Where to find your textbooks?

Where to Find the books?
The most important thing that you will need for your studies are books.  They are too expensive. Isn’t it?  So where can you get those? Moreover, where can you find them in cheaper prices?
The very first source from where you can  get the books is UML Library. You can visit their website at library.uml.edu. You will be able to see the following window.
You can search the name of the book, journal, e-book or articles by typing onto the search panels. Also on the right side of the window, there will be some of the important announcements displayed. and on the left of the window you will be able to find their Hours, Services provided by them, Course reserve, Inter library loan system and many more essential things.
So, Did’nt you guys think, what if the book isn’t available in our Library?  Then through the Inter Library Loan you can find the books from other libraries. For more detailed guide on inter library loan you can visit their page at interlibrary_loan. Moreover, it’s free of cost. Isn’t that great?  If you make a request, you can pick up your book from either O’Leary or Lydon Library. Moreover, the book comes with a due date and you need to return that book to library. Having said that, some library allows you to extend the due date but some does not. If you want to extend the due date you can do that by bringing up the book to the library and asking them to request for the due date extension. It is suggested to do it prior one week as they may take couple of days to confirm. Also, if the Due date is not extended then you can clone that request and get the same book from other library.
River Hawk Shop
The shop is situated at University Crossing.
You can also get the books from the University’s bookstore. You will get an option to either Buy  or Rent it. They also do Price Match where in if you find the book at lower price  on other website they will reduce their price for you. Their condition is that the books should be sold solely by Amazon or Barnes and Nobles. They also buy the books back from you,  so if you wish you can sell them. It is important to know the right time to sell your books.
So, I hope you find all of your textbooks at Lower Price or free of cost.