
Hey all!

Sitting here trying to figure out what to write about, I came up with nothing. So I’m just going to give you world news updates:

How do you feel about monopoly? Have you played the new electronic version, with no cash but you have a debt card. I played the new version and my mind was so confused….just wait for it…. there’s this 10 inch COMPUTER in the center of the board, that roles the die, picks your chance/community chest card, and holds your cash. Are future?? Where is the fun in it that way….

Would you drink???

Yep the crazy world has done it, put your thanksgiving cravings ALLL in one bottle…
How about this??? What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?? IS IT LOBSTER?????

That’s right the world has created lobster flavored ice cream…

Last for all you Justin Bieber fans…they have FINALLY made the Biebertini

Don’t worry their is no Alcohol in it

Thats all for now ~STEF