M2D2 Based Startup Awarded $17 Million in Equity Funding

By Dan O’Brien, dobrien@lowellsun.com

Updated: 04/11/2014 07:00:21 AM EDT

LOWELL — A medical-device startup developed within UMass Lowell’s M2D2 community said this week that it has landed $17 million in equity funding.

InfoBionic Inc., a startup that provides patient monitoring for chronic-disease management, intends to use the funds to pay for the commercialization of its flagship product, the MoMe System, according to CEO Nancy Briefs.

Read more: http://www.lowellsun.com/business/ci_25544903/m2d2-based-startup-awarded-17-million-equity-funding#ixzz2yaPJk25I

M2D2 Kicks Off 2014 Educational Series Part I of IV

On Tuesday, February 25, 2014, M2D2 kicked off its educational series for the year with a session on regulatory affairs and human factors, presented by Jim Jacobson of Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP and Melissa Clark of Halloran Consulting.

The second session in the series will take place on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 from 6 to 8 pm at the M2D2 Innovation Hub. The topic will be on Fundraising and Non-Dilutive Financing and will be presented by Jeremy Halpern of Nutter McClennen & Fish and Nancy Saucier, Director of New Ventures at UMass Lowell. To register for this session please visit (cut & paste) https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e8z9hf1i15652958&oseq=&c=&ch=
The third and fourth sessions will follow in April and May. This four-part educational series is sponsored by Nutter McClennen & Fish.
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M2D2 Co-Director Stephen McCarthy introducing Jim Jacobson of Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP.
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Melissa Clark of Halloran Consulting schooling the group on regulatory affairs and human factors.

M2D2 Pitch Event Held on Feb 25th

Sponsored by Eastern Bank, M2D2 held its third “Shark Tank” style pitch event at its Innovation Hub on February 25th. Five companies pitched their medical device innovations to a panel of seven angel investors. Investor groups represented were Boston Harbor Angels, Mass Medical Angels and Launch Pad.

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Georgia Mitsi presenting her company, Apptomics LLC, and its novel approach to treatment for Parkinson’s disease.
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Investors looking at a prototype from Privo Technologies, presented by Manijeh Goldberg.
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Investors Henry Kay and Jules Fried (l to r) asking tough financial questions.

M2D2 Announces Competition Finalists and Opens Registration for Showcase Event

M2D2 New Venture Competition
Showcase 2014
Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors:
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP and Smith & Nephew Inc.
M2D2 is pleased to announce the finalists in their 3rd Annual New Venture Competition
The (15) finalist companies competing for $50,000 in services will be:
Aleeva Medical
Articulate Labs
Benevolent Tech for Health
Cocoon Biotech, Inc.
Diacoustic Med Devices
Flow Forward Medical
Guided Surgery Solutions
Innovoss Inc.
Vivonics IPASS
The finalists will present their pitches at the Showcase Event w/ Poster Session at M2D2 on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 beginning at 5:00 pm.
This Showcase Event is for Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses, future applicants as well as investors in the medical device industry. The evening will provide extensive networking opportunities. Hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine will be served.
Our address:
M2D2 Innovation Hub
600 Suffolk Street, 2nd Floor
Wannalancit Business Center
Lowell, MA 01854
Come see the new medical device ventures that will be showcased. Registration fee until March 15: $20.00; after March 15: $30.00
To register to attend this Showcase Event, please visit:
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at M2D2@uml.edu or phone us at 978-934-3465.

M2D2 Cape Town, South Africa

In 2003, based on the announcement by researchers that heart disease is the number one killer of women, the American Heart Association kicked off ‘Go Red For Women” to raise public awareness.
As part of the ‘Go Red For Women’ movement, the American Heart Association has named the first Friday of each February as National Wear Red Day’ It is the day each year set aside to draw attention to this silent killer of women and motivate them to know their cardiovascular risk and take the necessary actions to live healthier, longer lives.
This year, Wear Red Day was Friday, February 7th. While you can see from the photo that I wasn’t wearing red on this special day, it was fitting that I was in Cape Town, South Africa, where cardiology is a prominent medical discipline and also where the first heart transplant surgery was completed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard in 1967. I was representing our innovation hub and making a presentation to a group of entrepreneurs and academics at the University of Cape Town, some of whom are interested in establishing a U.S. presence for their start-up businesses at M2D2.

MSAT Fellows Visit Pretoria Innovation Center

On day two, the MSAT Fellowship group was welcomed to the Innovation Hub in Pretoria. Business Development Manager Karen Smith and Bioscience Specialist Dr. Chamunorwa Togo led a presentation about the Innovation Hub then opened it to discussion and talk of collaboration.

The tour of the Innovation Hub included meetings with three of their client companies. The first was with VX Pharma, a start-up company offering lab testing and clinical trial services. The second meeting was with Altis Biologics. CEO Nicolaas Duneas explained their business of bone regeneration using BMP complex purification technology. The third meeting was with Kenny Masobe, CEO of Egolibio. They are a development agent for the commercialization of bioscience products.
On day three, the MSAT will disband and fellows will report to their respective work sites.



M2D2 Participates in Massachusetts-South Africa Technology Fellowship

The Massachusetts-South Africa Technology Fellowship Program is co-managed by South Africa Partners in Boston and Bentley University. It is funded through Pro Fellows, a US State Department initiative.

Last October, a group of South African professionals in the technology and life sciences fields spent time working in Massachusetts at various sites, including M2D2. Now it is time for the reverse exchange. For the next two weeks, a group of seven professionals from Massachusetts are working in different areas of South Africa. Led by Carol Cashion Jackson from the South Africa Partners Boston office, the US contingent includes Mary Ann Picard from M2D2, Catherine Ives from MIT, Sarah Delmar from the Cambridge Innovation Center, Andrea Stamp from MassMedic, Beth Nicklas from the Mass Life Sciences Center, Terrence Dobrowsky from Biogen Idec, and Larry Heim from State Street.

On Day 1 we set the backdrop by visiting Constitution Hill and Liliesleaf, important current, historical and cultural sites. Tomorrow we head to the Innovation Center in Pretoria followed by the official welcome dinner.
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M2D2 Third Annual New Venture Competition 2014

Sponsored by Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP and Smith & Nephew, Inc.

in partnership with their sponsors Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP and
Smith & Nephew is hosting a medical device startup competition that
will find Massachusetts’ best new medical device ventures – and award
thousands of dollars worth of services.

M2D2 is pleased to
announce the M2D2 New Venture Competition 2014 to showcase the
innovative developments of early-stage medical device companies.
Companies will compete for $50,000 of services from M2D2, Nutter
McClennen & Fish LLP, and Smith & Nephew, Inc. See below for
description of services.

Who is Eligible

The Massachusetts Medical Device Development Center – M2D2 New Venture Competition is open to medical device technology-based startup businesses. Companies developing devices which could impact Orthopedic Reconstruction, Sports Medicine, and Trauma are particularly encouraged to apply. The venture must involve the development of a new medical device. Companies need not be based in Massachusetts to be eligible.

Competition Details and Deadlines

Prizes $50,000
A total of $25,000 in M2D2 Services will be awarded, including:
Product Development (prototyping, etc.)
Business Development (business plans, market development, etc.)
Medical Development (clinician consultation, animal trials, etc.)
M2D2 Laboratory Space
A total of $15,000 in Legal Services from Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
A total of $10,000 in services from Smith & Nephew, Inc.

Entry Fees – Apply early to receive discounted application fees:
By January 31, 2014: $25
By February 10, 2014: $50

For full contest details, including application please contact Mary Ann Picard by email at m2d2@uml.edu or by phone at 978-934-3465. Check back again or check our website at www.uml.edu/M2D2 as we will be adding further information regarding the M2D2 New Venture Competition in the coming week!

M2D2 Client Company Announces CE Mark

LOWELL, Mass., Jan. 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ –InfoBionic’, an emerging digital health company focused on creating superior patient monitoring solutions for chronic disease management, today announced receipt of CE Mark for the MoMe’ System for cardiac arrhythmia monitoring. The MoMe System is the first universal remote patient monitoring platform with seamless transition between Holter, Event, and Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) modes. The innovative platform, which leverages Cloud computing and proprietary analytics, is poised to revolutionize the $3B worldwide cardiac monitoring market by delivering on-demand access to patient data for diagnosis.

The MoMe System draws on the recent convergence of medical devices, database analytics, new sensors, and wireless protocols to provide a universal patient monitoring platform complete with real-time, high-quality patient data for improved arrhythmia detection.

“Existing cardiac patient monitoring systems have significant limitations, including poor data quality and limited data availability,” stated Liviu Klein, M.D., UCSF Heart and Vascular Center. “The MoMe System provides high-quality data and real-time rhythm history as well as activity, respiration and symptom tracking that allows me to make a fast, accurate, timely and efficient medical diagnosis.”

Nancy Briefs, Chief Executive Officer, commented, “We are pleased to receive CE Mark for the MoMe System. We believe the system will transform the arrhythmia monitoring market by offering superior arrhythmia detection and favorable physician practice economics. We look forward to commercializing our first product for cardiac arrhythmia monitoring in early 2014.”

About InfoBionic:

InfoBionic’ Inc., an emerging digital health company is dedicated to transforming healthcare delivery by providing anywhere, anytime access to cardiac event monitoring with improved event detection and clinical efficacy through a lower cost business model. The MoMe’ System offers superior remote patient monitoring for chronic diseases with an initial market focus on cardiac arrhythmias.

For more information please visit www.infobionic.com.

SOURCE InfoBionic Inc.

Smith & Nephew and Nutter McLennen & Fish co-sponsor 3rd Annual M2D2 Med Device Competition

Smith & Nephew (NYSE:SNN;LSE:SN), the global medical technology business, is proud to announce it will co-sponsor the 2014 Massachusetts Medical Device Development (M2D2) Center’s New Venture Competition. Designed to showcase innovative ideas coming out of early-stage medical device companies, the nationwide competition this year will focus on Joint Reconstruction, Sports Medicine, and Trauma.

The prizes will total $50,000 of in-kind services including facilities, engineering, legal, business and medical device assistance from Smith & Nephew and the competition co-sponsors, Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP and M2D2, a joint initiative of the University of Massachusetts’ Lowell and Worcester campuses.

‘We’re excited about this collaboration,’ explains Dr. Ruth Cheng, Director of Innovation for Smith & Nephew. ‘Not only does it build on our reputation as innovation leaders; it helps us foster relationships with those entrepreneurs who are on the cutting edge of the growth areas we target.’

‘M2D2 is grateful for the Smith & Nephew’s support for the New Venture Competition and entrepreneurs and startups in the medical-device sector,’ said Steven Tello, UMass Lowell’s associate vice chancellor for entrepreneurship and economic development. ‘We are honored to work with a company that exemplifies success in the industry in Massachusetts and around the globe.’

For the competition, Smith & Nephew has identified five areas where innovation will help address current and future needs in orthopaedic reconstruction, sports medicine, and trauma:

  • Tools which enable procedure
    would reduce procedural steps, shorten overall procedure time, provide
    surgeons with greater confidence, and/or ensure consistency from procedure
    to procedure.
  • Tissue sparing procedures: Solutions would shorten recovery time,
    decrease the incision/number of portals, and/or reduce bone removal/soft
    tissue damage, and/or minimize potential for human error.
  • Stabilization of and integration/fixation
    to bone:
    Solutions would
    provide high fixation strength both immediately and long-term, and work
    regardless of bone density.
  • Novel soft tissue repair: Solutions would provide or restore the
    alignment and functionality of the target tissue immediately and long
    term, and be minimally invasive.
  • Joint preservation solutions: Solutions would provide effective
    protection of joints, and be minimally invasive. Solution can be either
    short-term or long-term/permanent. Early intervention solutions preferred.

All applicants must submit an initial application which will be reviewed by M2D2. Fifteen finalists will then be invited to present their concepts in-person at a public event at M2D2’s offices on March 26, 2014.

For more information on the competition and how to apply, companies should visit www.uml.edu/M2D2.