Hello all!!
It’s Ashley!! How is everyone doing?? Well, if you couldn’t tell by the title of this blog….I’ve been going B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!!!! (Anyone else read that as Gwen Stefani?? Just wondering…)
Well, I’ve been really stressed out with school work! Everything seems to be piling up..and up…and up..and up! Not too mention the enormous pile of laundry I had to do last night.
So, I have been getting a ton of advice from others to DE-STRESS this week!
1. Breathe.
Almost everyone I’ve talked to has told me this. In through the nose, out from the mouth.
2. Take it slow, one at a time.
I’ve been trying to do too much at once, but after I broke all of my work down into steps and what needs to get done first. The load was much easier to bare.
3. Take a break.
You can’t sit there and study for 4 hours straight. You need to take small breaks to let your mind rest!! After you finish a task, a problem, or a chapter, take a few minutes to reboot or power nap!! (Naps are best in 20 minute increments…or so I’m told…I’m a fan of 2 hour naps…teehee)
4. Don’t put it off.
If you have free time between classes or earlier in the day, try and get your stuff done then so you can relax at night!! You’ll have a better night’s sleep and be ready for what tomorrow brings!
And my favorite…
Make sure you’re balancing your schedule and you have some time for YOURSELF. It’s TOTALLY IMPORTANT to be able to relax, blow off steam, goof around, and playyyy.
You’ll be a lot less like me this week if you follow these 5 easy steps!!!
And if you can’t pull yourself out of this stress, or just need someone to talk to about everything…I’ve got an idea.
Head over to the Counseling Center. It’s FREE and you can make an appointment to talk to someone outside of your personal life. It’s such a relief to talk to an outside party about what’s really going on. You can talk about classes, friends, roommates, home, relationships…ANYTHING!!! It’s an AMAZING resource that is available to ALL students.
Counseling Center
Location: 3rd Floor McGauvran (across from Health Services) on South Campus
Hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tel.: 978-934-4331
Fax: 978-934-4025
E-mail: counseling@uml.edu
Hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tel.: 978-934-4331
Fax: 978-934-4025
E-mail: counseling@uml.edu
So take is easy this weekend and do something for YOU!!!!
Later Gators!!!