Improve Your Well-being

By: Mia Andrade, Kennedy College of Sciences Well-being Leader

Self-care is all about ensuring that your physical and emotional needs are met. I think self-care is one of my favorite aspects of well-being. I enjoy dedicating certain days to self-care and find joy in skin care and hair care routines. The relaxing and de-stressing feeling of throwing on a robe and a face mask on a Sunday evening is an example of an ideal self-care activity that I love to do! Let’s explore different types of self-care to improve your well-being.

  1. Social Self-Care

Close connections are important to your well-being, as we have close people in our lives who care about us. As college students, our lives become busy, but it is important to make some time to meet your social needs. 

Questions to consider:

  • What are you doing to nurture your relationships with friends and family?
  • Are you getting enough face-to-face time with your friends?
  1. Spiritual Self-Care

Nurturing your spirit can come in many ways and allows one to develop a deeper sense of meaning and understanding of life. Spiritual self-care is essential, whether you enjoy meditation, praying, or attending a religious service.

Questions to consider:

  • Are you engaging in spiritual practices that you find fulfilling?
  • What deeper questions do you ask yourself about life and experience?
  1. Mental Self-Care

Our minds are the most powerful tools in our lives, and self-care activities have the power to help you stay mentally healthy. Some examples include practicing self-love and compassion, affirmations, or even reading a book.

Questions to consider:

  • Are you doing fulfilling things to help you stay mentally healthy?
  • Are you making enough time for activities that mentally stimulate you?
  1. Emotional Self-Care

Emotional self-care allows us to develop healthy coping skills to deal with uncomfortable emotions, such as anxiety and sadness. It’s important to incorporate emotional self-care into your life, whether that involves setting aside time for leisure activities or talking to a friend about how you’re feeling. Therapy and counseling (UML Counseling Services) are also helpful activities of emotional self-care.

Questions to consider:

  • Do you incorporate activities into your life that help you feel recharged?
  • Do you have healthy ways to process your emotions?
  1. Physical Self-Care 

Taking care of your body is crucial to your well-being. The mind and body have a strong connection, and we think better when we care about our bodies. Participation in physical activity and caring for your physical needs are key examples of physical self-care. Caring for your physical needs is often overlooked and should be prioritized. Some examples of this involve attending healthcare appointments, taking medications as prescribed, getting enough rest, managing stress, etc. 

Questions to consider: 

  • Are you getting enough exercise?
  • Are you getting adequate sleep?
  • Are you taking charge of your health?

Good self-care takes on many forms and involves doing what you enjoy. Some areas of your well-being may require more self-care than others, so it is important to ask yourself these questions and discover what works best for you. 

“Self-care is important because it helps re-establish balance and avoid burnout. It is often the mechanism of recalibrating and getting in touch with our ability to play, have fun, relax, and connect.”

 – Sabrina Romanoff