Women Don’t Study Business

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.


It’s true. The number of women enrolled in the Manning School of Business has lowered over the past couple of years to under 50%. UMass Lowell is a male dominated campus, but there is no reason that it has to be that way.

What are we doing wrong? Why don’t women want to study Business? Is it that they lean toward jobs with more security such as nursing or teaching? Or, do they pursue business as a career with an educational background in something else?

With the Marketing Club, I am exploring these questions. I am asking business professors and professionals their opinions on this topic and I would love to know what your opinion is, too.

Why are you studying business? Or, why aren’t you?

Back to the Grind

And we are back! Welcome back, all.

I hope that everyone is enjoying the first few days of class. I know that I am supremely overwhelmed already yet I am enjoying every minute of it.

I am interested in knowing what you guys want to know more about from the Manning School of Business. Would you like to learn more about the school itself? The staff? Why you have to take certain classes? What it’s like to live in certain dorms?

I can answer all of those questions and more with the help of you.

Let’s get through this semester together – and let’s do a good job at it.


Lowell Bound – NOW Please!

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.

Broken Budgets Public Transit

You know you’re ready to go back to school after break when the most mentally challenging task throughout your day is organizing your social calendar. I have not gone to class or worked this entire break, yet somehow that has resulted in a decrease in my mental stability.

I am ready to go back to school, get into the swing of things, and leave the town where I am recognized everyone that I go. Going back to your hometown always seems like a good idea, until about a week later. About four weeks later I can definitely say that I am ready to return to Lowell!



Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Directly Correlates to Your Success

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.

No matter how hard I try, I cannot get away from restaurants. I land a job in retail, but I still need to work as a server at night to pay my bills. I am hired as an intern in the field of my major, but 15 hours a week on an hourly wage can’t support my lifestyle, so I find myself applying to a new restaurant in the area to pay for rent.

This time, I find myself applying to Beer Works in Lowell to help me save for a car. This week I had two interviews, and next week I will begin training.

Interviews don’t make me nervous. Sure, I have to prepare for them and I may get anxious a minute for the interviewer enters the room, but I do not lose sleep the night before or gain a pool of sweat in my armpits as I wait.

Going into Beer Works for my interviews, I felt prepared and assumed that the interviews would be a breeze like all of the other interviews I have had for restaurants in the past. Surprisingly, during my second interview with the General Manager of Beer Works Lowell, I was asked some questions that threw me off guard. These included “What is your favorite ice cream?”, “What sort of music do you listen to?”, and “If you could sit down and chat with anyone in the world right now, who would it be?”

mint chocolate chip.jpg

Because I know it matters, my favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip.
alanis.jpgAlanis Morissette is one of my favorite artists. Isn’t she beautiful?Sheryl Sandberg.jpg

Sheryl Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook, and recently published a book names Lean In. I would love to sit down and pick her brain!

Somehow, I answered these questions and supported my answers with explanations and examples. They made me wonder though, what if the person interviewing me hated mint chocolate chip ice cream? Or, what if he thought that Alanis Morissette was some whiny feminist? Would his personal opinions have a large influence on whether or not I would be hired? Or, was he asking these random questions simply to see how I handled the seemingly unrelated questions?

I know that many employers ask nonchalant questions to learn more about prospective employees. My question is how much weight does the actual answer to the question hold? Or is it merely the way the question is answered that matters?

Sometimes, I think that I am the queen of interviews. When someone asks if I’m nervous before an interview, I shrug my shoulders and ask them why they think I should be. As I grow older, though, I may be growing more worried about my interview performance. Does being nervous help or hinder a prospective employee?

As per usual, contact me with your thoughts through the MSB Facebook page, Twitter (@UMassLowell_MSB) or email me (Thalia_Chodat@student.uml.edu)! With your input, the MSB can make workshops that help us approach these topics regarding interviewing skills.

Is it too late for a New Year’s resolution?

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.


I am guilty. I am not perfect. I am human. Is it too late for a New Year’s resolution? Because, I need one!

I do this thing where when I love something, I work hard at it. If I hate something though, I don’t always push through and try my best. My grades are a constant reminder of this. Math has always been a weakness of mine and as I continue to study business, the struggle continues. Fortunately, I love studying business so I keep trudging on.

My New Year’s resolution is to stop my habit of taking the easy way out. I need to face the reality that even though I struggle with it, I can do well in my math classes as long as I put in the extra work.

This is where I need your help. I want you to share your New Year’s resolutions with me, whether or not they relate to academics. Then, we can hold each other accountable for them. I welcome you to comment on the Facebook page or email me at my student email (Thalia_chodat@student.uml.edu) and ask me if I am trying harder in my courses that involve math. In return, I will do the same to make sure you are staying on track with your New Year’s resolution.

We can make 2014 an even better year than 2013. Happy New Year!

Dorm Life or Apartment?

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.

As I enter my second semester as a sophomore, I am considering my living options for the rest of my time at UMass Lowell. It seems to be a rite of passage at this age to move onto living into an apartment. It requires more responsibility, is often less expensive than living on campus, and offers a year-round living location near to campus.



This is a picture of my friend, Delaine,
and I touring the University Suites in the spring of 2013 before they were
completely built. It was so exciting to know that we would be a part of the new
addition that was University Suites!

I’m so stressed, though! I am very active in clubs and the MSB and I want to be near the excitement of campus. This seems to be one of the only times during my life where I have the opportunity to live among so many different kinds of people in a more intimate way than the environment that an apartment, or home can provide. Better yet, this could be the only opportunity that I have in my whole life to live in a melting pot of people who are all working to better their education, sense of self, career and future.

I want to live year round in Lowell in order to fully commit to my undergraduate commitments, and I want to take on the responsibility of signing my first lease. At the same time, living in the dorms provides a home and sense of support that the apartment life seems to lack…

What are your thoughts on living while in college? What works best for your lifestyle and learning style? Any advice? I need it!

Life is FLYING By!

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.




As I write Christmas cards for my siblings, I find myself wondering how is it possible that time can go by so quickly?! It seems like if I want to know how anybody’s life is going, I need to make an appointment with them. Does that mean I’m getting old?

The older I get, the more I realize what the holidays represent. I no longer have the luxury of living with my siblings and being up to date with their lives. Life is moving way too fast! For me, this holiday season represents reconnecting with my siblings.



This is a photo from Christmas years ago with me, my siblings, and grandmother.


This time of year is meant to remind us to think of others and not ourselves.
Normally, I spend my school breaks working in order to save money for the
coming semester. I am making a promise to share my time with my siblings and
loved ones this Christmas break instead of directing my time toward providing
for only myself.

What are you doing this Christmas break? What is something that you can do to give to those around you this time of year?

Winter Wonderland

Disclaimer: Anything written
in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog
is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned
businesses, locations, students, or staff.


I woke up this morning to a white world. The ground was covered in a clean white powder that had yet to be turned into grey slush by the many feet of students walking to class. Trees had a soft white blanket covering their branches and as I got ready for the day, winter continued to descend upon the world one snowflake at a time.

The first snow fall of the season represents many things. It reminds us that first semester is coming to a close, it makes us excited to sit in front of a warm fire with loved ones, and it makes us even more anxious for the coming spring while reminding us how lucky we are to live in New England.

Enjoy the change in season with the UML community and swing by the University Suites courtyard for UMass Lowell’s first Annual Tree Lighting and Winter Celebration. There will be free photos in snowflake frames, free cookies and cocoa, and a candy-cane-grams fundraiser. We hope to see everyone there!

Share a Pic Stitch photo with Me!

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.

The damage is done. I write to you as I gasp for breath from underneath all of the projects and papers that consume my life at this time of year…I’ve been too busy to write a blog for Thanksgiving, I was too busy to perfect the My Math Lab assignment I had due today, I know that I’m already too busy to wear anything but UGGs this week, and I may or may not be too busy to go to Financial Accounting… Just kidding, I have to go – considering I don’t understand even the basic principles of accounting.

I’m regretting spending too much time on painting my nails and making my dorm look pretty this semester, and wondering how much smarter I would be right now if I forgot about the appearance of my nails and never cleaned my dorm… I’ve decided I would be much smarter.

The reality is finals are around the bend. We can hide behind the bend as much as we wish, but finals are going to show up no matter what. And yes, we will receive a zero if we don’t show up.

Below is a Pic Stitch photo with all of the things that will be getting me through finals.


First is my laptop. My laptop holds all of my assignments, rubrics, papers, notes, etc. Without it, there would be close to no record of my academic career.

Second is a quote I that inspires me. I find that letting yourself be silly can actually help you focus more when needed.

Third is a playful photo that one of my friends shared on Twitter. This reminds to be gentle with those around me (like the dogs are being with each other) even when I want to be grumpy and vicious (just like huskies can be) because I don’t want to study for finals.

Fourth is a picture with me and my suite mates. This reminds me that I have a terrific support system to get me through the next couple of weeks. Shout out to my suite mates for being the bomb!

Last is coffee. Sweet, sweet coffee. This is a reminder that coffee is my friend during these sleepless nights filled with studying, but that it can also be my enemy if consumed in excess. Moderation is the key!

I would love to see a Pic Stitch with your finals week essentials. Feel free to comment them or to share them on the MSB Facebook page!

I’ve got to go now…The weight of these papers is pushing me back into the ominous homework pile…


Did you notice I changed my font?

Fall Preview Day 2013

Disclaimer: Anything written in this blog represents the opinions of the author, and no one else. Each blog is written lightly, and is not intended to offend any of the mentioned businesses, locations, students, or staff.

I was an extremely ill-prepared high school student my senior year. I decided to go to UMass Lowell on a whim and never looked back. Fortunately for me, this proved to be one of the best decisions I have made in my short lifetime.

As a senior, I never attended welcome days, preview days, or any informational sessions that UMass Lowell provided. Because of that, I had a whole lot more work to do as a freshman. I was a mess. I didn’t know what my dorm would look like, I had no idea who my roommates would be, on what campus most of my classes would be located, the size of the business school, if there was a tutoring center, etc. Because of this, my first semester freshman year of college consisted of a whole lot more running to class, emails to professors, and overall fending for myself that I was not emotionally prepared for at such a vulnerable time in my life.


This is a picture of me and my two friends who were generous enough to deal with the mess that I was and help me move in to school. This was taken in my freshman dorm on the ninth floor of Fox Hall!

I am so proud to say as a sophomore that WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! UMass Lowell and the Manning School of Business want to help you and share with you the resources available to help you.

One of our tools to help you is Fall Preview Day. Thank you to everyone who attended Fall Preview Day this past Saturday. It is so wonderful to see that you all are interested in being proactive about your future – unlike me at your age. It was a joy to meet all of you and I hope that I can continue to help you throughout your journey with the Manning School of Business. If you don’t remember who I am, I was the girl with the long blonde hair who wore a light blue button-up and spoke with the two other students about the Manning School of Business. If you don’t remember me still, I was the girl in front with the other speakers who sneezed in the middle of the presentation. I hope that helps!

Again, thank you all for joining us this Saturday. If you have any more questions, I encourage you to inquire through the MSB Facebook page (www.Faceook.com/UMLMSB) or through Twitter @UMassLowell_MSB. If it is a personal question, you can email me at Thalia_Chodat@student.uml.edu, the Coordinator of Student Success for the MSB Lisa Armstrong at Lisa_Armstrong@uml.edu, or the Associate Dean of the MSB at Frank_Andrews@uml.edu. Let us help you have a smooth freshman year!