Meet a 2020 $200K Challenge Finalist: Amachumu Bio

Amachumu Bio is a 2020 M2D2 $200K Challenge Finalist.

Although this year’s competition will take place virtually, this year’s finalists’ are still doing lifesaving work. The PitchOff for the challenge will now take place over Zoom on September 17th from 5-8pm. The Award Celebration will happen on October 1st at 5pm. Registration will be free.

$200K Challenge Amachumu Bio is a socially minded, globally focused company working to create healthier and more productive communities by curing 1.5 billion people, food and companion animals of intestinal parasitic worms. We talked with CEO Meghan Doyle and founder Raffi Aroian about their company’s history and their innovative food supplement that aims to address the problem.

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Catching Up With M2D2 Resident Company Cam Med

Two years ago, Cam Med Inc. was a Finalist in the 2018 M2D2 $200K Challenge. Since then, Cam Med’s cofounders, CEO Larry Alberts and CTO Zhifei Ge have been the very model of “seize every opportunity” startup leaders, taking advantage of virtually every chance for learning, mentoring, financing, and networking that’s come their way. The result has been a steady upward trajectory for their innovation: the Evopump, a wearable on-body delivery system for injectable drugs.

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Meet a 2020 $200K Challenge Finalist: Arrow Diagnostics

In March, we chose 15 innovative startups as M2D2 $200K Challenge Finalists for 2020. This year’s competition will take place virtually over Zoom with the PitchOff happening on on September 17th from 5-8pm. The award celebration will be October 1st at 5pm. Registration for the challenge will be free.

Arrow DX Co-founder & CEO Edward Olano

$200K Challenge Finalist Arrow Diagnostics, Inc. is working towards non-invasive solutions for early screening of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. We talked to Edward Olano, co-founder and CEO, about their history and their innovation.

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Introducing New Virtual Office Hours

We’re not letting a pandemic get between you and the expertise you need to advance your idea. In fact we’re now able to connect anyone with life sciences advisors with Virtual Office Hours.

Starting Tuesday, April 14th, our Insider Advisors will begin hosting Virtual Office Hours using Zoom. Leading off will be Jeff Champagne from MPR and Barry Sands from RQMIS, Inc. Throughout the coronavirus emergency, we will coordinate with our other life sciences advisors so we can continue to offer startups a broad range of expertise and assistance.

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