On our last full day in the city of London, about half of our group decided to spend part of the day visiting the British Museum, located just a couple of blocks down the street from our hotel. After getting some food nearby and going through the security checkpoint, we entered the museum at about 3:30, having 2 hours left to explore the exhibits.
There were many sections featuring artifacts from early civilizations, including Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. Two of the most impressive artifacts (in my own opinion) in the museum that I was able to see were the Rosetta Stone (picture included) and an Easter Island head statue. The Rosetta Stone is a very important historical artifact dating back over 2000 years. Written in 3 languages, the stone contains segments of a speech originally given in Ancient Egypt, which allows others to begin to translate Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Easter Island head statue, originating from Chilean-governed Easter Island, did not have any writing inscribed on it, but it – and the others in existence – are widely known symbols of the island’s culture.
Other areas of the museum that interested me include the many marble carvings and statues of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as the exhibit(s) on Egyptian mummies.