Author Archives: admin
Personal Time Expiration
Please make note the last day to use your 2015 Personal time will be on Saturday January 9th, 2016. Please check the Leave/Compensatory tab at the bottom of your time sheet
Or the Available Hours Block on your Paystub
for your remainingPersonal Time and plan to use before it expires.
Update to Logon Pages
The look and feel of the log in page for BuyWays, Financials, HR Direct, SiS, Summit and other systemsis changing so that it is mobile friendly. The URL’s are not changing and once you get into the system, there are no changes to the look and feel. It only effects the look of the log in page.
Changes go into place on Monday, October 26th.
Screenshots of the new login page and list of systems being updated are shown below.
‘ SiS
‘ Salesforce
‘ HR Direct
‘ Finance
‘ Summit
‘ Document Imaging WebNow
‘ Effort Certificaiton
‘ UMass BuyWays
‘ Student Success Collaborative (SSC)
‘ Salesforce Employee
‘ Atomic Learning
2/13/2015 Snow/University Closed Time Reporting
There are a few different variables for time reporting this pay period. Hopefully this information will help you complete your HR Direct timesheet correctly.

10/14/14 HR Direct Upgrade Complete
HCM 9.2 General |
The HR Direct 9.2 upgrade is complete and the system is now live for use.
Prior to logging in to the application all users must clear cache. Cache clearing instructions by web browser are
There will be drop in sessions for assistance using the newly upgraded HR Direct 9.2 system on Friday, October 17th and Monday, October 20th from 9 ‘ 3:00 in University Crossing room 158. Possible reasons to stop in:
– Entering time through Employee Self-Service
– Approving time through Manager Self-Service
– Updating personal information (i.e. address, direct deposit account, etc.)
– General payroll information
HR/Payroll staff will be available to answer your questions.
If you are having trouble logging into HR Direct 9.2 please contact the Help Desk at If you experience any issues once you are logged into the application please contact
10/7/2014 HR Direct Upgrade Go Live
10/31/13 Personal Time Usage Deadlines
A reminder to employees with remaining Personal Time balances. With the coming end of the year, Personal Time awarded for Calendar Year 2013 will be set to expire at the start of day on 1/12/2014. This means the last day employees can use their personal time awarded for Calendar Year 2013 is on 1/11/2014.
The first day an employee can use the new 2014 personal time award is 1/12/2014. The new award for Calendar Year 2014 will not show in your Accruals balance on your timesheet until late Wednesday January 15th. Once it is visible in your Accrual balances it can be used back to 1/12/2014.