7/22/10 – HR Direct Advisory Committee

A new HR Direct Advisory Committee was recently formulated to better engage the user community. There have been a couple meetings already and much of the focus has been on discussing time reporting self-service functionality.

See the full charter below and contact a committee member if you have issues, concerns, compliments, ideas, etc. that you want to share.

HR Direct Advisory Committee


This committee will provide advice, input, and direction to the Human Resource Process Owner and HR Direct Project Manager regarding matters affecting technology utilization and functionality across human resources and payroll. Particular focus will be on areas associated with PeopleSoft employee and manager self-service.


The HR Direct Advisory Committee is a non-voting, advisory committee. Its primary role is to

provide input, advice, and information to the HR Process Owner to facilitate decision making

when the project team requires guidance.


The objectives of this committee are to:

provide advice and input to the HR Process Owner and Project Manager on matters relating to the HR Direct application

relay issues and concerns from members’ constituents and stakeholders

stay current with HR Direct implementation progress and to promote awareness with their constituents and stakeholders

assist with roadmap development and issue resolution


Provide insight and advice from the perspective of represented stakeholders and constituents.

Serve as communication conduit to and from associated constituencies.

Support HR Direct project by regularly attending and actively participating in meetings.

Provide input on issues as may be presented by the Project Manager

Provide advice and counsel to the HR Process Owner and Project Manager. Act as ‘sounding board’ for issues brought forward by the HR Direct project team.


Employee self-service

Manager self-service

Other system utilization outside of the Human Resource and Payroll offices (e.g. timekeepers; reporting; integration)


The deliverables will evolve throughout the engagement. The following are some of the more immediate needs:

Time and Labor self-service for student employee

o Approved approach

o Training and Communications

o Full rollout

Approach to eliminate paper pay advice


HR Direct is a UMass System application and most changes in functionality need to be agreed to by all campuses

Business processes are primarily controlled through the campus but must adhere to applicable laws and university policy.

Project Schedule

To be determined, although UITS efforts will impact timing of any expanded functionality.

Membership Roles (membership is role-, not person-specific)


Role Name

Job Title


John Giarusso

HR Process Owner

Executive Director of Human Resources


Richard Conley

HR Direct Project Manager

Director of Administrative Systems Integrations


Lori Dembowitz

Information Technology Lead

Director of IT Project Management


Theresa McDonald

HR Direct ‘ Core Team

Manager of Payroll Operations


Judy Frank

Timekeeper/ Department Administrator

Administrator, Centers for Learning


Anita Greenwood

Academic Dean

Dean, Graduate School of Education


Maureen Souza

Financial Aid – Work Study Manager

Student Employment Coordinator, Financial Aid



Student Employee


Student Employee / Student Government

Jeannie Tremblay

Access Services

Director of Access Services



Departmental Manager – Faculty



Constituent Members (periodic meetings, specialized updates and/or focus group sessions):

Melissa Sullivan, Assistant Manager of Payroll

Jamie Calloway, HR Direct Reporting

Norma Clark, Kronos Administration

Ken Boisvert, IT Security

Nancy Fowler, IT Technology & Communication Services

Jim Packard, IT Enterprise System Services


This committee will meet monthly for one hour. Based on actual experience, the committee meeting frequency may be revised. Special meetings or e-mail communication may be required to expedite some issue resolution. A more planned and ‘topic targeted’ meeting schedule will be enacted for constituent members to coordinate their participation with topics related to their stakeholder base.

Floating Holiday on Thursday, June 17

Thursday, June 17th is a Floating Holiday for many UMass Lowell employees. On this holiday, UMass Lowell remains open for business.

Benefitted employees, who work on the holiday, earn compensatory time that can be used at a later date.

Employees who are entitled to holiday pay on theJune 17th (Bunker HillDay) and report time via HR Direct Self-Service should review the job aidon Floating Holidays.

6/3/10 – ALERT — Early Deadlines for Fiscal Year End

Due to fiscal year end and the Independence Day holiday, the Human Resource office is altering the deadline for all time entry and approval during the week ending July 3, 2010.


Time Entry Sunday, July 4 at 5pm Thursday, July 1 at 5pm

Time Approval Monday, July 5 at 11:50pmSunday, July 4 at 11:50pm

Managers are encouraged to approve timeon Friday, July 2nd before leaving for thelong holiday weekend. UMASS LOWELL IS CLOSED ON MONDAY, JULY 5TH.

If there are any questions please contact Theresa McDonald at x3560.

5/21/10 – Manager Delegation & Time Approval

So you are a manager and will be heading on vacation, how do you handle time approval for your employees?

While a manager can still access HR Direct and peform time approvals from anywhere in the world (with PC and network connection), there are time when it is necessary to have someone else do your approvals.

Per design, managers can notmanually delegate their time approval responsibilities. However, the system was designed with an automateddelegationprocess built in so all managers have someone else who can approve time for them if they are out of the office. At its simplest form, as a manager you also have manager — and that person can approve for you if you are going to be away from the office.


So what do I need to do to get my manager the access to do approvals while I’m away?

Most managers already have access to HR Direct manager self-service. You should just have a conversation with your manager toarrange for them to do your approvals.

Who do we contact if there are questions?

Theresa McDonald (x3560) is the Payroll Manager and she can answer most questions on this. Additionally, Richard Conley (x4794)or Norma Clark (x4764) from the Administrative Systems office can assist.

5/14/10 – Understanding Time Administration Proceess

Intended Audience: Time and Labor Self-Service Managers

Topic: Time Administration

Have you ever wondered why you can’t immediately approve time after an employee enters it in HR Direct?

If so, the answer is called Time Administration.

Before a manager can approve any reported time, a process called Time Administration needs to run. Time Administration takes the”reported time” and processes it through a rules engine and turns it into “payable time”. If there are any errors, they will be stored as exceptions — those need to be fixed before the employee can be paid for those hours in error.

Example (Student Hourly Employee) – if person reported 9 hours worked ina day, the time administration would convert that to 8 hours at straight time & 1 hour of overtime

Example (Salaried Professional) – if a person reported 4.0 hours Vacation and nothing else, then time administration would move the day into error (exception) as there needs to be an off-setting 3.5 hours of Regular time to make the employee day whole.

UMass managers are only approving time that has been successfully processed by Time Administration and turned into “Payable Time”. This process is usually run a couple times per day (See below).

When should I approve time?

The suggested best time to approve is on “Approval Monday”. Employees should have reported time by the Sunday following the close of the pay period. Then time administration would have run and is available for the managers to approve all day Monday.

When does Time Administration run?

We run the Time Administration process at Noon and 5:00PM on most days. The process takes approximately90 minutesto complete. Sofor example if employee reports time in HR Direct prior to Noon, then it should be available for a manager to approve after 1:30PM.

On the “Approval Monday”, the Time Administration Process runs a bit more frequently

  • 9:30 AM
  • 12:30 PM
  • 3:30 PM
  • 12:00 AM (Midnight)

5/4/10 – Frequently Asked Questions on Employee Self-Service

Can I change my work phone number or email address?

Your work phone number and email address are maintained by your Human Resources department. If there is an error, please contact Human Resources to correct it at 978-934-3560 or HR@UML.edu . Use HR Direct to add or update your personal phone numbers or email addresses.

If I have not entered a mailing address, where will the University send my mail?

Your mail will be sent to your home address unless you have specifically provided a mailing address to your Human Resources department or by using HR Direct Self Service.

How can I change personal information that is read-only on the Personal Summary page?

Contact your Human Resources department at 978-934-3560 or HR@UML.edu if your Employee Information is incorrect.

I am a Student Employee. If I change my address information in HR Direct, will it automatically change in the iSiS Student Application?

No, there is no automated synchronization process between the applications at this time. You should continue to update your address in both applications.

If I have updated my information on the Personal Information Summary page, do I also need to update the individual page links: Update Email, Update Phone, Update Home and Mailing Addresses?

No. You need only update your information on either the Personal Information Summary page or the individual pages. The updates will be displayed on all pages.

What if my permanent address is not in the USA?

Please contact your Human Resources department at 978-934-3560 or HR@UML.edu to update your address information if your permanent address is not in the USA. Additionally, you may need to contact the International Student?s Office within the University, since not all systems share data.

I made a change on my W-4 and M-4, but did not see the change reflected on my next paycheck.

Due to timing, W-4 and M-4 changes may not be reflected in your next paycheck. Updated tax information may take two pay periods to take effect.

Why do I have to select “balance” as a deposit type for my direct deposit request?

If you are enrolling in direct deposit for the first time, the first account you create must have a “Deposit Type” of “Balance”. You can then create additional accounts as necessary. The “Balance” account will receive 100% of your funds if no other accounts are created.

If I choose the “Do not print copy of my pay advice” option on the Pay Statement Print Option page, can I change my mind later and request a paycheck?

No, once this option is selected it cannot be reversed.

Why is the “Deposit Order Number” for my balance account “999”?

The “Deposit Order” field is used when you are depositing to more than one account. For example, if you?re depositing 50% in a checking account and 20% in a savings account, the checking account would have a “Deposit Order” of “1” and the savings account a deposit order of “2”, and so on for additional accounts. The account to which your remaining pay, or balance, is deposited into is assigned the “Deposit Order” of “999”.

When Updating W-4 information, how will I determine my Personal Allowances?

On the W-4 Tax Information page, you can click the “Click here to access W-4 form instructions and worksheet link”. You can print the form and use the “Personal Allowances Worksheet” section to determine your number of allowed exemptions.

What is a W-2C?

When a correction to your W-2 is required, a W-2C is issued.

Can I update my state and federal tax withholding if I am a non-resident alien.

No. Non-resident alien employees must contact their campus HR/Payroll department to change their state and federal tax information.

5/2/10 HR Direct Expanded Employee Self-Service (ESS) has arrived

Expanded self-service functionality is now available for all UMass Lowell employees. These new ‘green’ services allow employees direct access to view and update much personal and job data, thereby eliminating the need for paper based processes.

Employees can nowaccess the following new features to enhance your HR Direct Employee Self Service (ESS) experience:

Enrolling_in_Direct_Deposit – First Time Enrollment

Maintaining_Direct_Deposit – Updates, Adding2nd Account, Suppress Pay Advice

Updating_W-4_Information– Federal Tax Withholding

Updating_M-4_Information– State Tax Withholding




These job aids as well as new video tutorials will be posted on the HR Direct web site later this week.

4/23/10 – New Process for Managers to Approve Student Employee Time

UMass Lowell continues to push toward the implementation of industry best practices in the area of Human Resources and Payroll. Employee self-service is one such feature that we have been pursuing.

Currently all employees have access to the HR Direct system to see their Human Resource and Payroll data including the biweekly pay advice. Many campus employees and managers are actively using HR Direct to report and approve time.

Student Employee Time Approval

Our next big challenge will be transitioning all student employees and managersover to a self-service time reporting and approval process. We realize this is a significant change and have listened to feedback from users across the campus. As such, we have altered our original plan to roll out all student time reporting access this semester and instead will take a slower and more deliberate transition approach. The first step in this transition is for us to provide access and training support to all student employee managers to get them comfortable with the HR Direct self-service time approval process. Additionally, we need to validate that we have student employees reporting to the correct managers.

What is changing and when?

Starting this pay period (ending 4/24/10), we are asking managers to temporarily do a second layer of approval for their students. This new approval will occur within the HR Direct system and will eventually replace the paper signature process. Our goal is to ensure managers have access and are comfortable using the HR Direct system before we change the process further.

The newapproval process flow looks something like this:

  1. Student hourly employees will continue to report time using paper timesheets.
  2. Managers approve the timesheets as you do today.
  3. Timekeepers will enter student time into HR Direct
  4. Managers use HR Direct to approve student time. (NEWSTEP)
    • Managers approve student time in HR Direct. This is the same process you follow to approve time for other employees.
    • During this transition, unapproved time will continue to be “batch approved” at the end of the pay period. This will ensure students will get paid even if a manager does not approve time by the deadline.
    • Student employees will be included in the late approval reports which are sent from my office to managers who do not complete time approvals online.
    • If you are missing students or see student employees in your approval queue that do not report to you, please notifyHuman Resources(hr@uml.edu– x3560)

    What if I have never used HR Direct to approve time?

    If you only approve time for student employees, then you probably do not have access yet to use HR Direct for self-service time approval. We have approximately 85 managers in this category and you are NOT expected to do HR Direct approvals this pay period. You will receive a separate email by the end of April with information on your next steps.

    Pilot Departments Wanted

    We plan to pilot student employee self-service time reporting with a few departments later this year. This will entail student employees entering time via self-service and managers doing approvals online. If your department is interested in joining the pilot please contact Richard Conley (Richard_Conley@uml.edu x4794) or Theresa McDonald (Theresa_McDonald@uml.edu x3534) .

    The HR Direct web page (http://www.uml.edu/hrdirect ) is always updated with the latest information on system functionality, time reporting procedures, and deadlines.

    Questions and Contact Information

    Information on Human Resource, Payroll, and Time Reporting processes and policies can be directed to the Office ofHuman Resources athr@uml.edu or x3560

    HR Direct system functionality should be directed to Richard Conley (X4794)or Norma Clark(X4764)

4/22/10 EARTH DAY: Announcing new self-service functionality

Human Resources celebrates Earth Day 2010 by announcing expanded self-service functionality for all UMass Lowell employees. These new ‘green’ services allow employees direct access to view and update much personal and job data, thereby eliminating the need for paper based processes.

Starting in May you will get access to the following new features to enhance your HR Direct Employee Self Service (ESS) experience:

Direct Deposit Information (Enroll, View, Update)

Address Information (View and Update)

W4 and M4 Information (View and Update)

W-2/W-2c Information (View and Print)

Personal E-mail Information (View and Update)

Personal Phone Information (View and Update)

This is all in addition to current functionality such as viewing pay advices online; updating emergency contacts; and the ongoing transition to self-service time reporting.

Read more about all the new functionality coming in May

–> HR Direct Whats New.pdf

4/1/10 – Mandatory Ethics Requirement for All Public Employees ‘ State Ethics Commission On-Line Training Program

The following information has alsobeen communicated through UML Today and Email to all UMass Lowell employees.

Employees are encouraged to do this training as soon as possible. There is no penalty for not completing it by April 2.

To: Faculty, Staff, andUndergraduate & Graduate Student Employees

From: Jack Giarusso, Executive Director of Human Resources

Re: Mandatory Ethics Requirement for All Public Employees ‘ State Ethics Commission On-Line Training Program

Date: March 29, 2010

The MA Legislature and Governor passed legislation, Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2009, imposing mandatory ethics education and training for all public employees. The mandatory training requirement of the Act requires that all University employees must complete a State Ethics Commission on-line ethics training program by April 2, 2010, and again every two years thereafter.

University employees hired after April 2, 2010 must complete this training within 30 days of beginning Universityemployment and again every two years thereafter. The on-line training program takes 15 to 30 minutes to complete. The training consists of 25 hypothetical situations involving potential conflicts of interest or other violations of the state ethics law and test general ethics knowledge and the basic requirements in matters like accepting gratuities, self-dealing and nepotism, confidentiality, and post-retirement restrictions.

To access the State Ethic Commission on-line training program, visit http://db.state.ma.us/ethics/quiz_MEthics/index.asp. Upon completing the on-line training program you will receive a certificate of completion. Please print out the completion certificate and mail the certificate to Human Resources, Dugan Hall, Room 200. You should also retain a copy for your records. You may also fax your completion certificate to 978-934-3036, or e-mail a scanned version of your completion certificate to HR@uml.edu.

Employees who lack regular access to a computer at their worksite may use workstations in the Human Resources Office in Dugan Hall, Room 200 to take the on-line training program. Employees who are unable to comply with the on-line training program requirements because of limited English fluency, reading comprehension, or special needs should contact Human Resources.

Employees on leaves of absence will be required to complete the on-line training program when they return back to work. Please contact Human Resources at 978-934-3560 if you have any questions about the mandatory on-line ethics training program requirement for public employees.

While the on-line training program is comprehensive, no training can cover all of the difficult ethical issues that could be encountered. The State Ethics Commission provides free, confidential legal advice about how the law applies in a particular situation. I encourage you to seek legal advice from the State Ethics Commission at 617-371-9500 and/or the Division of Human Resources if you face a potential conflict of interest.

Additional information regarding this new mandatory education and training requirement may be found at the State Ethics Commissions website at: http://www.uml.edu/ethicsed.