Author Archives:
Pictures from M2D2 New Facility Open-House Preview Event
Steven Tello, M2D2 Associate Director; Kurt
Barringhaus, UMass Medical School;Marty Meehan, Chancellor UMass
Lowell;Robert Caret, President Elect UMass System; Sheila Noone and
Stephen McCarthy, M2D2 Co-directors.
Stephen McCarthy, M2D2 Director
Robert Caret, President Elect University of Massachusetts
Marty Meehan, UMass Lowell Chancellor
Robert Caret, President Elect University of Massachusetts; Marty Meehan, UMass Lowell Chancellor; Stephen McCarthy, M2D2 Director, John Ting, Dean of Engineering
Steven Tello, M2D2 Associate Director, and Stephen McCarthy, M2D2 Director, Patricia McCafferty, Vice Chancellor of University Relations, Jacqueline Moloney, Executive Vice Chancellor, Renae Lias-Claffey, M2D2 and Government Relations Director, John Ting, Dean of Engineering.
Sheila Noone, M2D2 Director, Jim McNamara, Director OTM Worcester, Jill Murthi, M2D2 an CVIP UMass Lowell, and Rajnish Kaushik, CVIP UMass Lowell and Gayathri Srinivasan, M2D2 and OTM Worcester
Ruth Dubey and Renae Lias-Claffey, M2D2
Wendy Zimbone, M2D2 and Roger Hall, UMass Lowell
Satinder Rawat, Kurt Barringhaus, James McNamara and Gayathri Srinivasan, UMass Medical School
Amy Potts, Stream Product Development and Stephen Halem, Onstite Therapeutics
Anna Yaroslavsky, Associate Professor UMass Lowell
David Bertoni and Tim Moutafis, TheraTorr Medical Inc.
Jack Rulander and Satinder Rawat.
George Kachen , Director CVIP UMass Lowell, and Kathryn Carter, Dean of Management.
Kay Doyle, UMass Lowell and Renae Lias-Claffey, M2D2 and UMass Lowell
Kerry Lee Andken, CVIP UMass Lowell
Kim Ferraro and Susan Moulton, Sallop Insurance
Martin Sklar, Tony Raymond, Ann Fitzgerald
Shiva Subhashini Pakalapati and Alan Rux
Stephen Halem, Stephen McCarthy, Robert Thompson,Ed Ellis, Scott Gillis.
Steven Tello, M2D2 Associate Director, John Ting, Dean of Engineering, David Comeau, President of Albright Tech.
Timothy Looney, Creganna Tactx Medical and John Fontana, Nanocoeur.