2017 Kennedy College of Sciences Block Party

On a bright Wednesday in October, the Active Astronomy Roadshow and the UML Astronomy Club worked together on a table for the Kennedy College of Sciences 3rd annual Block Party.

At the table we had several posters going over our work in Haiti and the overall work of the Lowell Center for Space Science and Technology (LoCSST), some candy, stickers, two telescopes, and a gravity simulator. Students and staff got the opportunity to look through our new Coronado Solar Telescope and see sunspots moving throughout the sun.

When a group of students came around, we got the opportunity to use a sheet of lycra, a heavy rock, marbles, and golf balls to simulate the motion of satellites in Space.

We hope to continue getting our name out in the uml community and are excited to see what the rest of the year brings us. Can’t wait to figure out what to do for next year’s table!