Season Kickoff | October 9, 2014


October is Entrepreneurship Month at UMass Lowell & the DifferenceMaker Program is celebrating with our Season Kickoff Event! We invite current DifferenceMakers, prospective students, friends, alumni, faculty, and staff to join us on October 9th at the Saab Emerging Technology and Innovation Center on North Campus from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Below is a list of activities that will take place during the event.

  • Student teams will showcase their posters
  • Networking will take place between students, alumni, faculty and staff
  • The UMass Lowell Mentor Program will be launched
  • Three college competitions (Manning School of Business, Francis College of Engineering and Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) will be announced
  • Winning DifferenceMaker student teams; Nonspec, Bright Future Generation, and Support our Students, will discuss their successes since winning funding from the 2013 and 2014 Idea Challenge events
  • Refreshments will be served
  • And MUCH more!

We look forward to seeing YOU there! For more information, connect with us via email at, FacebookTwitter, or Instagram @differencemakeruml.