UPDATED 12/3/09 @ 9:45AM
TheiSiSsystem is live. Please use the login buttons on the isis.uml.edu web page to access the system.
OFFICIALGO LIVE ANNOUNCEMENT: iSiS go live Announcement.pdf
UPDATED 12/3/09 @ 9:45AM
TheiSiSsystem is live. Please use the login buttons on the isis.uml.edu web page to access the system.
OFFICIALGO LIVE ANNOUNCEMENT: iSiS go live Announcement.pdf
It is a fair question and one we’ve heard a fewtimes now. I assure you the project team took into consideration all options to find a period of time that would cause the ‘least disruption’ to the campus. Unfortunately in our assessment we find that there is no such thing as a good time to do this, only less bad times.
Here are some of the key aspects we needed to consider when we identify dates to do an upgrade..’
When we package this all up we only come out with a few weeks per year that are reasonable. The options always are in the middle of our large semesters (fall & spring), so regardless we will have a mid-semester change. Summer has too many enrollment activities going on with graduation, then new student orientation and rolling registration for fall. During winter break the Continuing Education session along with Spring Semester application and registration cycle doesn’t allow for any prolonged shut down.
Hopefully this explanation (or excuse) sheds some light on the challenges faced when selecting this upgrade week. If you have additional questions or comments please letusknow.
The iSiS project team is using multiple methods to keep students, faculty, and staff updated on all the changes occuring withiSiS. UML Today will bea significant part of the communication plan, so please be on the lookout for the latest news in the “On Campus” section. In addition to UML Today, there will also be information shared on theHAWKi boards,the Connector,WUML, Facebook, and theiSiSweb page.Preview thenew ISIS Poster that willsoon be seenaround campus.
Here are some older UML Today postings:
ISIS 8.0 Unavailable During Upgrade 11/24-12/2(posted 11/10/09)
ISIS Upgrade Set for 12/2 (posted 11/5/09)
Optional presentations on Faculty Self-Service functionality are being conducted for anyone interested in learning more about the new iSiS 9.0. An overview of the changes and new features will be demonstrated. These are the following open sessions:
Friday, November 20th, 8:30am to 9:30am, Alumni Hall
Monday, November 23rd, 1pm to 2pm, O’Leary 222
If you are interested in attending one of the sessions please sign up here.
Yesterday afternoon UML Staff members who have ISIS access were invited to training via an email. There are approximately 320 employees from across campus who are staff users of ISIS. While the changes to ISIS are not overly significant in terms of functionality, there are big changes in the look and feel. Hence, thecampus business owners determined that it was best to require all staff users to attend one 3 hour training class. This class will show users the newest features and show them how to access online support.
If there are questions about who was invited please email UML Training.
Faculty and Students will have the opportunity tobe orientated to the system via presentations andonline communications. Some information is already available on the respetive training/orienation pages for UML Faculty and UML Students.
We presented to the Faculty Senate in the Alumni Hall on November 2nd. We provided an overview of the upgrade schedule and some highlights of the changes in functionality.
Attached is the presentation.
Faculty Self Service Presentation.ppt