So I believe that the rain is the worst thing ever. Especially when it happens for two days in a row and YOU KNOW its going to happen for a third day. The only time rain is O.K with me is if I have no where to be a.k.a not have to go outside…for anything.
I am glad I got that out…Now for some stuff that matters!
As Mary had mentioned in a tweet earlier today, make sure you are all signed up for the UML Alert System so, if by some chance there is a flood day, you will not be the silly student wading through the campus wondering why no one is around. This can all be done through your ISIS account just follow the link in the right hand column that says “UML Alert System”.
The Movies That Rock series is still alive and kickin’ and this weekend it will be “Up In The Air”.
It will start Friday at 8PM on South Campus in O’Leary 222. Saturday it will be on East in the Fox Hall Common and Sunday in the ICC Ballroom. I have never seen the movie but I am sure it is good and what better way to prepare for a hectic week of classes than to sit and watch a relaxing movie. Or a wild movie. I don’t know because I have never seen it.
Tonight the Adult Spelling Bee will be happening in the Fox Hall Common. The event starts at 9PM and will go to around 11PM. You may be able to sign up and participate there if you show up early enough or you can just sit back and watch I am sure it will be pretty funny….and maybe dirty! No children allowed probably.
Unfortunately the “Gotta Be Here” calendar is down and is not available for you all to gander at and see for yourself what is going on. On the other hand, I cannot access it either! Sooooo…keep your eyes peeled for flyers, tweets, and blog posts about things going on so you have the IN on whats happenIN‘!
Alright I’m Done,
The Adult Spelling Bee is actually TONIGHT, Wednesday, March 31st. 🙂 – Ash