full team of developers and application specialists working in the President’s Office in Shrewsbury. On campus we have our Human Resource, Information Technology (Enterprise Systems; Security; Training and Help Desk), and the A&F Administrative Systems staff all fully engaged in providing necessary support to you and the entire campus user population. As issues are identified you can be assured they will be investigated and you will receive a response from our campus team.

AsHR staff and departmental timekeepers beginworking in HR Direct please remember the following:

  • There are drop-in support labs being staffed this week and next, so please stop in if you need any personal assistance.See schedule.
  • Login using your UMass Lowell email credentials ‘ no more LFLAST login names
  • Contact the Help Desk at x4357 (HELP) if you have issues logging in or any desktop issues (popups, trusted site, etc.)
  • Contact our HR Go Live station at x1804 for functional issues (finding employees, data issues, navigation missing, etc)
  • You can see your own employee self-service functions, but the full campus population won’t access HR Direct until May 15th