Oh Midterms

Midterm weeks are not as stressful as finals week, but they definitely do bring restless nights of studying. As long as you keep up with the lectures and homework from the start, you dont have to be too stressed out for midterms.
Midterm seasons can be tough and restless, but you can make it fun! Look for some study buddies and form study groups. I found out that I can study for a longer time if I have someone to study with. Even if you guys are not studying for the same class, it definitely helps to have someone there to keep you from snoozing off.

Also remember this is one of the times the library gets SUPER PACKED, so make sure to bring your laptop just in case you cant get a computer right away! Grab your laptop, find a nice quiet and comfy spot and get to work! AVOID STUDYING AT HOME the bed is too much of a temptation

Some basic steps to help you:

  • ·        Start early
  • ·        Stay positive
  • ·        Pace yourself
  • ·        Take a deep breath
  • ·        Take breaks!

    < 3 Giselle