Desh Deshpande visit

On Monday we had a very special guest, Desh Deshpande, visit our class and interact with students. Desh, a well known serial entrepreneur and philanthropist, has been a very strong supporter of our GE2 program since its inception in 2014. He has come to all our sessions in Hubli. Typically, he will have a very brief opening comments and then jump right into fielding students questions.  Students asked a variety of questions about Desh’s entrepreneurial journey, challenges, lessons learned, his social entrepreneurship activities, etc. Desh spent over an hour interacting with students and also individually with a few students. This was one of the highlights of this 2-week session. Students learned a lot from a successful entrepreneur and enjoyed immensely this opportunity.

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Ashwin Mehta is a Lecturer in The Manning School of Business at University of Massachusetts Lowell. He teaches strategy, entrepreneurship and global enterprises to both undergrad and grad students. He is a program director for a master of Science in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship in the Manning School of Business (