Blackboard 101

You all learned how to use SiS over the summer at orientation or registration, but you may not have learned how to use Blackboard yet. Blackboard is a place for professors to get in contact with you while you’re not in class, as well as a place to post assignments and even take home quizzes and tests. As a new freshman, Blackboard was a mystery to me, but a requirement for many of my classes. Even if you have no classes this semester that use Blackboard, it is a good idea to become familiar with it because you will use it soon in at least one class. Also, after first semester many professors will assume you already know how to access Blackboard.  For those of you who are still uncomfortable with Blackboard, here’s a short step by step guide on how to access the site with ease.

Step 1. Go to and click on the link on the top of the screen that says Blackboard.

2. You’ll see this screen when you click on the Blackboard link. If you do not have your log in info yet, click on ” Fall 2015 Students: Get your blackboard username and password.”

3. Type your Student ID number, your first name and your last name into the specified boxes and click “Find Info.”

4. It will then ask for an email. Type in your email and click next.

5. You will then have to agree with the Terms and Conditions on Blackboard, then hit next.

6. You will then see your username and password, highlighted in red, with all of your classes that use Blackboard that semester. Go back to the home screen and log in.

7.  This is your Blackboard home screen. In the middle, you will see all of classes using Blackboard. To the left you will see your messages and announcements. On the right there is info about tutoring services. And in the top right hand corner are your notifications. Click on a class to see more information.

8. Here is an example of a class page. On the left side, you’ll see links to the home page, announcements from you professor, your grades and assignments. In the center, your professor can post links, such as a course syllabus, office hours and information about the class and assignments.

9. Take time to explore the rest of the site and the information on all of your class pages.

I hope this helps!