11/29/10 Incorrect Pay Advices Printed/Distributed for payday 11/26

It has come to our attention that some pay advices have been printed incorrectly. If any employee is using direct deposit and still has their pay advice printed, some of the advices for 11/26/2010 were printed incorrectly. What was distributed to us were the advices for the 11/12/10 pay period. If this happened to you please go on line in HR Direct to see or print your correct advice and the correct amount deposited. You will be looking at a PDF of your pay advice. In order to look at PDFs you have to turn off ‘Pop-Up Blocker’ under Tools in your menu bar.

The Navigation in HR Direct is:

Select from Menu: Self Service> Payroll and Compensation>View Paycheck

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

3 thoughts on “11/29/10 Incorrect Pay Advices Printed/Distributed for payday 11/26

  1. I recently learned that some people have needed to click on the view paycheck button. And then they hit the ‘Refresh’ button to fully pull up the pay check. It is some sort of conflict with Adobe and the browser, but this work around seems to do the trick.

  2. Pay advices are presented as PDF documents, so you need a PDF viewer like Adobe Acrobat Reader (http://www.adobe.com)
    The other common issue is the one you cited with pop-up blockers. Sometimes toolbars like Google or Yahoo also have pop-up blockers that impact users ability to pull up pay advices.

  3. Having trouble viewing my paycheck of 11/26/2010
    Pop-up control is “off”
    Any suggestions.
    Steve Orroth

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