{Invitation} Ex-Smokers’ Hall of Fame

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Written by CSP student Megan Lewis

For my practicum I have been working on a project called The Ex-Smokers’ Hall of Fame.An initiative of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, UMass Lowell has collaborated with the Northeast Tobacco Free Community Partnership to bring The Ex-Smokers’ Hall of Fame to the university.

The Hall of Fame celebrates the powerful stories of UMass Lowell faculty, staff, and students who have successfully conquered their addiction to tobacco. Their personal quitting stories delve into why they quit, how they quit, and how quitting smoking has changed their lives. These participants hope their stories will inspire other smokers to quit as well.

The Ex-Smokers’ Hall of Fame recognition reception will be held on Monday, April 23rd at noon in the Tsongas Arena. Chancellor Marty Meehan will be there to give a brief speech and show his support.

I hope to see you all there!

Megan Lewis