Ello Darling

This blog is about the people we met. As with any trip you are bound to meet new people but on this one, a majority of those we met were friends and colleagues of Dr. B. It was her connections that made this trip possible and so educational. So thank you to Dr. B and her friends. Along the way, we met people like Tony and Marc, who are magistrates at the court. Others we met included Kim, the head of security at Old Bailey’s Court, and James, our guide at Pentonville Prison. Of everyone, we met James was my favorite. He was the embodiment of British banter and an overall great guy. He was able to make the tour of the prison funny and memorable. In my opinion, the best moment was at the beginning of the tour when an inmate yelled: “This place is a shithole” out of his cell window. James casually responded with “Then why do you keep coming back?”. He was also able to join us for dinner that night which made things even more fun, especially since James keep saying Ello Darling. In the end the people all the people we met were great, knowledgeable about their field and are good connections.

How to get the best Exchange Rate.

Today we made a stop at the bank before heading out to see The Supreme Court and Westminster Abbey. While at the ATM Dr. B shared a helpful tip on how to get the best exchange rate, a tip I plan to share. When taking money out of an ATM it will ask you if you would like to take the conversion rate of the bank ( which is usually higher). Dr. B’s tip was to hit the “No continue without conversion” button. What this does is the ATM will automatically take the lowest rate of the day. 1.31 according to Dr. B. This is the way to get the best exchange rate while abroad. It saved us 0.06 cents on the exchange rate.