While it was only a partial week, therehave already beena significant number of users logging into iSiS during the first few days of 9.0.Through 12/6/09 there have been357 faculty and 5613 students who have successfully logged into the new system.
There have been relatively few issues reported in the last couple days.See the Known Issues blog entry to see the latest updates including recent fixes.
Students and Faculty are welcome tovisit the Centers for Learning on North or the Registrar’s Office on South if you need any personal assistance using iSiS 9.0.
The Administrative Systems Integration office is continuing to provide roving support to administrative users andis available for any academic department presentations.Deans and Chairpersons should contact Doreen Bray(x4777) if you’d like to schedule a demonstration or Q&A with your department. A breakdown of the various support approaches is documented on the iSiS support web pages.
I can’t see ANY financial information at all in any part of ISIS. I can search for specific things and some of them come up, but I have no way of navigating to them. I need to see how much I owe in tuition so I can calculate how much of my financial aid I’ll get refunded, and I can’t do that right now. Please fix!!!
After i enrolled i could see only the payment summary and i’m not able to see the payment options to pay by credit card.
Can you please help with the new system how to do this.
Thanks and Regards
Ram Gopal Lakshmi Narayanan
I need help on this one and have passed it along to others for help. Most campus employees are involved in the ongong campus-shutdown that occurs during the holidays and won’t be returning until Monday, Jan 4th..
If you need to make an immediate payment you should call the Bursar’s Office at 978-934-3593
See more payment information at http://www.uml.edu/admin/ar/billing.html
The country of residence in my ISIS records defaults to the US. I reside, and I am a citizen of Canada. I have been trying to change my address to reflect this fact, without any luck.
This issue afffects my ability to pay my tuition using a credit card.
Can you, please, give me specific information about how to change the Country field? Better yet, is there someone in administration who can do this for me?
Thank you and regards,
Good shit, real good shit!