Deshpande Foundation announces support for India-based M2D2 $200K Challenge finalists

The Deshpande Foundation will pay travel expenses for India-based startups who are named M2D2 $200K Challenge finalists.The M2D2 $200K Challenge has always drawn entrants from around the world. This year, a Challenge sponsor is giving India-based innovators an extra-generous incentive to participate.

The Deshpande Foundation has announced that they will fund up to three $200K Challenge finalist teams to travel from India to M2D2 from approximately March 10th to April 10th. Continue reading

Startups: Map your Path to Venture Financing at our Happy Hour on January 30.

Make your Venture Financing Plan at the M2D2 Happy Hour on January 30.Venture financing is every entrepreneur’s goal— so every entrepreneur needs a plan to get his or her startup to the venture financing stage. That’s why M2D2 is hosting an informative happy hour: Simplifying Venture Financing: What You Need To Know, after work on Wednesday, January 30. For knowledge-gathering and great networking (plus food and drinks), it’s a don’t-miss event for Boston-area life sciences startups. Continue reading