
By: Yashvi Patel, Kennedy College of Sciences Well-being Leader  

In honor of Valentine’s Day, let’s explore how love promotes emotional and mental well-being. Well-being and love are concepts that go hand in hand. Love is a strong emotion that can enhance one’s well-being by having a positive impact on their physical and mental health. According to studies cited below, having a supportive network of friends and family or being in a loving relationship can lower stress levels, boost happiness, and enhance self-esteem. In addition to improving self-esteem and confidence, experiencing love and support can have a significant impact on a person’s general well-being. The act of showing love and kindness to others can also have a positive impact on a person’s mental and emotional health, leading to increased feelings of happiness and a sense of purpose in life. 

Before we get into the impact love has on wellbeing, let’s define what love exactly is. When someone says the word “love,” most people immediately think of romantic love. It involves strong feelings of want and desire for a romantic partner. However, there are so many other forms of love that include, but are not limited to: familial, platonic, self, unrequited, obsessive, altruistic, and spiritual. Love that exists between the members of a family, such as between parents and children, siblings, or other family members, is known as familial love. Platonic love is a non-romantic form of affection shared by friends in which there is a deep emotional connection but no sexual or romantic interest. Self-love is the love one has for oneself, which implies accepting and respecting oneself as well as catering to one’s emotional and physical needs. Unrequited love is a form of love in which one person feels deeply for another person but that feeling is not returned. Obsessive love is a type of affection characterized by an unhealthy fixation or obsession with a person and is frequently associated with possessive or dominating behavior. Altruistic love is characterized by selfless actions of compassion and generosity performed without regard for one’s own benefit or profit. Spiritual love is viewed as a force that unites humans to a higher power or the universe, which is frequently linked to religious or spiritual beliefs. 

Love can promote emotional and mental wellbeing in several ways: 

1. Reduces anxiety and stress: Being in a loving relationship or having close ties to family and friends can provide one a sense of stability and comfort that helps lower anxiety and tension. 

2.Improves mood: Dopamine and other feel-good hormones are released by love and affection, which can improve mood and make people feel happier. 

3.Increases resiliency: Having a network of loved ones to lean on through troubled times might help to boost resiliency and coping mechanisms. 

4. Enhances self-esteem: Feeling loved and appreciated can promote greater feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, which can improve general emotional well-being. 

5. Encourages a sense of purpose: Love and relationships with others can give people a sense of direction and significance in their lives, which is important for mental health. 

6. Increases empathy and compassion: Having a romantic relationship or feeling love in other ways can contribute to growing one’s capacity for empathy and compassion, which can be beneficial to one’s mental health. 

7. Enhances physical health: Love and relationships with others have been shown to lower blood pressure, lower the chances of anxiety and depression, and enhance longevity, all of which can be beneficial for mental health. 

In general, love can significantly improve emotional and mental health by bringing a sense of safety, joy, and meaning to life. 


Balance your Mornings with a Balanced Meal

by: Haiya Patel, Kennedy College of Sciences Well-being Leader

As a college student, we are typically in a rush and finding the most accessible food
items available. From experience, I remember buying coffee every day and thinking that was
enough for my breakfast or eating sugary food such as donuts or munchkins as a meal. The
main reason that I would do this is because I thought it was good enough to give me energy, or
even just to check off the ‘criteria’ as ‘I had a meal’. Since Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, and
Einstein’s are on the North campus, it was just convenient for me to stop by these locations to
pick up the food on the way to class. Moreover, it was a medium for me to spare few extra
minutes to myself to sleep in, instead of spending that time to prepare myself lunch. Overall, I
had noticed that I would often have a crash in my energy after a bit because of rapid glucose
spikes and drops, which would lead to more craving, and excessive use of energy drinks and
caffeine. Other than the health concerns, these habits also contributed to my inability to have
control of my financial decisions.

Once I learned how the food I consume affects my day-to-day tasks, and its effects on
my output for my academics, my physical energy, and being mentally motivated, I was inspired
to consume the meals that will fuel me in a manner that is more beneficial. I learned to
incorporate nutritional foods in my meals that satisfied my soul and health.

I learned some simple meals that can be incorporated in the mornings to start off the
day on the right foot. This meal provides healthy fats and good amount of protein from peanut
butter, good fiber and nutrients from the bananas. The honey or maple syrup adds a bit of
sweetness for the sweet tooth people.

Rice Cake Toast:
• Flavored rice cake
• Peanut (or any other nut)
• Banana or any other fruit slices
• Drizzle of honey or maple syrup
• Sprinkle of Cinnamon, or
chocolate chips

Another balanced meal is overnight oats: This recipe is my personal favorite because not
only does it save me time in the morning for the food prep, but also, it can be customized in
many variations such as Chocolatey, fruity, add some vanilla essence for that vanilla flavor, or
peanut butter. The overnight oats provide great complex carbohydrates that keeps you full for
a longer period of time. Additionally, you can also add some nut butter or raw nuts and soaked
chia seeds to add on the vital minerals and nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, cholesterol
and many more. The fats from the nuts and the nut butter also helps to regulate the glucose
spikes, while also providing nutritional benefits. Recently, my friend started to incorporate
flavored protein powders in her overnight oats for that extra protein.

Overnight Oats:
• Soaked overnight Oats (and chia seeds) incorporated with:
o Vanilla essence
o Dash of salt
o Any nut butter of your choice
o Raw or toasted nuts of choice
o Fruits of your choice
o Chocolate protein powder (if you choose to)

Lastly, you can make the morning a little extra nutritious by making a smoothie of your
choice. The smoothies will most likely take maximum of about five minutes, and it is packed
with fruits, vegetables, and nuts of your choice to satisfy your soul in the morning, but also start
off the day with vital nutrients for your health.

• Oat milk (or any other variation of milk or coconut water)
• Ice
• Spinach
• Any fruit of your choice
• Hemp seeds or chia seeds
• Protein powder (if you choose to)

Overall, the food you consume in the morning makes a big impact on how your say
starts, and further reflects onto your rest of the day. Hence, starting off the morning with meals
that satisfy your heart but also your body in terms of health can have a lasting impact on your
day and your ability to take over the day. The morning meals does not have to be complicated
by any means to have them be balanced. They can be as simple as rice cakes with nut butter
and some fruits, or a quick smoothie, or overnight oats to save you time in the morning. These
recopies are simple and packed with nutrition to help you throughout your day.

Skin Care- A Crucial Self-Care Tool

By: Angel Molekunnel, Manning School of Business Well-being Leader

For a variety of reasons, a skincare program may be an effective self-care strategy. It can assist you in developing a feeling of regularity and stability in your daily life, which can be both soothing and grounding. By devoting a few minutes each day to skincare, you’re also devoting time to yourself, which may be a significant act of self-care. Skincare may also be used to develop mindfulness and stay in the present moment. When you apply skincare products, your attention is drawn to the sensations on your skin, the fragrances and textures of the products, and the act of self-care. This might help you feel more at ease and in control.

When you care for your skin, you are also caring for your body. Skincare regimens may assist in keeping your skin healthy, moisturized, and protected from environmental stresses such as pollution and UV radiation. This can make you feel more confident and at ease in your own skin, which can improve your general well-being.

Furthermore, taking care of your skin may be a source of self-expression and creativity. There are several products and procedures to explore, and experimenting with various skincare routines may be a pleasant and exciting way to care for yourself. Overall, establishing a skincare regimen may be a simple yet effective method to exercise self-care and prioritize your health.

Follow these general steps to develop a strong skincare routine:

Identify your skin type: Your skincare regimen will be determined by your skin type, which can range from oily to dry to combination to sensitive. Determine your skin type and seek items that are targeted to your individual requirements.

Cleanse your skin to eliminate dirt, oil, and makeup before beginning your regimen. Use a mild cleanser that will not deplete your skin’s natural oils, and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Exfoliating once or twice a week can aid in the removal of dead skin cells and the unclogging of pores. Choose a mild exfoliation that will not bother your skin. To treat specific skin conditions, such as acne, dark spots, or fine wrinkles, you may want to use serum, spot treatment, or other specialized products.

Moisturize: Keeping your skin hydrated is essential for keeping it healthy and young. Choose a moisturizer that is suited for your skin type and use it on a regular basis. Finally, remember to protect your skin from the sun by applying broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Because everyone’s skin is different, you may need to experiment with different products and procedures to find what works best for you. Also, keep any allergies or sensitivities in mind, and avoid using items that aggravate your skin.

Once you try it out, you may find that skincare influences your life in a variety of ways. Taking care of your skin might help you feel more confident in your looks. When your skin is healthy, clean, and shining, you may feel more confident and eager to put yourself out there.


Is skin care actually necessary? what is the purpose of skin care products? Bella Reina | Spa

Beauty Products. (2021, August 20). Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

Reese, B. M., & Reese, M. (2022, July 29). What is the importance of skin care? Colorescience. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

The New York Times. (n.d.). How to build a skin care routine. The New York Times. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

Wassef, D. (2023, January 30). The importance of skin care: It’s time to take care of Your skin. MyDCSI. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

The Many Benefits of Community Service

By: Doa Jamal, Francis College of Engineering Well-being Leader

Volunteering is something that many of us do because we feel required to do it, occasionally it may even be mandatory. Some high schools require all their students to get a certain number of service hours and for those in the National Honors Society, community service hours are mandatory as well. Additionally, students are aware that community service hours are looked at and evaluated for college and graduate school applications. So, while many people volunteer with the mindset of “it’s something I’m doing because I have to”, and “I’d probably not be here if I had a choice”, it is important to consider the many benefits of volunteering.

One common reason that people volunteer is to give back to the community. Participating in community service connects you to others. It connects you to your community, to your neighbors, you meet new people, make new friends, and broaden your social network. One of my closest college friends is someone I met during a volunteering day hosted by the UML Muslim Students Association. Volunteering at the Cor Unum Meal Center in Lawrence, MA connected me to many of the homeless population in the Greater Lawrence area, who are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. In January, I went on a humanitarian/community service trip to Kenya through a non-profit organization (Helping Hands for Relief and Development) and had a great time with a group of ten girls. The trip connected me to residents of Nairobi and Malindi and how they live in poverty, with many women and children living in a household without a man. We visited the Mukuru slum in Nairobi where more than 400,000 people live in one-room houses with no electricity, no running water, no light, and the ground covered in sewage and trash. Nairobi also has the Kibera slum, which has a population of more than 2.5 million living in the worst conditions. In the villages of Malindi, there has been a drought for more than 3 years and people are struggling to survive. We passed out food packages and water to more than 300 families. International service trips like this are crucial so that we don’t forget about the situations that other people are going through. 

Volunteering is healthy for the mind and body. Volunteering is a feel-good activity that gives you the warm fuzzies. Doing community service counteracts the effects of stress, anger, anxiety, and depression. Volunteering regularly with the same people can provide you with a support system. Scientists have discovered that being helpful to others brings people significant pleasure and results in happy hormones being delivered to the brain. Volunteering gives you a sense of accomplishment and so can boost your self-confidence. Doing service can also give you a purpose which helps when battling depression. Finally, volunteering helps you stay physically fit. Most volunteering opportunities involve movement and physical labor. This can be anything from sorting through donated clothes for an organization like Nu-Day Syria which sends donations to countries in need, serving tables at a meal center like Cor Unum, to lifting heavy bags of food to hand out to villagers in Kenya. Research has found that the mortality rate is lower for those who volunteer.

Although volunteering is important, it should not feel like a chore. You do not have to volunteer regularly if you can not, and you don’t have to volunteer for many hours a week if you can not. The most benefits will be reaped if you do it as something you enjoy. 

To find a place to volunteer, reach out to organizations you are aware of, places in your community, or ask your friends if they volunteer somewhere and join them! 

If you’re looking for an opportunity to volunteer on campus, you may want to try out Alternative Spring Break. For more information, you can email my supervisor,


Boost your self-esteem!

By: Alejandra Malaga Walters, Francis College of Engineering Well-being Leader

Some days, we don’t feel good about ourselves, and that is okay. But when that feeling continues for a longer period of time, it can have a harmful effect on our mental health.

Self-esteem is the opinion we have about ourselves. When we have healthy self-esteem, we tend to be positive about life in general and about the things we can achieve. On the other hand, when we have low self-esteem, we tend to be negative about life, and we also feel less able to work through the challenges of life.

It is important to try to increase your self-esteem because having low self-esteem can harm your mental health and lead to problems such as depression and anxiety. When you have low self-esteem, you may also hide away from social situations and new challenges and avoid difficult situations.

But how can we get from low self-esteem to healthy self-esteem?

Low self-esteem often begins in childhood. When the people that surround us and even social media give us negative messages about ourselves, sadly, we tend to keep those negative messages instead of positive ones. You can also get low self-esteem when you find it difficult to live up to other people’s expectations of you or to your own expectations. For that reason, to boost your self-esteem, first, you need to identify where are these negative thoughts about yourself coming from and challenge them. Another thing that would help you increase your self-esteem is to start writing down good things about yourself, some things that you and other people say about you that make you feel good. Put that list somewhere you can see it and remind those qualities to yourself every day.

Know your worth who appreciate you and help you at appreciate you and help you go through difficult times. Recognize when someone is trying to bring you down and spend less time with them because those people will not bring you anything good.

Finally, be kind to yourself and recognize that it’s ok to not be ok sometimes. Treat yourself as if you were your friend and think about what you would say to a friend in a similar situation. We often treat and give better advice to others than we do to ourselves.

10 Tips for Self-Love & Self-Care

By: Fajr Zahid, Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences Well-being Leader

The month of February is often seen as a month dedicated towards spreading love, whether it be towards a romantic partner, friends, or even oneself. Having a healthy relationship with yourself and your mind, as well as others, is an essential part of life and overall well-being. Below are 10 important tips that can help to improve self-love and self-care habits!

1. Try your best not to compare yourself to others – we are all unique in our own ways, and it is important to embrace our differences rather than conceal them.

2. Do not be afraid to be your true, authentic self regardless of how you may be perceived by others.

3. Look out for yourself and give your body the proper rest, nutrients, and care that it needs.

4. Surround yourself with uplifting, genuine people, and distance yourself from those who bring negativity into your life.

5. Never give others the power to make you doubt yourself or your worth – always reassure yourself of your importance and value.

6. Do not settle for less than what you deserve – this goes for all aspects of life whether it be a friendship, romantic relationship, or a future goal that you have.

7. Listen to your intuition! – this can often save you from harmful or toxic situations.

8. Make time for yourself throughout the day or week to engage in activities that bring you peace and happiness.

9. Reflect on your habits, attitudes and behaviors and actively work on the parts of yourself that you would like to improve on.

10. Stand up for yourself in situations where you are being mistreated or disrespected – but also remember to forgive yourself for the times when you were unable to do so.

I hope that you are able to implement all or even just a few of these 10 self-love and self-care tips into your life! If you’re ever struggling with showing yourself the love and care you deserve, or any other aspect of your life, come visit me during my office hours and I’ll do my best to help you 🙂

Handling the Winter in College

By: Medi Woldemichael, Manning School of Business Well-being Leader

Keeping warm during the winter is important for us college students for health, productivity, safety, and comfort reasons. Taking steps to stay warm and prepared for the weather can help you stay healthy, productive, and happy throughout the winter. Here are some tips on how to keep up with the cold weather:

  1. Keep your living space warm: Check that your living space is well-insulated and has a good heating system. Close your windows to allow the heater to function. If you’re still cold, think about getting a space heater or a heated blanket. Keeping your living place warm will help you in avoiding cold-related health issues. If you live on campus, be sure to connect with your RA if there are any heating-related issues in your residence hall.
  2. Stay active: Winter weather can be challenging for college students who are used to a more active lifestyle. Try to stay active by going to the gym or walking to class on warmer days to avoid cabin fever. This can help you feel better physically and mentally and have more energy.
  3. Take care of yourself: Cold weather can affect your mental and physical health. To keep yourself feeling well, make sure that you’re eating a well-balanced diet and getting enough sleep. Stay organized and reduce 

Taking care of yourself and being proactive about winter weather can help you avoid potential problems and stay healthy and happy throughout the colder months. I hope these tips can help you keep up with the cold weather and stay warm!,flannel%20or%20a%20thick%20sweater.


by Casey Tiernan, Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences Well-being Leader

February is Boost your Self-Esteem Month. Self-esteem is defined as the confidence in one’s own worth or abilities.

It is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself, because it influences your choices and decisions and your overall well-being. Self-esteem also influences your motivation because when you have a positive view of yourself, you have a better understanding of your potential and feel inspired to take on new challenges. Another term for self-esteem is self-worth. On the contrary, low self-esteem is linked to feelings of insecurity within one’s skills and leads to doubts with decision making. It can also result in low motivation to try new challenges. Individuals who experience this may have issues forming healthy relationships with themselves and others, making them feel unworthy. 

I struggle to this day with my own self-esteem. However, this year has led me to step out of my comfort zone and learn more about myself. I have gained confidence in my skills within my major and it allows me to be my best self. The smallest thing I did to change my low self-esteem was to be aware of my thoughts and to be kind to myself. I stopped telling myself negative thoughts and had a new outlook about myself. I also recommend expressing your needs. It allows you to be open and honest with yourself. It is also key to know you are allowed to say “no” when you want to. This skill took me time to master because I always felt bad, but once I started saying “no,” I felt in control of myself again. The last thing I did was accept my strengths and weaknesses. I originally picked a major that was heavy in math and sciences (which yes, is my weakness), so I switched to Public Health which allowed me to see my strengths in a new light. 

Having a healthy self-esteem can motivate you to reach your goals and accomplish anything you put your mind to because it allows for setting appropriate boundaries within relationships. “When you find yourself engaging in negative thinking, try countering these thoughts with more realistic ones (Cherry, 2022)”. With February being Boost your Self-Esteem Month, every morning when you wake up, search for a daily affirmation. It allows you to start your day off with a positive mindset. 

I’ll give you one to start:

I value myself as a person. 

Now it’s your turn!

Public Speaking 

By: Fahad Alden, College of Fine Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Well-being Leader

 “Public speaking is America’s biggest fear right after getting lit on fire.” My professor Shallon told me this, and it amazes me. Being set on fire seems undesirable, painful, and plain scary, just to think about it. But to many people, public speaking brings out those same dreaded emotions. However, public speaking is vital, whether in the classroom setting for presentations or being asked to speak at your best friend’s wedding. So how do we overcome our fears?

I spoke to two experts to see if I could get pointers from them about how to master the art of public speaking. Wayne Braverman is currently the managing editor of Bedford Citizen and hosts the Bedford TV program called “Celebrate Life.” He has also won a distinguished toastmaster award and has taught a public speaking course for Education Unlimited. Mellissa Allen is a theater professor at UMass Lowell and a high school theater teacher in Haverhill. 

The first step would be drill practice. Practice, practice, practice this sentiment is often echoed by coaches and teachers when an individual is trying to learn a new task. Whether the mission is basketball, learning French, or learning how to drive, those learning journeys tend to have narrow paths, but when it comes to practicing public speaking, there seems less of a protocol of how to go about it. 

What do our experts believe is the best philosophy regarding public speaking?

Mellisa Allen recommends reciting lines while doing tasks, as it will become ingrained as a memory. She suggests doing kinetic movements while practicing, such as walking your dog, playing catch, or going for a morning stroll. 

Both Allen and Braverman recommended changing your location when practicing a speech. Braverman suggests practicing at places such as parking lots, graveyards, and parks because these areas tend to be secluded. You can rehearse the movement aspect of speech, which is crucial to making your speech more natural and captivating to the audience. Secondly, these places tend to be good places to rehearse because you can practice eye contact, which is an integral part of public speaking. It is vital to look at the audience when you speak, which can be unsettling, so practicing looking at cars or other items can be great practice. 

Allen also recommends that her students take notes and analyze theater performances, remarking, “As an actor, I am always interested in what someone else brings to the table. Watching these performances can often spark ideas and questions that can help you.”

 Sometimes, the most stressful part of giving a speech is not giving the address; it is the moment before, which is why the second step is managing anxiety. Despite what many may believe, feeling nervous is quite common and, surprisingly, can sometimes be beneficial. Allen says nervousness is a sign that you are taking the opportunity to speak publicly seriously. Nervous tension takes hold of people before they take college exams, driver’s license tests, or ask someone out—all are things most people value. 

But as Allen said earlier, you can get flustered, misspeak, or sometimes just freeze when it becomes an issue. What are the best ways to combat this? First, be prepared. Practice long in advance and ensure you are where you need to be and have everything you need.

Secondly, an excellent way to ease that sense of anxiety over time is to say yes to every opportunity. Audition for the play, speak up more in class or do an oral presentation for a project. Making mistakes is inevitable, but it’s part of the growth process. 

Even if you make a blunder under the worst circumstances, learn to roll with it; Braverman said he always laughs it off and moves on from the mistake. Once, Braverman was assisting an instructor of a seminar program about childhood trauma. The instructor told the students to take a deep breath and immerse themselves in an imaginative experience of their mom entering the house. Calm, healing music was supposed to come on, but Braverman, the sound designer at the time, accidentally played the song, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” The instructor made a joke instead of getting flustered and said, “Mom has a sense of humor!” The students for the seminar ended up laughing and went along with the experience. The instructor later told Braverman “to try to make a mistake each time.”  

The last step is to be willing to take some form of feedback or coaching to improve. Accepting advice is often much easier said than done, especially if the work is personal. When seeking feedback, it is best not to go to the extreme of taking on too much constructive criticism. Sometimes one can deal with too much input and lose direction in your work. 

They may end up suppressing their individuality and creativity to suit the norm. Braverman said he often knew people who would win speech competitions but not cherish their wins as their speeches changed so much to fit others’ standards. The best indicator, he said, to trust feedback given by others is to rely on your intuition. 

Another problem is if you are unable to take constructive criticism; this can be just as detrimental to having a successful speech. Having a second eye that can offer a neutral perspective is essential in determining the quality of work. That professor, friend, or boss can pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses that we may overlook. 

Learning anything and opening yourself to acquiring knowledge requires a great deal of courage. As we get older, the reward for that courageousness is that we often gain feelings of pride.