Extended Hours for Time Entry!

Timekeepers will have all day on ‘critical Monday’ to do their time entry. The new deadline for entry will be midnight. These extra hours should help campus timekeepers enter all data before pay checks are calculated. We still recommend time entry to be conducted every week.

Also, earlier this week Jose Guerrero from IT Training sent out the invitation for Timekeeper training. Please be sure to sign up for a class as soon as possible — reminder it is REQUIRED for all timekeepers to attend one of these classes prior to the HR Direct go-live on May 4th.

NOTE: Timekeepers are defined as any campus staff member who currently enters employee reported time into PeopleSoft.

Before attending training please make sure to review the following materials as this will give you an idea of the training format.

To enroll into a training session please click on the following link and follow the instructions:

Timekeeping Presentation Scheduled

OnFriday, March 20th – there will be a presentation introducing the new Timekeeping functionality to our campus staff who perform this function. If others are interested in attending, you are certainly welcome. Email invites were only sent to existing HR system users.

Meeting Details:

  • Friday, March 20th
  • O’Leary Library – Room 222
  • 10:30am – 11:30am

Go Live is set for Monday, May 4th

Over the last two weeks there has been an extensive process to analyze the amount of work remaining to complete the upgrade. Included in the readiness process was each of theUMasscampuses and UITS (the President’s Office organization that supports our PeopleSoft applications).In the end, it was concluded thatUMass would go-live over the first weekend in May with a scheduled go-live on Monday, May 4th. Only Human Resouce staff will be in the system on day one and will soon be followed by all departmental timekeepers. Later in the spring, we will open up the HR system for new self-service functionality.

Now that we know the date we will be upgrading, we will now go ahead and finalize a training schedule for our current HR system users.

Please post any questions or comments you have.