…What About Chris?


If you couldn’t guess, My name is Chris. I am a junior here at the lovely UMass Lowell. I am also a music business major. Thats pretty much me in a nut shell.

It is really important that everyone takes the time to read the flyers that have been put up. I’ve notice that a lot of people, myself included, never take the time to just look up. It makes sense, we see them taped to every available surface. There is a lot of helpful and fun information that can be found on them.

There are shows all of the time, as well as other fun and exciting events that you may not have even realized happen around you. Just the other day, there was speed dating at the Fox Common. If that isn’t your thing, thats fine but you never know what oppertunities you could miss just because your head was down.

Keep your Eyes Open