Don’t let this be YOU!

I was very nervous about a presentation that I had yesterday. I pulled a weak all-nighter and finished it up the best that I could. I went to class ready to present as the third presentation. It was weird that the person scheduled to present first did not show up, but I didn’t think about it too much. I presented and I felt pretty great about it. Overall I think that I grasped the idea that my professor was trying to get across.

It is then time for the rest of the presentations. Come to find out that half of those persons did not come to class. Other names were called to present and voices answered, “I don’t have anything for today.”


Hold on a second …That’s an option? I wasn’t aware that was an option. DON’T LET THIS BE YOU.

If you are having difficulties concentration on an assignment that is due in the next couple of days, try out this anti-procrastinating techniques.

One piece of advice that I can offer is to choose a topic that you are interested about! It sounds silly, but honestly the projects that I have had the most difficult time with have been in either classes that I had no interest in or project topics that I could not relate to whatsoever.

Whether you just hate the number 0 or are having bigger GPA goals, if you utilize good time management you are surely on the road to success.

