Healthy Riverhawks

Around the time of midterms and finals, it’s easy to forget to eat well and get lots of sleep. With flu season still upon us and germs abundant, the likelyhood of getting sick is very possible. And during this time of year, you can’t afford sick days.

If you aren’t able to make an appointment with your regular doctor, you can make an appointment with the UMass Lowell Health Services Department and schedule an appointment to be seen. That link will take you to the FAQ’s section for commonly asked questions about the services offered by the HS department.
If you haven’t gotten your H1N1 [Swine Flu] shot, definately get it! Many clinics are offering it for free or for a low cost, and not getting vaccinated can put you at risk for catching the flu. As many of you know, when you get the flu, you’re out of commission for up to a week or two. And while it’s tempting to use the “I’m sick” excuse during flu season [many doctors have recommended staying home if you feel ill at all] for days you don’t want to go to school, you’re missing out on valuable information that is preparing you for your finals and midterms.
Especially with the threat of the regular flu and swine flu, remember that there are hand santizer stations located everywhere on all campuses! They’re hanging from the walls, and offer a quick solution to sanitize your hands when you don’t have time to find a bathroom.
And finally, if you are sick and can’t go into school, be sure to get plenty of rest and fluids! Those are the two best things for helping you healthy Riverhawks to get back on your feet.