Wow! That trip was amazing! I had so much fun and learned a lot from this study abroad experience! I learned that there are more than hundreds of ways to think about a solution to however simple a problem is. Everyone is different and can interpret each thing differently. Being able to hear them voiced in class opened my eyes to new ways of thinking of things. The last day of the course was the hardest, even harder than the final test itself! The bond we created with one another with the Indians at KLE and China towards the end of the trip was tight-knit! I did not want to leave my friends behind in Hubli! I no lie, teared up on the last day! I never cry! My team was the best; we worked on NeoMotion Wheelchairs. It was the best because we all communicated and were all on the same page. We all had more or less same personalities, which I think helped out a lot!
All in all, I would like to thank Prof. Mehta for this amazing opportunity and would love to study abroad again at some other location!