Ashley looks inside the UML Myth: “There’s nothing to do here on the weekends, so I go home!”

I’m sure you guys have all either felt this way or had this conversation with someone before:
“Hey, what are you doing this weekend??”
“Eh, going home.”
“Well, there’s nothing to do on campus so why stay?”

Once Friday afternoon hits, the Residence Halls become eerily quiet and the parking lots empty. Why is this happening? Is there really NOTHING to do here at UML?? 

The answer to the last question is deffinetly NO. I think the reason that many students go home on the weekend goes deeper than just ‘there’s nothing to do.’ There could be a number of reasons:

1. Students go home on the weekends to work.
This is an important aspect because UML has many students that need to support themselves or want some extra cash to throw around.
2. Students are homesick.
There’s nothing wrong with being homesick! I live about 2 miles away from campus and STILL get homesick! Go show your family some love every once in a while!
3. Students simply JUST DON’T KNOW that there ARE things going on.
THIS IS IT, GUYS. THE BIG ONE. The main reason why students travel home on the weekends is because they DON’T KNOW that there are things going on!!!
Let’s change that!! 
I just became a Resident Adviser in a Freshman building this semester, and I see this happen EVERY weekend! Students complain that the weekends here are soooo boring and that nothing is going on. So dramatic!!!  Well, scratch that thought out of your minds!!
I’m gonna try to shed some light on the weekends here at UML and how YOU, yes Y.O.U!, can stay involved (aka NOT BORED) on campus (and get you’re friends in on the fun, too!!)
I can’t stress this point enough. Our relatively new slogan of “Gotta Be Here” embodies the idea of staying on campus, getting INVOLVED, and just EXPERIENCING all that the University has to offer!! Seriously though, I know all you hear is “GET INVOLVED! GET INVOLVED!! ARE YOU INVOLVED??” But what is the point of going to a school with all of these great opportunities and experiences without even TRYING??  A number of students, at all sorts of Colleges and Universities, say that getting involved in things on campus was what really made their ‘college experience.’ The “Gotta Be Here” calendar highlights all the activities that go on at UMass Lowell.  If you go to ——- and click the right hand side under “What’s Happening? Campus Calendar” and look at all of the things that really DO GO ON!!
Yet again, I cannot really stress the importance of this. It follows along with the ‘Gotta Be Here’ slogan! If you’re going to be HERE, then be here and DO SOMETHING! Do something fun, like Underwater Hockey or other club sports! Do something geared towards campus, like CAPA! Do some charity work, with WISE! The point is DO…SOMETHING. DO ANYTHING! Get motivated and work towards something, whether its increasing your social network or doing something that you believe in. Check out this website —- to check out some FAQ’s on clubs/organizations.
Well, I can only say so much in a blog, but I really hope I got my point across.
There are TONS of things going on around campus, you just have to find them! Opportunities don’t just fall from the sky! 
Have a productive week! -Ashley