Thriving in Senior Year: My Wellness Journey

By: Angel Molekunnel, Manning School of Business Well-being Leader 

Senior year ushers in a whirlwind of emotions – anticipation for the future and the uncertainty of what lies ahead. In this transformative period, I have found solace in embracing change. Mindfulness has become my steadfast companion, grounding me in the present amidst the chaos of transition. With the wisdom of friends and mentors, I navigated senior year’s uncharted waters by fostering resilience and embracing the unknown with optimism.

As the demands of senior year escalate, striking a balance between academics and personal well-being becomes paramount. Through trial and error, I have uncovered the delicate art of balance. Setting achievable goals and boundaries has been instrumental in safeguarding my mental and emotional well-being. By crafting a schedule that honors both my academic commitments and my need for self-care, I mitigated the risk of burnout. I recognized that prioritizing my well-being is crucial for sustainable success.

Life’s journey is rife with challenges, yet our response to adversity defines us. In the crucible of senior year, I have honed the art of resilience. Armed with self-reflection and self-compassion, I have confronted obstacles with unwavering resolve, viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth. Supported by my community’s unwavering encouragement, I navigated senior year’s peaks and valleys with grace and grit.

Being a student from UMass Lowell has taught me invaluable life lessons that have prepared me not only for academic success, but also for life beyond college:

  • Resilience: I have learned to find strength and growth in adversity.
  • Self-discovery: Exploring passions and values has deepened my understanding of myself.
  • Time management: Balancing academics and personal life has honed my organizational skills.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility and open-mindedness have helped me navigate change.
  • Community: Meaningful connections have provided support and belonging.

As graduation looms, I am reminded of the profound importance of nurturing connections. In the final chapter of my college journey, I cherish the bonds forged with friends, family, and mentors. These relationships form the bedrock of my support system, offering solace in times of uncertainty and jubilation in moments of triumph. Together, we weave a tapestry of shared experiences and cherished memories, anchoring me in the present as I prepare to embark on a new chapter.

Standing on the cusp of graduation next semester fills me with profound gratitude and pride. Each milestone and lesson has sculpted me into the person I am today. True success, I have learned, transcends accolades; it is measured by the relationships nurtured and lives touched. With my heart brimming with gratitude and a spirit ablaze with anticipation, I embrace the future, knowing that the lessons learned and memories cherished will accompany me on the journey ahead.