2011 W-2’s for Employees

W2 Year End Forms have been mailed to addresses on file within HR Direct as of 1/10/12.

W2’s are also now available for employees in HR Direct under Self Service> Payroll and Compensation.

Employees looking for additional information on their 2011 W2 can click onto the UMASS W2 Information link for a more detailed explanation on 2011 tax reporting


If users need any assistance you can see the following:

Personal Time 2011 & 2012

2011 Personal Time

Employees have through the first pay period of 2012 to use 2011 personal days. The last day that personal time from 2011 can be reported is January 14, 2012.

2012 Personal Time

Personal time for calendar year 2012 will be awardedin the pay period ending January 14, 2012. Employees can beging using 2012 personal timeon January15, 2012.