Kew Gardens was probably one of the most unique destinations on this London trip. Before we got there however, I was a literal zombie because I decided to stay up until 3am last night (for no reason). Somehow I woke up before my alarm at 7am and hopped out of bed and got ready. Even though I was super groggy, I downed a coffee and went to the brief which actually calmed my nerves about the Hackathon. Post brief I had a second breakfast (gotta maximize those free breakfasts) and hopped on the train to the Kew Gardens. Honestly, it was probably the freshest air I’ve ever breathed and the most beautiful place we’ve been to in London. We went to the Botanical artist gallery which was jaw dropping, for not only the technical skill but the scientific accuracy needed to execute these pieces. I was super interested in this because I love illustration and I’ve been trying to find ways to incorporate drawing more into my daily life again. Hearing the process from Regina only peaked my interest more and honestly makes me want to attempt to learn this skill. This would help me get off the computer more and continue to improve my fine arts skills that I didn’t have time to always do while in school. After I took a 2 hour nap which rejuvenated me from the lack of sleep I’ve had. Overall, today was definitely one of my favorite and I’m sad to say we’re more than halfway over with this incredible trip.
Where the Flamingos At
Everyone knows about my love affair with food and today it peaked in London. We went to an interesting restaurant called “Babylon” which essentially is located at the top floor of a 7 story building with a flamingo garden. Even though I never saw a flamingo (still peeved I didn’t), the overall experience amazing. We went to this restaurant thanks to Kaity’s incredibly cool aunt. I will admit it’s always awkward meeting other people’s family at first, but she was goals (I want to be the “cool” uncle to my niece). Now lets get to the dinner, it was a beautiful 3 course meal with an intense aroma of diverse flavors and spices. We started with a risotto that had a complex sweet and salty flavor that was to die for. Five minutes went by and it was already gone. The next meal was lamb with peas which cooked to perfection which was a little bit more filling, and I couldn’t have been happier. With that being said my dessert was this green ice cream that I still have no clue what it was. Top top this meal off there we as a party went through three bottles of probably the best red wine I’ve had. It’s safe to say that was the best meal I’ve had in London by far.
A Title Doesn’t do the Garden Justice
Had my first brief meeting today…well kind of. We woke up groggy and ready to face another day with excitement and wonder but our morning was slightly different then the rest have been. We met in the lobby to follow Regina and Ingrid towards the conference room to await a Skype call in regards to the hack-a-thon tomorrow that pins on depression amongst college students. To me, this is so important. Although this was the result of changed plans, I think that it will be for the better and an experience that everyone should try and enjoy. I’m not one to put myself out there with 50+ people I have never met, but I have been a part of a convention similar to this one before and it is definitely something you will never forget. I think that the topic chosen to base the convention around is very important, hits close to home and becomes a personal matter. I’m excited to see and be a part of many creative brains attack a problem and work towards making a difference. It may have been a last minute change in the itinerary but I am confident for tomorrow being a positive change and leaving with a rewarding feeling. Stay tuned.
Shortly after the Skype call (and our rare hour nap in the a.m) I then went to the Kew Botanical Gardens. This was BY FAR THE BEST PART OF THE TRIP!!!!!! I was not only amazed but at peace which was really nice since we’ve been in the center of the city for a few days straight now. There were colors from nature surrounding me in its flowers, trees, and plants.
Although there was a small amount of buildings, even those held an immense amount of beauty. We strolled through slowly, taking it all in and giving it the respected time that the Earth truly deserves. After the gardens, our tired feet walked towards the underground for our next destination, a local book store called, “Treadwells Books”. This bookstore had shelves upon shelves of books relating to Wicca, spirits, herbal remedies, meditation and so on. I’ve never been to something like this but when in London; do what you wouldn’t normally! I appreciate all the things that Ive taken part in that I would have never expected to stem from this trip. It gives it a whole new dimension to the inspiration I felt was lacking back home. I really think this may have cured that rut I was in. London is full of color, noise, design, art, science, magic, faith, curiosity and so so much more! Im ready to take on my ideas and really try putting them to work… its time for some change because we all have to admit to ourselves, sometimes..change is good.
Kew Gardens

This gallery contains 5 photos.
Today we visited the Royal Botanical Gardens. The garden was huge! It was full of acres upon acres of green lawns and so many different flowers and other plants. While we were there we explored their tropical green house which … Continue reading
I never really understood high fashion whenever I see it on TV or online in a video, but after this exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum, I finally got it. The Balenciaga exhibit at the V&A highlighted Christobal Balenciaga’s designs; and being able to see fashion design in a different context — in an art exhibit — provides a different perspective to appreciate it.
What really struck me was the voluminous pink dress that really stood out from the rest of the black dresses in that section. I really want to just put it on and start playing around and flap the sleeves around. I was really inspired by how many people in the fashion design industry was inspired by Balenciaga and his design principles of using materials and simple shapes — and his boldness to design avant garde garments. I would definitely like to take the methods and concepts that fashion designers use in their sketches to apply it to mine.
Jaw Drops and Dinosaurs
This morning started with the Victoria and Albert Museum, we had tickets to the Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion exhibit. The exhibit showcased how Balenciaga constantly influenced and pioneered women’s fashion as well as how his work influenced other designers. The biggest thing I took away from the exhibit was that it is possible for design to be timeless and inspirational to such a great extent.

Oscar De La Renta garment inspired by Balenciaga
After going through the exhibit I took a much-needed break from people and explored the rest of the museum on my own. I found myself awestruck by most of the Renaissance pieces. I walked into a room with just a cast of the David sculpture and I could feel my jaw drop to the ground the same thing happened when I walked through a room of diptychs and triptychs I had studied in art history. However, the most impressive space was The Raphael Cartoons. Each wall is covered with massive paintings that were originally commissioned to be hung in the Sistine Chapel. I was shocked and amazed by both the size and brilliance of each painting, I am pretty sure I didn’t close my mouth the entire time I was in that room.

Photo taken from
After the V&A we ventured over to the Natural History Museum to check out their confusing wayfinding and many gift shops. One group went into to the Butterfly Garden sadly my group decided not to. I regret not making more of an effort to go because I have such an obsession with butterflies. I know it would have been an experience I cherished for many years.
While trying to figure what to do next a few of us got a little lost looking for a nearby underground station. By the time that we had eaten and found the underground I was ready to take a bath or a nap or both! Luckily Nina and Arthur felt the same way so we took the underground to a Lush next to our hotel picked up some bath products and relaxed before our dinner plans with my aunt later that evening.
Around 8:30 pm seven of us went to meet my aunt for dinner at the Babylon Restaurant. We started outside where we could watch the restaurants flamingos roaming around in the surrounding garden. We moved inside for dinner, where we were confronted by a rather mature menu. Most of us started with the truffle risotto, which was amazing. For the main course, I ordered the vegetarian option thinking that it was the safest bet, I was wrong. The other dishes came out looking like regular meat or fish with some form of vegetable. Then mine is placed down in front of me. It was just a pile of unrecognizable vegetables covered in a white mystery froth. The first fearful bite was just a taste of the repulsive foam on top, it did not go well. I mustered up the courage for a second bite of the food underneath. To my surprise, a fully composed bite of foam, cauliflower, and purple potato was completely tolerable. It took perseverance but, I finished the whole dish. For dessert, I had a wonderful brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I was happy to end the meal on such a good note! We stayed until the restaurant subtle and then not so subtly told us to leave so they could finish closing. Before we left my aunt insisted we get some group photos, so we took elevator selfies and inconvenienced the staff a little longer, sorry guys!
Weird views & weird menus
Its day 5 now, and I’m fully aware of the driving situation here. Left side of the road, ride seat driver. But tonight was the first night that I’ve sat in a passenger car here. I promise it’s weird to see. I won’t get adjusted to this view.
We took an uber to dinner with Kaity’s aunt. We had a 3 course meal. Unfortunately, because of my uncultured palette and my picky eating habits.. I was left to one option for an adult meal (which still included two items that I have never eaten before) or asking for the kids menu. I felt as if I needed to eat a grown meal (something other than burgers and mac’n cheese). I put on my big girl pants and and ate Risotto, Cod, and a Lemon Poppy seed dessert.
First time having cod. Have to say not bad. I always became nauseous at the smell of seafood, so I always stayed away from it. Surprisingly, the only thing I didn’t like was the dessert, it was WAY too sweet.
Then we took a taxi home. I’ve never wanted to pass out so badly!
Great night!
Days Four and Five
Out of all the things we have listed on the itinerary I was most excited for The Design Museum. Upon arrival to the site all of my designer-y nerves in me were tingling. From the advertisement for the exhibits inside to the sign for the museum itself, I was loving it. I love design, hence why I chose this major. It inspires me greatly and honestly, looking at good design just makes me happy. I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face this morning. But for some reason I thought the museum would be showing mostly if not all graphic design works. I was naive of me to think this way but I am almost happy I made this mistake because wow, walking through the modern wooden doors and down the neon lit hallway that opened up to a large room with so much more than just graphic design, I was speechless. I honestly felt like a kid in the candy shop. There was so much to see, I was so excited I really had to show myself down as I took everything in. Posters, books, furniture, paper products, surf and skateboards, were just some of the things that were included in the exhibit.
What really caught my attention was the self driving car they had on display. I had first heard about these probably early 2016 when my uncle who lives in San Francisco was talking about it at a family gathering. “It is really strange to look out the window and see a car driving with nobody in it.” I couldn’t believe what he had said, I didn’t think I had even heard him right, I had no idea self driving cars were even in the making. I was informed at the museum by a classmate that the testing that they’ve done with it is 90% reliable which is still not enough to have them on the roads yet, but the good news was that the accidents that the prototypes had been in came from other vehicles on the road meaning it wasn’t the fault of the self driving car. This concept was/is so interesting to me because that is the future, that is the direction were going in. I mean come on! How cool is it to look at a car without a steering wheel that is designed for riding and not driving! That experience is going to be so different and I wonder how it will effect us, the invention and innovation got me excited for what is to come. And come on- look at that clean logo!
-Bubbly self driving car w/ cute logo. Notice the position of the seats since there is no steering wheel!
Today, (Thursday) was the day we went into Kingsington for the V&A along with the Natural History Museum (both of these places had amazing logos in my opinion).
Upon arrival to the Victoria and Albert museum we were able to view that Christobal Balenciaga showing. He was a master at fashion design from Spain. I really enjoyed the exhibit and his works because he focused a lot on form rather than sexualizing the female body by sucking in the waist and accentuating the chest. He created his own silhouettes with different and new designs with ruffles, unique material, layers and intricate tying methods.
The Natural History Museum had some very confusing wayfinding methods which helped me gather some pictures for one of the assignments I will be completing to go along with this study abroad experience. But besides that, it was an extremely cool place to explore. With three interesting gift shops to correlate with the topics of the museum such as human evolution, volcanoes and earthquakes along with dinosaurs and other animals it was a great place to spend some time. They also had a tent outside filled with butterflies that you could pay to go and stand in the little habitat that was created for the little flying friends.
I was very proud of knowing my way back on the tube today, getting off at a different spot and also getting back from there on foot. I know the underground systems better than I do in Boston! London is a very comfortable city for me, it sort of feels like home.
I’m looking forward for the drawing lesson Regina is teaching tomorrow when we visit the gardens. And I’m awaiting the awesome experience of the Hackathon this weekend.
Until tomorrow. Cheer!
The V&A Museum and the Natural History Museum
Today we got to see two very different aspects and examples of design. First we visited the Victoria and Albert Museum. This museum had had various examples of design throughout history from fashion to silverware to furnature. My favorite exhibit at the V&A was the exhibit “Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion” which show cased the works of Cristóbal Balenciaga. His exquisite and innovative designs helped to shape modern fashion. It was incredible to see how unique and different his designs were.
After we visited the V&A we went to the Natural History Museum. Here we saw all sorts of different things from throughout history. They had exhibits about volcano and earth quakes among many other things. My favorite exhibit was about minerals, rocks, and precious “Treasures From Earth”. This exhibit was my favorite because it displayed rocks and minerals that had natural beautiful designs and patterns. They were amazing to look at and offered a completely opposite version of design from what we saw at the V&A.
How is it already Thursday??
For this lovely day we went to the V&A Museum and the Natural History Museum. The V&A was my favorite of the day mainly because there was a variety of things to look at but also I never got confused finding my way around. The V&A is known for their wayfinding and I believe it.
There was a fashion exhibit on fashion designer, Cristobal Balenciaga. He is said to be the king of shape. He created many pieces with all sorts of shapes, forms, and patterns. He always found a way to reinvent himself and as graphic designers, we must do the same but still stay true to ourselves like Balenciaga. Here are some of my favorite dresses that I saw:
I came across this piece by Raphael and it was HUGEEEEEE. Just look at my body language to see my reaction to it. You probably can’t see it but my jaw was dropped.
The Natural History Museum was definitely the opposite from the V&A when it came to wayfinding. All the signs were confusing and some signs didn’t even lead to the actual destination. It needs work. Here is an example of a vague and confusing sign that I thought was hilarious because no matter what direction you went to go down the stairs, you still would not be able to find anything.
Their material and exhibits were great and well designed when it came to posters and descriptions but not their wayfinding.
I find myself being weirdly attracted to orange brick buildings with cream accents. I’m not kidding, I have over 30 pictures of just different orange brick buildings.
The remainder of the day was spent buying souvenirs, exploring, and going to dinner. The dinner was the most memorable dinner I have had here. Thank you so much, you know who you are! Tomorrow we will have to wake up at 8:20am for our first conference meeting and then we are off to the Kew Botanical Gardens. Our time here is going by so fast, I don’t want to leave. Goodnight from London, but good evening to the States!