Guess whos back?!

Hey guys, Jess Yu here. Its been SUCH a long time I have written in this due to my studies. Since the second week of school, I have had at least one test every week along with 2 lab reports due every week and the occasional homework from other classes. It can get pretty overwhelming sometimes especially when I have 3 tests in one week but I deal with it by taking deep breaths and making sure the stress doesn’t get to me plus i had rugby on top of that. I’m sure many of you guys have been dealing with the same problem as me. Hopefully the classes have been getting easier for you! Just always make sure you make your studies your number 1 priority and then everything else should fall behind it.

But anyways, updates on my life? My rugby season unfortunately just ended. Our team made playoffs, a huge impact on our past seasons and it was a very big deal with us. We lost 24-12 against Wentworth in a very hard fought game. Although we lost, we were very proud of each and everyone on our team becasue nobody gave up. I was also happy to have scored a try! (A try in rugby is a touchdown in football worth 5 points and a conversion is a field goal kick in football worth 2 points.) Our rugby season is over but not for long. the next season training starts shortly after spring semester starts practicing in the morning indoors until the snow melts, and then back to outdoor practices. We accept new people each and every day so please if you are interested do not hesitate to email me at And don’t let the aggresive sport intimidate you. I weigh 115 pounds and I am the smallest girl on the team, and yet I can tackle the biggest girls with no problem.

Since rugby is over though, the gym is going to be a very good resource for me. I hope everyone is staying healthy and exercising daily. It is very nice to run outside, but winter is coming up and those treadmills are calling my name! I know I can get very lazy sometimes, and skip the gym, but I’ll definitly be more determined this year especially with the swine flu and bad flu season. My main focus is to stay fit and healthy and stay healthy so I don’t get sick!

I hope our advising tables helped out students who had any questions and everyone saw their advisors! Signing up for classes is just around the corner so make sure you make a schedule that fits you the best. To look up classes follow these steps:
1) go to
2) on the alphabetical directory on the bottom of the page, go to r
3) go to registar
4) click on registar
5) look up spring 2010 classes
6) from there look up all the classes you have to take that correspond with your major

It’s easy as 1,2,3!

If you also have no idea when to sign up for classes and want to know…follow these steps:

1) log onto your isis account at
2) click on academics on the right hand side
3) click on enrollment appointment on the left hand side
4) it should tell you on the top when and what time you can sign up for classes (it depends on the amount of credits you have)

if you don’t know how to sign up for classes follow these steps:
1) log onto your isis account at
2) click on academics
3) click on add/drop/swap classes
4) click spring 2010 semester
5) click add classes
6) type in the class number for that class
7) press submit

whats the class number you ask? the class number is the 4 or 5 digit number that comes with the section number.

For example…if i wanted to take anatomy and physiology 2. The sections number for that class is 35.102.102. Right next to it in the next column, it has the class number which is 19229. I would type 19229 into the space where it says to write the class number when you sign up for classes.

Any questions, like i said before, feel free to email me or any of the ambassadors

hope this helps!!

Jess Yu xoxo