Importance of Office Hours

Image result for office hours memeFinals are less than a month away and you are JUST realizing you have no idea what has been going on in class all semester. You are panicking, you are reviewing materials, you are stress napping.. but are you meeting with your professor? Don’t be that person that waits until finals week to meet with the one person who knows what is going on! Meet with your professor a few times and you will see just how helpful office hours are.

Not sure where the office is or when they are available to meet? Think back, long, long ago on the very first day of class when your professor handed out a syllabus? And on that syllabus were his or her office hours! These are their available hours throughout the week that you can stop in and chat about what you don’t understand. Professors love when you stop by because it shows that you are putting in an extra effort to understand what they are teaching. Also, don’t hesitate on emailing your professor and schedule a set time or just email him for clarification! Your professors are here to help you!