20 Useful Study Tips

Getting yourself to sit down and study can be hard, especially if you don’t have good study habits, or know what works best for you. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes time for finals, here are 20 tips to take into account and make your late night sessions a little bit easier.

1. Avoid Distractions

If you’re distracted, how can you focus on the material in front of you? Put away your phone where you can’t see it, and make sure you’re in a place where you won’t be bothered.

2. Be Organized

Keep all your notes in order and in a place where you know you can find them. Studying can be stressful, and being unorganized will only add to it.

3. Use a Planner
Planners can be your best friend. Write down everything you have to do in your planner, that way you’ll never feel like you forgot something!

4. Rewrite your notes
Rewriting information instead of just reading it over and over again can help you remember it more easily. You have to think about each word you’re writing as you’re putting it on paper.

5. Highlighters!
Use highlighters to attract your attention to the most important things on the page. That way you’ll know what you should focus on the most.

6. Take reasonable breaks
Don’t force yourself to study continuously for hours on end. Your brain can only handle so much, so it’s best to take a short break every hour or so to refresh yourself, (but not every five minutes like Spongebob).

7. Snacks
Food is brain power. Munching on a healthy snack will keep you alert and awake while you study. Also, you won’t be thinking about how hungry you are.

Location, location, location! Make sure you’re in a quiet, comfortable place where you have access to everything you need like food, outlets or wi-fi.

9. Have a game plan
Don’t go into your study session blind. Figure out what topics you’re going to cover, how you’ll do it and how long you want to study for. This can help you get started more quickly and study more efficiently.

10. Study Buddies
Sometimes you just need a friend to sit with, whether they are studying the same topic or not. Seeing someone else studying will motivate you to keep working.

11. Group Work
Working on a hard subject is easier with friends. Discussing topics out loud can help with memorization. Also, if you don’t understand something, other group members can work through it with you.

12. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb
Even if your phone is out of your sight, you may still hear it go off. Putting your phone on Do Not Disturb or on Airplane Mode can keep the texts at bay and from worrying about who’s texting you.

13. Use different color pens
This goes along with using highlighters. Using colorful pens makes your notes more appealing to look at, so you’ll be able to better focus your attention.

14. Go to your professor’s office hours
Professors have office hours for a reason, and that’s to help you, their students. Going to a professor’s office hours can be beneficial because you’ll get the help you’ll need. Also, the professor will see that you’re putting in effort and may be willing to give you more help because of your dedication.

15.Take advantage of tutors 
Tutors are also there for you! Each department has their own set of tutors, as well as the Centers for Learning. If you can’t attend your professor’s office hours or need a quick question answered, tutor’s are your best bet.

16. Power naps
Studying late into the night can be tiring. Taking a short, twenty minute nap during the day can reboot your system and keep you alert for the long hours ahead.

17. Take short walks to clear your mind
Looking at large amounts of information can be overwhelming, so sometimes it’s best to step away and take a break. One of the best ways to utilize your break time is by going for a walk. You’ll get fresh air, you won’t be surrounded by electronics and exercise is the best way to get the blood flowing! Walking with a friend is always a great idea too!

18. Quizlet
Quizlet is an online study tool designed to help you succeed. You can create your own set of flash cards, or use someone else’s. With the flashcards, you can play games, take tests or just read through them!

19. Get plenty of sleep!
Image result for sleeping
Sleep is the most important factor to your success. If you’re tired, it’s hard to focus. Make sure you’re putting yourself and your health first by getting enough sleep every night.

20. Start your studying early
In order to get enough sleep, start your studying earlier on in the day. Do you have an hour or two hour break in your schedule? Utilize that time to study, that way when midnight rolls around you’ll be in bed instead of stressing over notes.