7/23/10 Update on Student Self-Service Time Reporting

Earlier this summer we began a pilot with some student employees reporting their own time via HR Direct self-service. This pilot is ongoing and is currently limited to students working for the following list of managers:

  • Chandra, Kavitha
  • Clark, Norma
  • Dubois, Patricia
  • Morris, Adrianna
  • Piscitello, Nicholas
  • Thompson, Charles (Electrical Engineering)
  • Tremblay, Jeannie

Other departments wishing to also participate in the pilot should contact Theresa McDonald in the Human Resourceoffice.

No decision has yet been made regarding full rollout of self-service time reporting to all students.

Brown Bag Meeting on “Preparing Temporary Employee Contracts for Faculty, Staff, and Students” on 7/29/09

Theresa McDonald, Manager of PayrollServiceswill be hosting a Brown Bag Meeting on ‘Preparing Temporary Employee Contracts for Faculty, Staff and Student’.

When: July 29, 2009

Where: O’Leary 222

Time: 11:30 to 1:00

This meeting would be for anyone who prepares the Temporary Employee Contract. This form can be used for Additional Pay for faculty and staff, adjunct professors, hourly and student hourly employees. She will address each field on the document and what should be in there. She will also go over what other documentation is needed if the employee is new, rehired, or a Person of Interest (POI).

Human Resources knows many of you are preparing contracts for the upcoming Fall Semester. If you have ever felt frustrated or have questions regarding this form please feel free to attend. Please invite any staff who you think would benefit for this.

7/22/10 – HR Direct Advisory Committee

A new HR Direct Advisory Committee was recently formulated to better engage the user community. There have been a couple meetings already and much of the focus has been on discussing time reporting self-service functionality.

See the full charter below and contact a committee member if you have issues, concerns, compliments, ideas, etc. that you want to share.

HR Direct Advisory Committee


This committee will provide advice, input, and direction to the Human Resource Process Owner and HR Direct Project Manager regarding matters affecting technology utilization and functionality across human resources and payroll. Particular focus will be on areas associated with PeopleSoft employee and manager self-service.


The HR Direct Advisory Committee is a non-voting, advisory committee. Its primary role is to

provide input, advice, and information to the HR Process Owner to facilitate decision making

when the project team requires guidance.


The objectives of this committee are to:

provide advice and input to the HR Process Owner and Project Manager on matters relating to the HR Direct application

relay issues and concerns from members’ constituents and stakeholders

stay current with HR Direct implementation progress and to promote awareness with their constituents and stakeholders

assist with roadmap development and issue resolution


Provide insight and advice from the perspective of represented stakeholders and constituents.

Serve as communication conduit to and from associated constituencies.

Support HR Direct project by regularly attending and actively participating in meetings.

Provide input on issues as may be presented by the Project Manager

Provide advice and counsel to the HR Process Owner and Project Manager. Act as ‘sounding board’ for issues brought forward by the HR Direct project team.


Employee self-service

Manager self-service

Other system utilization outside of the Human Resource and Payroll offices (e.g. timekeepers; reporting; integration)


The deliverables will evolve throughout the engagement. The following are some of the more immediate needs:

Time and Labor self-service for student employee

o Approved approach

o Training and Communications

o Full rollout

Approach to eliminate paper pay advice


HR Direct is a UMass System application and most changes in functionality need to be agreed to by all campuses

Business processes are primarily controlled through the campus but must adhere to applicable laws and university policy.

Project Schedule

To be determined, although UITS efforts will impact timing of any expanded functionality.

Membership Roles (membership is role-, not person-specific)


Role Name

Job Title


John Giarusso

HR Process Owner

Executive Director of Human Resources


Richard Conley

HR Direct Project Manager

Director of Administrative Systems Integrations


Lori Dembowitz

Information Technology Lead

Director of IT Project Management


Theresa McDonald

HR Direct ‘ Core Team

Manager of Payroll Operations


Judy Frank

Timekeeper/ Department Administrator

Administrator, Centers for Learning


Anita Greenwood

Academic Dean

Dean, Graduate School of Education


Maureen Souza

Financial Aid – Work Study Manager

Student Employment Coordinator, Financial Aid



Student Employee


Student Employee / Student Government

Jeannie Tremblay

Access Services

Director of Access Services



Departmental Manager – Faculty



Constituent Members (periodic meetings, specialized updates and/or focus group sessions):

Melissa Sullivan, Assistant Manager of Payroll

Jamie Calloway, HR Direct Reporting

Norma Clark, Kronos Administration

Ken Boisvert, IT Security

Nancy Fowler, IT Technology & Communication Services

Jim Packard, IT Enterprise System Services


This committee will meet monthly for one hour. Based on actual experience, the committee meeting frequency may be revised. Special meetings or e-mail communication may be required to expedite some issue resolution. A more planned and ‘topic targeted’ meeting schedule will be enacted for constituent members to coordinate their participation with topics related to their stakeholder base.