Introducing New Virtual Office Hours

We’re not letting a pandemic get between you and the expertise you need to advance your idea. In fact we’re now able to connect anyone with life sciences advisors with Virtual Office Hours.

Starting Tuesday, April 14th, our Insider Advisors will begin hosting Virtual Office Hours using Zoom. Leading off will be Jeff Champagne from MPR and Barry Sands from RQMIS, Inc. Throughout the coronavirus emergency, we will coordinate with our other life sciences advisors so we can continue to offer startups a broad range of expertise and assistance.

Sign up for M2D2 Virtual Office Hours with expert life sciences advisors.

Virtual Office Hours mean that your location doesn’t matter.

Whether you’re east coast, west coast, in between, or international, you can schedule 1:1 time with experts in product development, regulatory affairs, business development and investor relations, even accounting and taxation. Our Insider Advisors want to help you grow as both an innovator and a businessperson.

Subscribe to our twice-weekly email updates and follow us on Twitter to receive all our Virtual Office Hours announcements. To schedule your time, email We will send you a Zoom link and password to enter the “room” for your Vrtual Office Hours.

We hope you’ll take advantage of this new, free service—and we look forward to announcing more Virtual Office Hours soon.